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arkay !

r.o.y.a.l - 2008-04-03 14:32

you still not got a camera yet ,or figured how to post pics ?

dying to see your photos of dream boxes ! ! !

hope all is good

kittmaster - 2008-04-03 15:07

I'm interested to see them as well........

oldskool69 - 2008-04-03 15:26

Wake me when it happens! Laugh Out Loud

masterblaster84 - 2008-04-03 18:30

Originally posted by oldskool69:

Wake me when it happens! Laugh Out Loud

Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Great one oldskool but how do you carry your boomboxes with only four paws?

oldskool69 - 2008-04-03 18:57

Originally posted by MasterBlaster84:
Originally posted by oldskool69:

Wake me when it happens! Laugh Out Loud

Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Great one oldskool but how do you carry your boomboxes with only four paws?

I'm a trained circus bear. Big Grin

success - 2008-04-03 19:09

Originally posted by oldskool69:

Wake me when it happens! Laugh Out Loud
Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

redbenjoe - 2008-04-03 20:59

if Arkay lived near Spring Break --
he would HAVE a camera -- Smile

arkay - 2008-04-03 23:46

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
if Arkay lived near Spring Break --
he would HAVE a camera -- Smile

If I lived near Spring Break, I wouldn't be using a camera. I'd be too busy taking (or at least trying to take) advantage of the opportunities for REAL satisfaction! Big Grin

I should be pretty able to post pics without too much trouble now, but I'm running into another problem: I have so many boxes compared to the available storage space that most of them now are neatly wrapped in saran-wrap type plastic and lined up cheek-by-jowl on storage shelves, with some more stacked/wedged in front. Bugs me, because it's almost more like they are in one of those mausoleums with the ashes in urns all lined up in their cubicles. Makes it hard to get at more than one or two at a time to enjoy them, and if I have to unwrap and re-wrap each time, UGH! The wrappings are necessary to protect against oxidation in this climate, though. It's one reason why I'm seriously thinking of selling off most of the collection, probably within this year.

Anyway, I'll eventually get some pics up. Sorry about it.

Just to let you know I'm not dead, though, I'll admit that yesterday I scored two more rare Marantz. First off, I got another (PMS/)CRS-8000 --their top-of-the-line boombox. That makes two of them for me, to keep the three PMS-7000s (and one 6000 and some smaller ones) company. Big Grin

The other thing I got looks a lot like a PMS-7000 front (faceplate), but it is housed in a wooden case with gold striping along the front edges, and the speakers are also wood. [Actually, I think it's fake wood veneer.] I think the model # is CMS-300. It's probably about as rare as the 7000 or even the 8000.

The dealer I got it from said she has only ever seen one before, about 5 years ago. I already have one, but it is missing the speakers. I got from a neighborhood business owner who used to have it in his shop. I saw one other a year or more ago, which an African exporter had already bought, and so I was unable to get it, and I know where there is one more, in mediocre shape and also without speakers. I've only ever seen one Online, which was on eBay a couple years back. That makes four I've seen firsthand, plus one "story" and one online. Given the amount of gear I see, this one is probably a rarity. Looks nice, too. Basically their boombox in home-stereo clothes, including nicer speaker boxes.

Now that I have one nice, clean and complete one, I'll probably sell off the "extra" one that lacks speakers. Not sure if I'll sell the second CRS-8000, though. It's one of my favorite boxes, so it might be worth keeping a spare. Then again, it might bring decent money. Will have to live with it a while before deciding.

Pics? Yeah, one day. Just not my first priority these days. Sorry. Eventually I'll get some up. I was talking with Henry Tai the other day about how cool it would be to get them ALL out, lined up and shoot a "giant" photo of all of them. Problem is I'd have to hire several people to help, would risk damage or loss, etc... The logistics just make it too impractical.

P.S. - oldskool, cute puppy!

baby.boomer - 2008-04-04 03:42

As much as I want to see your boomboxes - just like everyone else - I understand your situation. Most of mine are now crammed side-by-side on portable metal shelves (the kind with wheels) in u-store-it rooms a couple of miles from here. It's hard enough these days for me to find my boomboxes, let alone do photos! One of the frustrating things about collecting these things is their size and how fast they take over your living space! Almost (but not quite) makes me wish I collected stamps.

