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Biggest Regret Ever

paulchris2 - 2010-10-01 15:23

Hey kids,
I bought a brand new M70 in May '81 in Toronto. I still have the receipt for $480.00 Canadian. I was 13 and my oldest brother was 18. When I brought it home he asked how much it was. I told him, and he yelled "You paid half a G for this thing!?" I assured him that the salesguy told me it was the best blaster on the market and nothing in the future would match. How's that for true salesmanship?!! Anyway I kept it for about 3 years and sold it to my cousin's neighbour for next to nothing. I started playing guitar and needed cash. This guy needled me down because there was a broken antennae and I painted my name and address on the inside of the battery cover. Ten years later I was thinking how stupid I was to sell it. Then in 1997 I lived in a part of Toronto that has a lot of pawn shops on Church St. I used to bike to work every day, and, on one particular day I had an urge to go in one store. What's at the back on a shelf? The M70 with a broken antennae and my name scrawled on the inside. Price - $125. I bought it. I swear on my kid's lives, true story. I'm looking at it right now. The only other regret I have is selling my M90 because the right speaker would cut out and I couldn't figure out why. It was in MINT condition. Damn.

l.lopez - 2010-10-01 21:00

Big GrinWelcome to Stero2Go, And man I loved that true story, It just comes to know it was meant to be your, Now don't sell it cause it is one of the all great. Now that is what I call a happy ending. Nod Yes

hifitom - 2010-10-02 00:40


autoreverser - 2010-10-02 00:44

The only other regret I have is selling my M90 because the right speaker would cut out and I couldn't figure out why. It was in MINT condition. Damn.

...you should go to toronto, check if the shop fro '97 is still there Smile

lav.loo - 2010-10-02 02:39

some things are just meant to be Nod Yes great stuff Wink

retro.addict - 2010-10-03 15:08

That's just amazing that you found the exact same box in '97 which you'd not seen since '84! Such a long time.

lasonic.trc920 - 2010-10-18 21:14

That is so cool. My first TRC 920 is under 10 trillion tons of Los Angeles garbage. Bummer!