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lav.loo - 2010-06-29 08:25

well guys it,s time for me to call it a day here, i have been thinking a lot lately about getting rid of my collection and their finally listed in the sale section.
i am doing this out of loss of interest and nothing more, apart from Andy v nagging me 24/7 Laugh Out Loud only jokin mate, i have met some decent guys whilst i have been here and i have had a blast too Nod Yes i have just lost all interest and the fact that this site has hit rock bottom has,nt helped my decision.
i will be hanging round for the 7 day listing of my boxes and if they don,t go to a member here i will list on ebay.
i probably won,t post anything else for the remainder of my 7 day duration here so thanks to all you guys who have helped me out since my arrival, thanks to DRIPTIP, HIFITOM, BOOMER, and ANDY V, for the trades and stuff alike.
also thanks to all who have spent time chatting to me and for making me laugh Laugh Out Loud cheers guys and good luck to you all Wink Leaving

driptip - 2010-06-29 09:09

ok lav, what can i say for you to stay? you own this place, is your home, you rule here!

lav.loo - 2010-06-29 11:04

hey good to hear from you DT Nod Yes thanks for the comments Nod Yes there is a few reasons that i don,t really want to talk about for my departure like i explained in a pm to you, if i can somehow sort the main reason out i may hang around if not to post atleast to browse Wink

adespin - 2010-06-29 12:15

It's a sad day Lav, i've enjoyed our chats, if sometimes a little edgy, but it's been good fun. Frown

At least you were one of the few who bothered to answer my posts. Nod Yes

I wish you well with the rest of your life you bald coot Laugh Out Loud

master.z - 2010-06-29 13:08

I have to agree Lav,
From what I've seen you single handedly kept this place moving with your threads and responses.


- 2010-06-29 13:40

A pretty sad day lav as with out you stg will seem pretty dead as your about the only guy who posts around here...

Im just glad I had the pleasure of meeting you guys and I have that beuty m80 to remind me of my first official meet...

If you are going lav let me take this moment to wish you all the best and god speed but if you are like me you'll find I have gone through the notion of nearly quitting many times Laugh Out Loud hope you change your mind and decide to stick around lad....

lav.loo - 2010-06-29 13:46

hey guys im welling up Laugh Out Loud nah seriously thanks for the kind words, it,s making me want to stick around Nod Yes Wink

- 2010-06-29 13:49

Originally posted by lav loo:
hey guys im welling up Laugh Out Loud nah seriously thanks for the kind words, it,s making me want to stick around Nod Yes Wink

Wish ya would ya BALD git Laugh Out Loudafter all you have nothing to loose Smile

lav.loo - 2010-06-29 13:51

hey less of the bald git you welsh geordie Laugh Out Loud

davebush - 2010-06-29 13:55

lav.....it was a pleasure meeting you but i think on those dark boring winter nights , you`ll be back........its too addictive.....and remember mate, never close a door, just leave it ajar

- 2010-06-29 14:02

At least you diddn't accuze me of having my wicked way with sheep Laugh Out Loud

lav.loo - 2010-06-29 14:03

ye i was thinking that dave Nod Yes i was,nt around here last winter so i have,nt had the winter month nights here, the door is defo ajar Wink

lav.loo - 2010-06-29 14:04

Originally posted by Boomer:
At least you diddn't accuze me of having my wicked way with sheep Laugh Out Loud

Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud nice 1 reno Wink

panasonic.fan - 2010-06-29 20:01

I don't get this whole phenomenon of quitting. What I mean is, some folks go through phases of posting more, then less, then more again (or not). I sincerely hope that there aren't financial issues involved for you, but even if you had to get rid of everything save your most favorite box, aren't you still a fan of boomboxes?

I hope you don't go, but if you do, I understand. Just think about why you feel the need to leave permanently before doing it. I think that at the end of the day, you're either into it or not, regardless of how much or how little you post. Even if the passion isn't as strong as it once was, most folks I know still have the bug for the hobby that I keep in touch with here.

Here's to hoping you still feel enough of a connection to boomboxes to continue visiting from time to time, even if your priorities or situation has to change.