Still, one day in the not-too-distant future, I hope you'll find a way/reason to take at least some of your boxes out of storage and photograph them (maybe when you sell them). Even stories as vivid as yours need/deserve a few visual aids!

success - 2008-04-04 09:02

Just take photos when you pick them and before packing and storing, a cell phone camera is enough ...
It would be great you could enjoy a little this jewels ...
But you are rigth at some point. Remeber me when bought my Sansui 6700, I'd paked it and never used. I was frigthened to damage it. When I turned on a year after, one channel didn't work. I was quite angry. Fortunally the seller was a great guy and send it to repair without charges to me.
Difficult was explain that a year had passed without use ... because the warranty ...

oldskool69 - 2008-04-04 09:11

Originally posted by Arkay:
P.S. - oldskool, cute puppy!

Actually it's a baby polar bear!Big Grin

I understand how hard it is to go through stuff and find things once packed and put away. Make sure before you pack it you photo it. Not just for us, but for your record keeping purposes. If there were, God forbid, a fire or something at least you would have photos for insurance if they have that over there for personal items.Smile

redbenjoe - 2008-04-04 10:00

hey arkay --when you do sell your boxes --are they only for sale over there ?

enskanker - 2008-04-05 07:55

I would take photos of mine but they are all over the USA now as I sold them all off. Due to global warming being especially intense in florida, its hotter here now than two months ago, I decided it best to store the boxes in bubble wrap and styrofoam peanuts, which protect from the plastic eating Palmetto Bugs (roaches). At this point I thought hell, lets just sell them to protect them from any hurricanes coming in 2008. So sorry to much hassle to get them back for pictures. I do have a few of my boxes left as seen below:

recycled joke I'm sorry

oldskool69 - 2008-04-05 07:56

I expected bags! Laugh Out Loud

masterblaster84 - 2008-04-05 08:30

Originally posted by oldskool69:
I expected bags! Laugh Out Loud

I think UE hoards the boxes and ships the bags. Laugh Out Loud

Arkay, you've teased us for so long we can't take it any more. Laugh Out Loud

arkay - 2008-04-05 09:59

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
hey arkay --when you do sell your boxes --are they only for sale over there ?

Haven't sold a single box, YET, except one to a friend. When I do, I think they'll all be going up on that big auction site, with perhaps a few being offered here first. All the horror stories of scams, non-payers, etc... on eBay scare me a little. I haven't sold (or bought) anything there for several years, and in that time it seems to have evolved into a completely different animal, not an improvement.

Some of the boxes might not be worth auctioning, because the shipping costs would be more than they are worth, but since most of my purchases were of the "grail" variety, it should be worth it to put them up on the 'Bay.

I have one or two other ideas forming for selling 'em, but they aren't evolved enough yet to mention.

redbenjoe - 2008-04-05 11:38

well - at least have lots of options for selling your hundreds of 'grail type' boxes -

just let s2g get a crack at a few Smile

- 2008-04-05 15:42

Well I paid $220.00 for shipping for a Boombox worth $275 from over there , that arrived with a little boo boo & still works fine ... I dont mind paying equal to the value of the b'box for shipping an such ... bottem line would be is that i finally have one .... whatever that one is ... at my age i really almost dont care what i pay to get one of these .... what ever it is ...


Originally posted by Arkay:
Some of the boxes might not be worth auctioning, because the shipping costs would be more than they are worth, but since most of my purchases were of the "grail" variety, it should be worth it to put them up on the 'Bay.

I have one or two other ideas forming for selling 'em, but they aren't evolved enough yet to mention.

arkay - 2008-04-06 07:32

Originally posted by DecentMan4you:
Well I paid $220.00 for shipping for a Boombox worth $275 from over there , that arrived with a little boo boo & still works fine ... I dont mind paying equal to the value of the b'box for shipping an such ... bottem line would be is that i finally have one .... whatever that one is ... at my age i really almost dont care what i pay to get one of these .... what ever it is ...


Don't care how much... whatever it is...

