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Has anyone had or seen a white OG TRC-931?

stretch - 2011-02-02 16:39

I bet many of you have come across this auction which has an original box included with the 931, and what's on the side in big bright glory? A white 931!

I love it, must have it, but have never, EVER! seen a picture or heard of someone with one.

So, have any of you ever seen one, or a picture, or heard a story, or anything on this illusive beast?

mellymelsr - 2011-02-02 23:09

That is an ultra rare bird!!

superduper - 2011-02-02 23:16

A can of spray paint and voila, white lasonic.

im.out.of.hear - 2011-02-03 04:52

I think that white lasonic is only a picture,i dont think there ever was a white model lasonic Mk1,if there was i think a collector would have got one or seen one by now,like norm says,if your handy with a can of white spray you could easily make one white without any major hastle..

stretch - 2011-02-03 07:59

True a can of white could do it, but then we'd have troubles with the screen-printed labels etc... I'm just saying, if there is a photograph of a white on on the box, then at least one exists, but I hope more Smile

im.out.of.hear - 2011-02-03 08:22

i think the screens are removable,i think they are only stuck on with double sided tape type stuff,if you go on the lasonic website,you can buy the front panels,well i've seen them for the TRC975,$20 each..as for that white lasonic on the box,they could have used a graphic software to do it,not sure though,you could be right,maybe there is at least one out there,there could be 2 if you sprayed your own Cool

driptip - 2011-02-03 09:10

naaahh, never seen one of the originals in white but there is plenty of the newer version all the time up on ebay.
tho it makes you think, why would lasonic put a pic of a white one on the box if the unit inside is black, maybe there are white ones out there but we have never come accross one yet!

stretch - 2011-02-03 11:32

Originally posted by driptip:
naaahh, never seen one of the originals in white but there is plenty of the newer version all the time up on ebay.
tho it makes you think, why would lasonic put a pic of a white one on the box if the unit inside is black, maybe there are white ones out there but we have never come accross one yet!

My thoughts exactly. Why have a white one on the box if it doesn't exist? I'm dying to see one of the originals in white, that's not a spray painted one :P. Although nice, it would ruin the feeling to have to spray paint my own.

**Edit** I just emailed Lasonic in hopes of getting answers. I'll post up if they reply.

retro.addict - 2011-02-03 11:42

Originally posted by Stretch:
it would ruin the feeling to have to spray paint my own.
I would seriously advise NOT to paint your own 931! It would be OK to paint one if you had more than one 931, and you decided to paint the worst of the two. There's always the risk of making a mess that you have to consider. Then you've wrecked your only 931.

stretch - 2011-02-03 11:49

Very true advice. I actually sold mine a few years ago, and regret it badly. I want another, but seeing this white one has got me all excited Wink. If it doesn't work out, I'll have to try and find a decent 'normal' black one Razz .

ao - 2011-02-03 12:40

Wow, I wonder how it sounds?

stereo2go - 2011-02-03 13:10

Do you guys think it's white? Looks like it could be gray? Maybe the seller can take a high-res photo of the front of the box.

driptip - 2011-02-03 15:57

i am thinking that this boombox doesnt belong to the cardboard box.

deech - 2015-10-30 12:46

I know this is an old topic but i thought to give an answer

for the White OG Lasonic TRC-931.

I found one some days ago and i can say 

with confidence that no such thing exists.

The Picture in the carton box shows a Silver coloured

Lasonic TRC-931 but inside it was a black one.

Maybe Lasonic did this for contrast/aesthetic reasons?

This  i cant answer. Someone must ask here


but even there i am not quite sure you will get the right answer.

The Link from the 2011 ebay auction doesnt

work anymore and i thought that you guys might be talking about the 

carton box that is pictured below.




Lasonic also did another version of a carton box 

for the almighty TRC-931.

here it is:




So the only White Lasonics are the new generation ones !!