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r.o.y.a.l - 2008-04-27 11:49

ok, i also belong to a u.k vintage bmx site , on this site , every now and then , a member will list a bmx as a raffle . .

we could do this with boomboxes !

lets say the seller wants $200 for a box . .

he offers 40 tickets at $5 a go in a thread on the site . . the members choose out of numbers 1-50 in the thread , paid with paypal. (1st come 1st served basis)

the winner is picked in true lottery style (lucky dip) by one of the moderators . .

obviously , this is a lot to do with trust , and may not be suitable here , but what a great idea . . it works great.

seller gets his money , and the winner gets a radio for $5 , unless he buys more than one ticket !

i would think this would be best done stuck to countries to avoid postage differences etc.

if a mod could put up a set of rules, could be great fun, more fun than ebay ! ! !

could even be done so a percentage goes direct to s2go . . . .

chew it over for a bit

- 2008-04-27 11:55

I had the same idea a few months ago as i was thinking of chucking a m90 up for grabs, i diddnt mention it because i thought it wouldnt be allowed.

Never the less great idea ben i hope the mods suport it.

redbenjoe - 2008-04-27 11:57

i also think its a good idea --
and would gladly throw in a nice box for starters

vladi123456 - 2008-04-27 12:09

Sounds like fun!

masterblaster84 - 2008-04-27 12:10

I think it's an interesting idea worth a try. I can probably come up with a good box to put up for lottery as well.

redbenjoe - 2008-04-27 12:22

doubt that -- Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

smokinendo - 2008-04-27 12:40

Royal are you on Rad ?

We have done this multiple times on our US based BMX site with great success as well Smile

Raffles are always fun

One year Brian Blyther (Old Haro BMX Legend) broke his neck and needed a little help with medical expenses so a collector from the States built a Woody Itson Gold Trick Star replica and raffled it off. The raffle raised some good money but the real kicker was Max-a-million who host the Gum Ball 3000 (I think that's what it's called, cannonball run of sorts) bought the bike from the raffle winner for $10,000, 5K was given back to Blyther to help with the bills and the other 5K went to my good friend Kerry who won. Kerry could of kept the bike had he chosen to but 5K is nothing to turn you nose up to either. All in All I just wanted to share another cool story about how these raffles can help more then one person out and they are Fun.

I say it's a good Idea... now who has a C100F they're sick of looking at ? Laugh Out Loud

r.o.y.a.l - 2008-04-27 12:53

hey endo , occasionally on rad , also a couple of u.k raleigh burner sites . .

love the 80's -boomboxes , bmx ,nikes ,breakin etc etc etc

thats why i thought of bringing a raffle here , such a good way of generating the needed cash, and getting someone a bargaun in the process

thanks for the story and input Smile

masterblaster84 - 2008-04-27 12:55

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
doubt that -- Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

So what do you call a non working busted up POS Blaunkton or I could offer up a trashed TRK-8600. What a way to get rid of my junk! Big Grin

Just kidding, I wouldn't dump this garbage on you guys. Well maybe Ira!
Laugh Out Loud

geoffhartwell - 2008-04-27 13:02

sounds like a great idea, aint got any bbox's to offer but would buy tickets

smokinendo - 2008-04-27 13:16

love the 80's -boomboxes , bmx ,nikes ,breakin etc etc etc

Ha Ha all the same stuff I love LOL

I'm a member on Vintage, Rad, and OS-BMX

Raleigh burners huh You must love BMX Bandits LOL

I'm a Rad Fan

Back to the subject at hand... if US shipping was an option I'd be down for a few chances

jameswp67 - 2008-04-27 13:18

I would do either put a box up, or buy tickets, I don't think it should be restricted to countries though, but the ticket buyers need to know they are responsible for shipping regardless, or they can trade it to someone else perhaps?

r.o.y.a.l - 2008-04-27 13:19

rad is the best bmx movie ever ! thought bmx bandits was pretty weak . . love the movie thrashin too . . been a skateboarder since 86 too.