Nod Yes

lav.loo - 2010-06-30 01:29

well after some careful consideration, i have decided that i am going to stay on here Nod Yes i do love boxes and i do love this place, i just wish it would pick up a little.
maybe i was a bit hasty jumping in saying im quitting, just of late i don,t seem to know what i want.
anyhow after all the kind positive responses iv,e had of members through pm,s and here on the forums, i would be silly to leave here because i have just realised what st2g means to me now Nod Yes so sorry for the change of heart guys Wink

andyboombox - 2010-06-30 02:12

bye bye mate.....welcome home mate lol Laugh Out Loud

lav.loo - 2010-06-30 02:30

i was,nt gone long was i Laugh Out Loud

afects - 2010-06-30 06:32

good to see that your staying mate, as others have said it wouldn't be the same here without you. I dont post here much but i enjoy checking in every other day & readding your threads & post's.

lav.loo - 2010-06-30 06:49

hey thanks for the post AFECTS Nod Yes i will still be posting as much as i can so stay tuned Wink

adespin - 2010-06-30 07:49

Originally posted by lav loo:
well after some careful consideration, i have decided that i am going to stay on here Nod Yes i do love boxes and i do love this place, i just wish it would pick up a little.
maybe i was a bit hasty jumping in saying im quitting, just of late i don,t seem to know what i want.
anyhow after all the kind positive responses iv,e had of members through pm,s and here on the forums, i would be silly to leave here because i have just realised what st2g means to me now Nod Yes so sorry for the change of heart guys Wink

Oh Crap!! he's staying.

No seriously, good to hear it.
Have you noticed, when you said you were quiting, everybody came out of the woodwork to say goodbye, so they are out there watching but just not posting unless there is an interesting topic, so chin up lad, as Tony Blair said in 1997, "things can only get better", and he wasn't wrong was he Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

lav.loo - 2010-06-30 09:05

well i gotta say ADE, im pretty shocked at the great response iv,e had, i agree with you the people are out there even if not posting much.
and on another note, as DAVEBUSH mentioned the winter nights is when i will need this place most so i am looking forward to it because it will be my first winter on here, and i believe it will pick up then Wink
and as you stated about tony blair witch project, when he said things can only get better he obviously did,nt mean for us lot did he Frown Wink

kid.sensation - 2010-06-30 09:14

welcome back lav Laugh Out Loud

agreed with all other responses - and glad you found your way back Big Grin

mrp32dave - 2010-06-30 09:16

Glad you're staying, I haven't posted for a while, got quite a few new boxes so should do some, and reply to others and keep this great site going.

master.z - 2010-06-30 09:16

LOL! I agree with PF. Why go through the trouble of announcing quitting? I guess you chaps dig the drama!
Personally If I were to leave I just would just stop posting and be done with it. No explanations needed.
Laugh Out Loud

lav.loo - 2010-06-30 11:17

i just thought i would get this site moving again with this topic Nod Yes and i think it worked Laugh Out Loud Wink

adespin - 2010-06-30 14:53

See, told you so.

lav.loo - 2010-06-30 15:00

Cool hey by the way ADE, did you take the trip to BOOMERS house on sunday?? Big Grin

monolithic - 2010-06-30 15:22

Not to sh!t on anybody else's contributions to stereo2go, but without Lav Loo, this place is as good as dead. That said, other cats need to step their game up. Wink

lav.loo - 2010-06-30 15:51

Laugh Out Loud hey MONO i love your words Nod Yes clean cut, straight to the point, no messin No No Cool Wink
you should post more often here, i like the way you cut to the chase Big Grin

monolithic - 2010-06-30 16:04

Sorry, but other than you, Andy V, and a few stereo2go veterans, there aren't any cool people here. Laugh Out Loud

adespin - 2010-06-30 16:31

Originally posted by lav loo:
Cool hey by the way ADE, did you take the trip to BOOMERS house on sunday?? Big Grin

Yes Lav, nice trip, only 50 miles, and what a great guy, couldn't do enough to help me, although i don't think i made the same impression on Reno.

I took a terminally ill Panasonic RX-DT707 with a sick cd unit that i was conned on ebay with. I also took a JVC M80 to swap with Reno's 707 with a partially working cd unit.

We tried to get one working fully from the two, but no luck, we stripped the two down on his bed, (and don't go reading anything into that) No No When i got home i did manage to get a fully working unit out of the two, but that required changing pcb's over and soldering.

It seems the man is dedicated to boomboxes, it must be a real pain living so far from everyone else, i will visit him again, he is one of the best.

l.lopez - 2010-06-30 17:05

Big Grin Is great to have u here man, And glad u are keeping and staying here.

lav.loo - 2010-07-01 05:24

first of all thanks for the kind words guys Nod Yes
and ADE, i wasn,t reading anything into the bed thing honest Laugh Out Loud no seriously im glad you enjoyed your trip to RENO,S as i did Nod Yes if i ever get the chance again i will make a return trip, he is a top guy without a doubt Nod Yes Wink