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Panasonic Turntable box

beatbox - 2008-05-20 05:13

Does anybody recommend this, and is it really that bad?

skippy1969 - 2008-05-20 05:38

It stinks,peeuuu!!!!! It sounds pretty crappy (IMHO) Roll Eyes Leaving

ned.209 - 2008-05-20 06:02

agreed, total crap. uninspiring garbage.

beatbox - 2008-05-20 06:38

Pretty resounding response there!

No chance of changing out the innards and boosting it all up a bit? Soundwise I mean, obviously can't go too loud with the turntable being right there!

- 2008-05-20 14:28

Most of theese record player boxes sound garbage including this one and the vz200 2500 sound rubish aswell, the only good 2 i can recommend is the dc33l and dc7 the dc33l dosent sound that good but once you put replacment speakers in it rocks and you can also seperate the speakers so you dont get feedback after replacing the speakers, the only draw back with the dc33l is trying to find one with the battry pack wich i would say is impossible, the dc7 howeaver will run on batts fine thats if you can cope with the weight of it.

sinister - 2008-05-20 14:57


jaredscottfla - 2008-05-20 15:02

wow the cosensus on here is really negative.
i've wanted a portable box for vinyl,i have an old lloyds which actually is pretty good,although the tuner is only am,surprised the opnions are so neg,twds the sg-500,and the like,they seem to come up on ebay,but i just seem to miss them ! Still for say under $50 don't ya'll think it's decent for the novelty for nothing else? Frown

masterblaster84 - 2008-05-20 15:03

I bought one for cheap and agree it's only fair (it works and produces sound), it wasn't built very well. Frown

jameswp67 - 2008-05-20 19:53

There is another Panasonic turntable boomer that is the SG-800 I think? I have one and quite like it!

oldskool69 - 2008-05-20 19:54

Originally posted by jameswp67:
There is another Panasonic turntable boomer that is the SG-800 I think? I have one and quite like it!

What's it look like?

ao - 2008-05-20 23:09

Try playing your turntable on top of your speakers, it's not nice.

Turntable boxes are 100% gimmick, the Sharp's have stood the test of time style-wise but all manufacturers wanted to do was tick the box, there were no efforts to make these things sound good or even look good. Same as TV boxes, just landfill.

norbert26 - 2008-05-22 08:57

this is the sgj-800. my only complaint here i NO AUX input. tjhe speakers seperated and SQ wasn't too bad.

[img src=http://norbert26.com/storage/pp_sgj800.jpg]http://norbert26.com/storage/pp_sgj800.jpg[/img]

or click here if my image coding fails.

norbert26 - 2008-05-22 09:06

see if i can fix that right

bashngu - 2008-05-22 09:08

Originally posted by agentorange:
Try playing your turntable on top of your speakers, it's not nice.

Turntable boxes are 100% gimmick, the Sharp's have stood the test of time style-wise but all manufacturers wanted to do was tick the box, there were no efforts to make these things sound good or even look good. Same as TV boxes, just landfill.

The panasonic TT box doesnt sound very good etc. but look at it this way. It's a boombox that plays records. Pretty nifty IMO.

We are collectors. No 80's box should be considered landfill! They all have a place in time. Tap Toes Wink

baby.boomer - 2008-05-22 09:36

Originally posted by bashngu:
We are collectors. No 80's box should be considered landfill! They all have a place in time.

I agree... though I think we're in the minority. As a boombox collector, sure, I collect for sound. But (believe it or not!) sound isn't everything. There's style, size, shape, uniqueness, rarity, place-in-history, color, country of manufacture, gimmicks, you-name-it. My Panasonic RX-5104, for example, is just a common 5100 with average looks and sound, and a single tone control, but it was made in Mexico (the only boombox I own made there) with labeling in Spanish! I love it!

Best rule for collecting anything: collect what you like, not (just) what other folks think is worthwhile or not worthwhile. For one thing, if you like what others don't like, it's a lot cheaper and easier to find on eBay!

success - 2008-05-25 18:27

But the good news is that is Panasonic ..
Ok, I think that a BBX with has a record player, can't kick a lot, because the tornearm would "jump". No chance of good bass if the speakers and the record player shares the same case. The DC-7 is a three piece system. That makes sense.

meljak - 2008-05-26 01:57

In responce to Rimmer, the vz's do sound poor, but only on the built in speakers, the actual quality of the cartridges were not bad, you got a better sound taping the record, then playing the tape, it seemed the amp section was tuned to 'hold back' when playing record. Sound on headphones was good though. That Panasonic in question is very poor though!