Hhhhhmmmmm, I have at least a pallet-load of "grail" boxes I can sell you, for the measly price of just one million bucks, even. For two million, I'll fill a whole shipping container within a few months at most. For three million, I'll throw in a genuine gold-plated boombox with a diamond inset into the volume knob, and for five million I'll upgrade that to one with your name done in cubic zirconiums. [Gotta love customers who don't care about prices! Big Grin ]

Actually, I understand what you are saying. At a certain age, usually your financial position is improved (long-term savings, earnings) and possibly a different appreciation of time (the glimmering approach of mortality,,,gulp!) can make it easier to spend more on something you really want. Probably also fewer competing temptations and needs remaining, too, making it easier to spend on any one thing. And the old "I want it now, and at my age I shouldn't have to wair for it" feeling.

As a seller, and whatever the reason for it is, it's nice to know that there are people out there who will pay that kind of shipping cost on top of a fair box price.

jlf - 2008-04-06 17:03

Well, I think especially for something rare.

Whatever that may be to the individual. Of course we all have our personal grails, but then again, there is a long list of boxes never brought to North America that Id be willing to pay high shipping for!

I have a slim chance on going to China this year sometime for work. If that should happen, Im hoping to bring something back with me!

arkay - 2008-04-06 23:10

Originally posted by JLF:
I have a slim chance on going to China this year sometime for work. If that should happen, Im hoping to bring something back with me!

I'm sure you'll be able to find something good. If your travel brings you through Hong Kong with any time to spare, drop me a PM, and we can do a little "hunting" together!

baby.boomer - 2008-04-07 05:37

Originally posted by Arkay:
Actually, I understand what you are saying. At a certain age, usually your financial position is improved (long-term savings, earnings) and possibly a different appreciation of time (the glimmering approach of mortality,,,gulp!) can make it easier to spend more on something you really want. Probably also fewer competing temptations and needs remaining, too, making it easier to spend on any one thing. And the old "I want it now, and at my age I shouldn't have to wair for it" feeling.

How I wish the "glimmering approach of mortality" loosened me up the way it's done for James! Instead, as an aging baby boomer, I'm more reluctant than ever to spend gobs of money on toys/hobbies/luxuries...

...for fear of not having enough cash left for retirement/health issues/long-term care (not to mention food);
...because I constantly wonder (as I've mentioned before) why I've accumulated "all this junk," since it takes up so much space and it's never really as satisfying to own as I think it's going to be when I buy it (usually, it just makes me want more), and I wonder what I'm eventually going to do with all of it (selling it on eBay is such a hassle!).

And so, instead of saying, "I want it now," when I run into something I get the urge to buy these days, I mostly find myself asking,
1. "Will this bring me true, deep-down, long-lasting happiness?"
2. "Where the hell am I going to put this?"
3. "How am I ever going to get rid of this?"
4. "Is there are chance that maybe I can take this with me when I go?"

Mortality sucks!

(Seems your posts always put me in a philosphizing mood. Thanks for giving me an outlet! Hope you don't mind. Wink)

enskanker - 2008-04-07 05:42

Baby Boomer, you are showing certain signs of Taoism. Congrats.

If you are interested let me know, I have some friends that can come by your house Saturday morning with some literature.

baby.boomer - 2008-04-07 06:49

Originally posted by enskanker:
Baby Boomer, you are showing certain signs of Taoism.

Thanks Ed! Nice to know my bad attitude has a name. I thought it was just old age.

arkay - 2008-04-07 08:20

BabyBoomer, I completely agree wtih you, and find myself thinking more as you describe, as time passes. I didn't want to post about it, though, as I don't want to be hassled by people with pamphlets... LD

Jokes aside, I do know the feeling you describe. I took two loads of stuff out today: one to donate to charity, and one to sell, and it was a good feeling. I know it will take a while to week out all the stuff I've accumulated, but at least for now I'm going down that path. Hopefully the OTHER bug --the "clutter bug"== won't rear its ugly head again before the "declutter bug" has done its job. Time will tell.

I'm not looking forward to the hassles of selling boxes on eBay, either, but I'm going to try doing it. Can't see any other way, since I won't do what my wife suggests ("Just take them all and dump them in the trash dumpster..."). At least I'll be passing them on to people who want and appreciate them, and presumably can give them a better home than I can. I'll limit my keepers to a number that I can reasonably display, use and enjoy.