love the look of raleigh burners , but they only made one good bmx , the comp aero pro Smile

r.o.y.a.l - 2008-04-27 13:20

thanks for the input guys ! we should all keep chucking in ideas till we get something formulated. .

redbenjoe - 2008-04-27 13:41

add the james67 chuck-in -
to the good idea list

fatboyrafe - 2008-04-27 15:13

i like it. i can't afford (or find for that matter) an M90, but i can afford a ticket to dream about owning one.. Smile

- 2008-04-27 15:46

How about a RoundTrip Airline Ticket for 1 week time to Hong Kong to visit ARkay and Henry Tai and Peppinhk and their Boombox Haven's ?

- 2008-04-27 15:51

I was thinking of running a 2 weeks thread. All who add posted name has a chance of getting a free mixed 6 pack or Rikers island home brew Nod Yes
I may post something shortly

thafuzz - 2008-04-28 08:44

It sounds like an interesting and fresh idea once the mods finish "chewing it over" Big Grin I agree with James in not restricting it to countries with the understanding that the seller knows to cover the postage. I also agree with DM4U with a roundtrip ticket to visit Peppin or Henry, and I'd like to try Bill's beer too. Nod Yes

- 2008-04-28 08:52

The only problem i see with this, is there are hardly any active posters on here to make up for the value of the item being sold.

But still i hope it can all be worked out, it should be fun.

smokinendo - 2008-04-28 09:50

^ A simple solution to this problem would be that the raffle would run till a set # of tickets are sold instead of a Raffle cut off date ? Just a thought

Example - C100F = fair market $1000 USD (guestamated value please don't attack me Smile )

400 tickets at $5 a piece
500 tickets at $5 a piece and $1 will go to S2G as site support.

The donating member would get what he/she wants for the box,the site would get some helpful support and the winner would get a killer box for a fraction of market value.

This is just an example and could be adjusted accordingly as needed but you wouldn't have to worry about coming up short. We would just all have to be patient and wait till the tickets are sold.

Maybe offer a few different package deals for the tickets ?

5 tickets for $20 ? Again if we did it this way someone would have to figure out the figures so that no gets taken advantage of.

Just my .02

panasonic.fan - 2008-04-28 10:38

Sounds like a good idea. Some initial comments/concerns:

1) The limit of in country (or continent) seems like a good idea to me, for no other reason than to minimize going through customs whenever possible. Those guys look at "fragile, handle with care" as a call to arms Smile

2) Limitations on the offerings. We would want to plan each lottery offering, and definitely not turn it into a competition of multiple drawings going on at the same time (in the same geographical locations). IE a process (person contacts mod about offering, work out details, then announce them one at a time, in the order they come in).

3) Need to get with Paul to confirm that this won't violate any terms of the hosting we currently use.

4) Need a plan for resolving disputes should they arise, that everyone agrees to as a condition to participating *before* we start. There needs to be one set of guidelines covering what is put up for a drawing, and one set for those who participate in the drawing.

5) A limitation on the asking price for these drawings. Let's leave Epay prices where they belong. Something along the lines of $200-300 USD max is what I am thinking of.

Someone PM'd me a while back about this, and I didn't get around to raising the appropriate questions to Paul. Thank you to that person for bring it up as well.

Let's keep churning the ideas around.

smokinendo - 2008-04-28 10:47

Quick question

Just out of curiosity do or did we ever have any S2G shirts of hats made ?

Just wondering because it's feels great to win even if it's not the grand prize and it will entice people to buy tickets even if they think they'll never win what they are wishing for.

A shirt or hat for second prize will allow for more then one winner while keeping prize cost low. People like to win and knowing that there is more then one chance to do so will help build morale

Maybe even S2G decals for your car ?

