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Need some close up pics of 777

kittmaster - 2008-04-03 20:25

Can someone provide close up of the controls for all the front controls like function, volume etc. All mine are japanese, and i'm trying to hunt down the source, but some of the knobs don't make sense.


r.o.y.a.l - 2008-04-04 00:39

fatdog has the full serivce manual and user manual for free download, just look at the bottom of any of his posts for the link . . which is awesome , thanks f.dawg

kittmaster - 2008-04-04 04:52

i have all fatdog material in possession........that is how I fixed it as far as I did!!!.......thanks fatdog!

The images are grainy and hard to see the text on the panels....without have to read the description....its a pita.....some nice color photos would be cool.

BTW royal......that toshiba avatar box is a complete PITA to repair......easy access, but super busy inside.........treat her well, it will be big $$ to fix.....Frown


smokinendo - 2008-04-04 07:08

Don't know if these will help but I can take whatever you need and send them to you (no sunlight today but maybe I can take it outside and get a few without the flash ?) Kitt these were taken for more of an artsy type photo but maybe they'll help ?

Good Luck


kittmaster - 2008-04-04 08:04

that will do just fine........thanks!

enskanker - 2008-04-04 08:36

Knobs making sense now? Wink

redbenjoe - 2008-04-05 06:56

Originally posted by enskanker:
Knobs making sense now? Wink

dont be so sure -

once upon a time ---i received a nice gf508 from peppin --all the print was japanese -- so i took it over to Ramons to study his gf9696 --
but many of the knobs/switches were different !!!