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How about your worst box memory ~

drew - 2011-01-26 08:29

I'll start by saying it could have been much worse. Back in 1982 I was visting a friend at UCONN college...he lived in a 10th story dorm and had his decent Panasonic bbx on a table next to the window with it's antenna taped to the window sill. The window was open when two guys were horsing around, knocking the box off the table.....yes, it swung out the window, knocked the screen out and fell 10 stories, missing a parked car by 5 feet. We shut the window` and kept silent for fear of getting in trouble. Needless to say the Panasonic was smashed to pieces.

bendycat - 2011-01-29 05:52

I wouild say at any point where the box get dropped on a corner - scratched on th face - or braking an ariel when putting them down is a downer for me

but yours sound bad Eek

radio.raheem - 2011-02-09 21:20

2m90's dying in one day...thats about my worst experience...but 1 was fully rebuilt about 2 years later by myself and ghettoman...and thats the m90 that I GAVE to its proud new owner skippy1969...who has restored her even further...Nice one skippy

skippy1969 - 2011-02-09 23:02

Thanks Radio Raheem!!!!! 
My worst boombox experience was when a small shelf in my workshop fell down and my Sony CFD770 that I bought brand new in 1991 crashed to the floor and totaled it out right there.

radio.raheem - 2011-02-10 03:06

Your more than welcome skippy....I have seen you supplying both forums for many years....It was your turn to reap the rewards of your genorosity... I just hope nobody else expexts free boxes from me let alone an m90... Peace my friend...

wildbillo68 - 2011-02-10 09:13

Hummmm..Guess mine is buying a sharp 777 from a seller in Canada and when it arrived it was a solid 9 of 10 looking boom...I meen beautiful..But- When I tried the radio the string instantly popped..Didn't get an inch and it broke....like it was rigged together to be sold, and when I touched it ...blam! After some back and forth with seller he finally agreed to take it back...Lost the money on shipping it back for a refund though..(80.00), but learned not to trust just any seller on E-Pay anymore...Be wary...

ao - 2011-02-10 10:04

It brings tears to my eyes to recollect this one but a real bad day for me was when I went to look in my attic storage last year to discover that some hideous toxic corrosion had occurred on the top metal plate of my beloved JVC-RC550 which was A1 minty.  Now it's OK but the scrubbing has removed some of the decals, ahhhhh, I can't discuss it any more, sorry

radio.raheem - 2011-02-11 01:16

This is my biggest worry about my gf1000 agent....i would be heart broken..

ao - 2011-02-11 01:17

The golden rule for storage Tim, has to be bag em' up.

radio.raheem - 2011-02-11 02:01

Funny you should mention that chris....she has been boxed up for about 5 months....as she had been sold,,,,but I just cant part with her EVER

litfan - 2011-02-11 03:59

My first gf9696, arriving smashed, from germany. Never forget that. Alway`s reminds me of "ace ventura". Jim carey, kicking that parcel up and down. That rattling sound.

radio.raheem - 2011-02-11 06:31

Originally Posted by Litfan:
My first gf9696, arriving smashed, from germany. Never forget that. Alway`s reminds me of "ace ventura". Jim carey, kicking that parcel up and down. That rattling sound.

That's going back a good while now...but i remember the repair you did on her..exellent job...but if i remember correctly lad one of the channels went down..

litfan - 2011-02-11 07:05

It worked, then the pinch roller thingy went to mush.

radio.raheem - 2011-02-11 11:43

I have a gf 555 same fault I belive rich, can't be bothered with it...

driptip - 2011-02-11 12:22

for me it will be the day i woke up to find out that my new boombox was gone, vanished and no body new where it went. bunch of bull, some one took it and no one was going to speak out, oh well win some lose some.   EMERSON 965

wildbillo68 - 2011-02-11 21:02

Now there's 2 cool dudes..hahahahwhy do they look familiar?...Looks like a guy I know in new york city...funny how there's alway's a twin for everyone ya know...

driptip - 2011-02-12 11:15

hey WILDBILLO68  are you refering to the guy in the jacket or the one with the white t-shirt?
 do you know his name by any chance..

wildbillo68 - 2011-02-12 11:30

the one on the left looks like a guy i went to school with in CT. Mike gaggon I believe...The other looks like a guy I knew too..umm...Mike adams maybe?...I wonder...it's been a while...

wildbillo68 - 2011-02-12 11:32

the guy I know in ny city was named willy g...i doubt it now that I think of it...he's alittle darker...hummm...they are hauntingly familiar...it's killin me...it's like I know them...

driptip - 2011-02-12 15:19

hahahah cool, yeah i bet is a different person. although one thing i know is the guy in the jacket was bling at one point , i havent seen him in decades i guess by now hes got his sight back, hope so.
what a memories.
love you Beto  sab