Or some of Fatdog's clings ?

masterblaster84 - 2008-04-28 11:11

Smokin_endo I like it, I think some S2G gear would be cool. Nod Yes

redbenjoe - 2008-04-28 11:14

I Agreewith PF and with endo

vladi123456 - 2008-04-28 11:24

I want to comment on #5 by PF - about the asking prices.
In my opinion, the lottery should be for expensive rare boxes starting from maybe $500 and up. This way most everyone would be interested, and for many people it would be a great chance to win an expensive boombox for the price of a lottery ticket. But to make the rare expensive boomboxes available for this lottery - the price should be fair to the seller - otherwise they will go to ebay instead. I think 10% off of an average ebay price would be fair to the seller - since there's no ebay fees in this case.
Anyways, just thinking outloud....

redbenjoe - 2008-04-28 13:15

for the very first time --
vladi had made a very good point Smile Laugh Out Loud
I Agree

masterblaster84 - 2008-04-28 13:17

Originally posted by vladi123456:
I want to comment on #5 by PF - about the asking prices.
In my opinion, the lottery should be for expensive rare boxes starting from maybe $500 and up. This way most everyone would be interested, and for many people it would be a great chance to win an expensive boombox for the price of a lottery ticket. But to make the rare expensive boomboxes available for this lottery - the price should be fair to the seller - otherwise they will go to ebay instead. I think 10% off of an average ebay price would be fair to the seller - since there's no ebay fees in this case.
Anyways, just thinking outloud....

Dang Vladi just when I begin to think you have no useful input you go and say something like this. Big Grin

Very good point and a way to make the whole process fair, interesting and fun. Nod Yes

redbenjoe - 2008-04-28 13:25

among the reasons that vladi is so right

--is that i have a real nice c100f for sale --
and would tend to put it on ebay instead of s2g
because these extra expensive 'grail' boxes--

may just sound like a rip-off to us members --but with the lotto --

some member would get this great box-
----(while you guys-in total- get ripped !! Smile)

agree ?


also - i never have won a box from member Lopez -
but he usually has some great ones for sale on ebay --so he may want to 'contribute'

vladi123456 - 2008-04-28 13:28

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
for the very first time --
vladi had made a very good point Smile Laugh Out Loud
I Agree

I value Ira's opinion - even when it's soo sarcastic Wink

vladi123456 - 2008-04-28 13:29

Originally posted by MasterBlaster84:
Dang Vladi just when I begin to think you have no useful input you go and say something like this. Big Grin

Don, this almost sounds like Dumb and Dumber movie Laugh Out Loud

masterblaster84 - 2008-04-28 13:45

Originally posted by vladi123456:
Originally posted by MasterBlaster84:
Dang Vladi just when I begin to think you have no useful input you go and say something like this. Big Grin

Don, this almost sounds like Dumb and Dumber movie Laugh Out Loud

Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud I didn't even realize I was practically quoting Dumb and Dumber, what does that say about me?

panasonic.fan - 2008-04-28 14:46

Originally posted by vladi123456:
I want to comment on #5 by PF - about the asking prices.
In my opinion, the lottery should be for expensive rare boxes starting from maybe $500 and up. This way most everyone would be interested, and for many people it would be a great chance to win an expensive boombox for the price of a lottery ticket. But to make the rare expensive boomboxes available for this lottery - the price should be fair to the seller - otherwise they will go to ebay instead. I think 10% off of an average ebay price would be fair to the seller - since there's no ebay fees in this case.
Anyways, just thinking outloud....

I follow you, anything is possible. Arriving at a standard for valuation may prove difficult, since Epay prices aren't exactly realistic in the eyes of many collectors who aren't in the hobby to make a profit.

The other thing we would have to keep in mind is -- for example--

Suppose we were to decide that the fair value of an M90 is $1500 (cough). We would have to find 300 purchases of that $5 ticket in order to have a drawing, unless the owner were willing to allow the drawing to occur at a lower amount. Now, we could change the tickets to say, $20 for higher priced item. We would need to decide at what value we change the cost to participate.

When we start talking about $800, $1000, $1500+ radios, this is probably not the kind of thing that we would want to do on a regular basis. Paypal could start becoming an issue with regular transfers back and forth at higher dollar values. We would probably have to institute a flat percentage fee on anything over a certain amount to cover associated costs.

