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jamescyberjoe - 2008-04-03 13:53

Earlier there was discussion about the TEAC IPOD Disco Jambox prototype and how cool it looked.
Well I shot an email to TEAC and the response was that the project was shelved due to negative feedback received at the CES.
I'm sure it's more to it than that.
The bottom line comes into play here and the company bean counters probably put an end to it.
Until the economy improves R&D will be limited.
But I guess that hideous POS that TEAC is marketing now "gets positive feedback"?
It's the one that looks like those jukeboxes you see at a diner tableside.
Can you imagine buying a device that looks like a diner jukebox?
But then again they may be right.
I showed my young niece and nephew my collection and they could not get over the size of some of my boomboxes. Too big! I would never carry that around!(we're talking about a Panasonic RX-5150 and a Sharp GF-5050)These kids are 12 and 14.
We may be living a pipe dream here.
It's an ipod phone mp3 player today folks.
The smaller the device and the flashier it looks are what the kids like. And that my friends is the ultimate common denominator here folks.
The young generation with the most disposable income are who the companies are targeting.
The stuff we're longing for had it's time and that time is gone.
What do I know....
Thanks, that's my rant for today.

ned.209 - 2008-04-03 18:38

i like big radios Smile so do you, and we have loads. its all good.

smokinendo - 2008-04-04 06:04

WOW my kids love this stuff as do there friends

Anyway... bummer on the TEAC I wanted to get that one for my son instead of the Lasonic for his 10th Birthday coming up

enskanker - 2008-04-04 06:50

I'd still rather have Krush or somebody talented like Kittmaster make me a Touchscreen tablet ala Krush's Hitachi.

Quality sound box, true classic with better digital features. I supply the Box and Tablet and the talented people here could make it.

masterblaster84 - 2008-04-05 12:23

Originally posted by Fuzzyduck:
The reason most kids want everything small these days is simply because they're too bloody lazy or unfit to carry anything bigger than a mobile phone.

Good points! Nod Yes
Fat, lazy and want everything done for them. Most kids today in my area fall under one of these categories. Kids used to walk around the streets with their friends, boomboxes, skateboards or even just ride their bicycles around. I rarely see any of this any more, not even skateboards as the kids get their parents to drive them over to the skate park.