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Got a nice note from GH today...

enskanker - 2010-10-16 04:37

Anonymous email from douche ballon GH:


Quick questions, why are you on s2go and bbmbxry forums? It would be nice to give
us on s2go a break from your nasty offensive posts.
if you dontcancel your s2go membership you will leave me
with no choice but to suggest a ban to the site owner.
Please do the right thing.

GH (Head of s2go member approvals board)

docs - 2010-10-16 06:37

Who the hell is GH ? I'd like to speak to that tools mother.

fatdog - 2010-10-16 09:57

That loser douchebag GH is still hanging around S2G? I thought he had died of AIDS a while back.

docs - 2010-10-16 10:22

I dont even know who this titbun is, I should keep it that way too.

fresh.produce - 2010-10-16 10:52

Who is this guy sound like he did something dirty Mad

davebush - 2010-10-16 11:20

he did....i think he ate his own sh@t

enskanker - 2010-10-16 11:33

GH is some pond scum that my dog could'nt be bothered to Sh!t on who has been sending emails to members here and BBXY through an anonymous remailer for years.

When you see this GH, lick my round cracker jacks and play with yourself some more.....While doing so take a picture of yourself and put it up on Petfinder maybe somebody will adopt you.