I love the ideas, keep them coming. Perhaps we could do something like a higher value item every 3 months, with lower value items going once month (or more if feasible).

redbenjoe - 2008-04-28 14:56

i also agree with the idea about each ticket to have an automatic $$ donation to 'the house' (s2g)
--because --in the 'experimental' stages , before all this becomes --routine--

there will be so much extra effort by the managers.

l.lopez - 2008-04-28 14:56

I Agree with vladi123456 and Smokin_Endo very good points Cool

masterblaster84 - 2008-04-28 15:14

One website I know of has several raffles a year for a fixed dollar amount and fixed number of tickets available. The raffle runs until the tickets are sold out and so far I haven't seen a raffle run for more than a couple of months. The ticket prices ranged from $20 to $100 and each person could buy as many tickets as they wanted. Payment was sent to a PayPal account and tickets assigned in order of PayPal funds received. Once the set number of tickets was reached the raffle was closed and a winner drawn.

We may want to limit the number of tickets to something like 5 to allow many members to participate.

The whole process seemed to work pretty well and I'm assuming this is the general idea behind what's being proposed here. Smile

redbenjoe - 2008-04-28 16:06

anyhow --back to business -

i think in any form -- this is well worth a try --

and -i am ready to both buy some tickets and put up a box --
whatever it takes to support this good fun idea

panasonic.fan - 2008-04-28 17:24

Anyhoo..... back to business.

Keep those ideas coming. It would almost be like a Christmas drawing every month for many folks Smile

ohboy - 2008-04-28 17:38

Hey guys, Im loving this idea, and would love to be a part of it, but I would like to touch off on a few 'potential' negatives, that we should address before this becomes a reality. I am not trying to play 'Spoiler' here. I just know we are all human, and come from different backgrounds, areas, etc. And we all have feelings. This is a great place for me and many others, Let keep it that way! Any new thing always has a learning curve, but we, as S2G members, should be able to make this work so we can enjoy the positives, while minimizing the negatives. (all the following is just MHO)

1st point...Our Mod, Pan Fan, kinda touched on this earlier... someone who would want to raffle off a box, should consult with a mod as to the overall 'price' they would want to achieve in a particular raffle... we all have different opinions and ideas on how much a box is worth, and an outside 'opinion' would be truly valuable... for example (EXAMPLE ONLY), If seller A wants to raffle off an M70, and is looking for $500, because they think it is is 'mint', squabbling may arise as to what the 'seller A' is trying to gain from this...
They may feel like that is the price it is worth, or they may feel as if they deserve the price, whatever the reason, if we as members see it as too much, or too unreasonable, it may become an issue... perhaps an undisclosed amount in total $$ and tickets to be sold, only known to seller and Moderator, so no one can get too upset at what a member is looking to achieve...

2nd lets say SELLER X wants to raffle an M90, highly desirable, and Buyer A has a number of them, and they end up winning the raffle.... I think that we can all agree, that somewhere along the line, someone will be unhappy... How we address this, I do not know... (suggestions?)

3rd how do we ensure it is a true raffle? say, for example SELLER A box for raffle, and 50 tickets are sold for whatever amount... whats to say that BUYER X doesnt offer the seller a few dollars on the side to be picked the winner (Seller makes out because they made there price and then some, and Buyer makes out because they paid for just the ticket and a few bucks extra) (I am not saying anyone would do this, but we are all HUMAN!!) Maybe the seller could sell the raffles in number order, and submit the list to a mod, and another member picked at random or a member assigned an anonymous ID annouces the number they are thinking of at the time of the 'drawing'....

