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ned.209 - 2008-05-08 18:56

didnt really know where to put this, just did a nights work on this and im shaking im so worn out. i am proud though. we all know what the front of a jc2000 looks like, check out the back of mine -

Smile got some really nice drivers for this a while back, ciare ch250's, fullrange drivers. so im making proper enclosures for them in the jc, lord knows its big enough

thafuzz - 2008-05-08 19:20

Whoa Mama! I'd like too see how that's gonna turn out.

ned.209 - 2008-05-11 12:21

better pics. its a work in progress, spending a lot of time on the floor face down, so its not cleaned up yet. it will be gleaming one day Smile

oldskool69 - 2008-05-11 12:24

A single piece unit with three piece qualities! Can't wait to hear how it sounds! Smile

jlf - 2008-05-11 17:28


Totally sweet!

panasonic.fan - 2008-05-12 05:57

Looks like you've solved the "blackboxes have no weight to them" issue Laugh Out Loud

erniejade - 2008-05-12 14:48

Nice work!!!! I'm with PF on this one LOL.

ned.209 - 2008-05-13 12:55

guys, im so messed up.. i didnt sleep last night, just about to finsh 4th year in college and i think ive got hypertension or something... im fked. so Pan, im not sure if that was referring to the weight or not... but im gonna go with that. its actally pretty light. the brown you see is a material called gatorfoam, it real strong but real light foamcore type stuff. so i guess it weights... 10 - 11 kg at most. its perfectly carryable! the only hindrance is its fing massive.

i made it even bigger, well, occupy more space.. - i moved tha arials out towards the edges, when theyre extended to where they look cool, its 55 inches wide. its currently taking up most of my kitchen.

daiwa - 2008-05-13 20:40

Well, despite your lack of sleep Ned, you have again amazed the masses. 55 inches wide Eek I guess you won't be needing that kitchen table for awhile... Can't wait to see the outcome on this monster blaster.

Hang in Ned, you're almost there. I see this burnout in my design students usually about week six or seven of me pushing them ever harder to produce killer work. It's not easy, but it will all pay off in the end. Think of how proud you'll be when you get that diploma!

Thankfully, I just finished up an accelerated masters class that met on Tues. nights for 4 hours the last six weeks! It was brutal. But I made it. Now I can concentrate on one masters class on Sat. mornings and instructing my Photoshop and Typography students.

ned.209 - 2008-05-15 05:40

heres a pic of the aerials

now it truly is, in the way

guys, the top row of buttons on the jc, they're blank in this pic, as you can see. i dont want to use the oval ones that are on the jc, i think they look kinda tacky, so bit of a strange request but anyway - they measure 13 mm across, but anything from 11 to 13 mm will do, even 10 mm

has anyone got 9 circular knobs - off anything, stereo, hi-fi, tv, record deck.. that'd fit these? ill gladly pay if anyone can help me out

oldskool69 - 2008-05-15 07:13

Originally posted by Panasonic Fan:
Looks like you've solved the "blackboxes have no weight to them" issue Laugh Out Loud

Nothing like a pressboard diet to "bulk up". Laugh Out Loud