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ThE SteAmPunk BoOmBoX

tpr - 2008-05-02 12:28

asdexander - 2008-05-02 12:44

Haha, that looks awesome! Now.. build it! And we all expect those chain-thingys on the bottom to work also!

caaphallgren - 2008-05-03 05:32

what is it?

71spud - 2008-05-03 19:32

That would be a perfect match for my Lirpa Labs Lirpa Turbo Steamtable!!!!

arkay - 2008-05-06 04:59

Call me weird, but that is THE BEST LOOKING BOOMBOX I have EVER seen, bar none. No kidding.. for me, it conjures up all my Captain Nemo/Frankenstein laboratory vintage sci-fi fantasies from childhood, plus a love of trains and a hint of biker heavy metal thrown in. Over-decorated? Heck yes, but cooler than XXXXXX, nonetheless. Just looking at that almost inspires me to go out and make one, for real ... if I didn't already have too many projects in the pipeline!

tpr - 2008-05-06 06:12

Arkay-I just played around with photo programs a bit,but I thought exactly at NEMO ,when I did it!
I`ve always been a Jules Vernes fan and so I guess I saw nearly all related movies based on his literature...
If you ever happen to come over to see my library you will know what I mean... Wink

- 2008-05-09 22:04

wow hmm with the right generic part's somebody could go to one ot those really ritsy upscale furniture places and find something looking like that .... and stuff it with workable stereo stuff ....

and make it look like that recent boombox found on the bay that had wood placed all over it