I am not trying to upset anyone with my post, on the contrary, I am trying to help us ensure that we all benefit from this. I know I am fairly new here, but I have made a few friends here, and love to come here to ENJOY this place, much like we all do, so by pointing theese things out, I hope we can continue making this a GREAT PLACE! this is just my 2 cents, but I know we can avoid any problems if we address these things as only WE can.
Thanks for listening

redbenjoe - 2008-04-28 18:08

3 good points , ohboy -

so here is my 2 cents in response:
--- backwards---

3. --if we trust our moderators -- which we DO --than we will have "true" raffles

2. no problem -- its a 'just suck-it-up' normal thing

1. we cant have all the members deciding what a box is worth --so again - its a moderator call--
in your example re the mint M70 at 500 -
---well , if the raffle manager (or moderator) agrees -- then its a 500 raffle --if not - then less --
and then of course- if the seller wont take less--
his box is out --and the next box is in.

smokinendo - 2008-04-28 18:13

^ All good examples of things that could go wrong but we can burn these bridges before anyone is able to cross them. I may be new to the site but I'm a straight up OG when it comes to honesty Big Grin This makes it easy to come up with simple solutions to foreseen problems

First possible problem can be deterred by not disclosing the amount agreed upon between the site Mods and contributing member as you've already realized. No ONE "needs" to know this # it's between the site and the member and should stay undisclosed (IMHO)

Second problem is an easy one LOL Who Cares what the winner has it's none of our business. Neither is what the winner does with his newly acquired box, if you buy a ticket and you win that's the end of it ! You WON ! Nuff said... after that it's YOURS Smile

Third and I would usually say this is going to be a difficult one is also very simple to resolve. You see the only way to ensure honesty in this situation would be to let everyone see it for them selves and thanks to Tinypic we can do that Smile This is the first and only site I hang on that has video clips posted on a rather frequent basis. This will make it very easy to ensure honesty, simply post a video clip of the drawing for all to see... how can you fake that ?

I do agree that the box should be a high dollar/desirable box but I think planning a drawing every month this early in the game is kind of like counting our eggs before they hatch. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I'd say let's iron out the details and have a successful raffle then take it from there. Maybe a quarterly drawing at first ? For starters I'd worry more about having one in the US and one in the UK ? I guess this would cover most regions ?

Sorry if it seems like I have an answer for everything I'm just trying to help see this happen with as little wrinkles as possible so it turns out to be a good thing that we can continue to do for a long time

I for one am very excited to be a part of it Smile

ohboy - 2008-04-28 18:43

Thanks Guys Big Grin Big Grin

jcyellocar - 2008-04-28 20:53

So what would happen if you won the raffle and the radio came in smashed up? Just a question .

- 2008-04-29 04:03

Just a answer :-) this should not happen based on the Quality of the People here and the knowledge of the item's that are known here and what precautions that MUST be taken to preserve them and if needed Way Over packaging of them prior to shipment and pictures posted to the buyer-winner before that that particular itme is shipped to the satisfaction of the reciever therefore it would be based upon the carrier of the item to the reciever as to whether or not that the item is recieved and or you could go and pick/up the item yourself as many have done so in this forum as you can read about in previous post's ... :-) to ensure that this does not recieved damaged and if these precautions are not taken before hand then it would be up to the reciever to be sure of how the package is coming to them or just go an get it themselves ... and to finally answer if it arrived damaged well then you unfortuneately have a damaged box and or if it is a known defect like the transforemer misplacement inside the b'box you would need to have the seller remove the transformer before shipping to ensure safe delivery ...
Originally posted by jcyellocar:
So what would happen if you won the raffle and the radio came in smashed up? Just a question .

panasonic.fan - 2008-04-29 07:24

Good points.

I think a safe way to cover all of it is, the drawing winner gets to decide (and pay) for whatever shipping requirements that they prefer the seller to use.

ned.209 - 2008-04-29 07:56

i like it, think its a good idea im in

arkay - 2008-04-29 07:57

I have a few (or maybe more than just a few) boxes I'd be happy to offer up for such a lottery, including some "grail" ones. (Just picked up another Marantz PMS-7000 tonight! Big Grin ) Always have had in mind selling many them to get them in the hands of appreciative collectors, anyway, but the hassles and risks of listing on eBay have been one reason I haven't started yet. If this kind of lottery were being overseen by S2G moderators, I'd have a lot more confidence to participate.

Of course, if it were restricted within a country, then it would be pointless for me to offer any boxes. The only active members I know of from Hong Kong are Henry Tai and Peppin, and both of them are sellers already (who source from Japan). No point in having a lottery between three sellers!

smokinendo - 2008-04-29 08:26

I Agree Why not just sell a few extra tickets as a shipping pot and whatever doesn't get used for shipping can be part of the S2G donation.

For example say $200 (I think that's enough to safely ship a big box anywhere, No ?) Then if the winner is local and the shipping is only $65 the other $135 would go to the kind folks who keep the lights on around here. And if it goes to an overseas member then it's totally covered. I for one would hate to spend $100 on tickets then win and find out I have to spend another $150 + to get some reassurance that said box will make a safe trip to my door step. It's like winning a sports car on the Price is Right and having to pay Luxury & Sales tax before you even get the car. This will sour the whole event in my opinion.

An extra $200 would be nothing once the tickets start selling and a Grail box should draw in a lot of participation even if some members aren't interested in actually owning said box they will know it's value and be interested for the sole purpose of resale (not my grand scheme but it works for some)

As for damage during shipping well that's a risk we run when shipping anything for any reason, all we can do it practice good packaging efforts and insure said item. That and hope for the best.

Another thing I was thinking about last night was that we could maybe have a value poll on raffle boxes. Donating members can send good detailed pics of boxes they want to offer up and the mods could start an on line poll to get a basic consensus as to what the box is worth. When the site as a whole come up with a # that the donating member can agree upon we move on. I don't think it's totally necessary for us to know who donated the box and it could remain anonimious

fatboyrafe - 2008-04-29 08:45

i reread through all the new suggestions and ideas, and i only have a small contribution. if someone wants to sell their m70 for 500, and the mods don't agree that it is worth that much, there is an easy solution: have them sell it on ebay instead and skip that box. i think most of the boxes that would be up for raffle anyway would be coming from those of you that are veteran members anyway, right? it seems people most likely to put up a decent box would be the ones who aren't in it for the cash.

bashngu - 2008-04-29 09:31

Contrary to some people's perceived "angelic" aura, EVERYONE is in it for the cash to some extent and there is no shame in that either. Let's be real for a moment shall we? This is a fantastic fun idea, but odds are that nobody is going to offer up a rarity at any "set fair price" In fact, according to our communtiy "guidelines" we, nor our moderators, are able to, or should be, determining the value of a boombox. They are only worth what someone is will to pay. In honor of TPR read this: (Boombox Prices)
(TPR, I hope you got a smile out of that Wink)

Anyway, I think what we will find if this idea is approved, is a chance at a nice medium sized box, not too scarce, while still fairly popular, which anyone would be glad to own for a small investment. Like a Panny 5050 or something similar. Sorry PF, but let me add that I don't think anybody wants to pay shipping if they win. So here's my idea. OK, so the box IMO is worth about $75 fully working and fairly nice. Sell tickets at $5 a piece. I don't think there is anyone who wouldnt be interested in this box for $5 no strings attached. Find out how many would be willing to purchase one or more tickets. Now after the raffle is done, the owner agrees to accept 80% of the profits with 20% going to S2GO, AFTER THE SHIPPING FEES ARE PAID. I don't think anyone would lose out in this scenario. In fact, everyone may gain!!!! Nobody will be risking "giving away" a rarity and someone will be very happy with their $5 investment. Remember that although fun, a lottery implies that someone could win something for a nominal investment thus "the cash ALWAYS matters"
Have a nice day!! Smile

p.s. please send your hate messages via pm, don't make me embarass you publicly Big Grin

vladi123456 - 2008-04-29 11:05

80% to the owner seems a bit low. Also keep in mind the 3% Paypal fees.
Panny 5050 is very nice, but it's very common too - if we raffle once every few months - we should have most expensive boxes to generate much excitement. I don't think we should do it every couple of weeks - otherwise it might turn into a routine nobody's interested in.
I do agree there's no shame about liking cash - I might even marry money one day - since I'm already in love with'em Big Grin