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malakai - 2008-03-15 08:59

Hey S2Goers...

My music group StereoType™ entered a competition for Lincoln and the winner is chosen based on star rating not number of votes. If you do vote PLEASE give us 5 stars - all our competitors are loggin in to give us 1 star! - gotta love competition

*Our video features some ghettoblasters (that used to belong to members on this site ") and I was hoping some of you might login to Lincoln and vote for us. There are only 2 days left to vote so... kinda last minute. But thanks either way!~
That's Free - Lincoln Contest Video

ford93 - 2008-03-15 17:39

Pretty smooth. Cool

redbenjoe - 2008-03-15 17:47

wow - good filming and great music

r.o.y.a.l - 2008-03-15 18:03

love it . . . good work Smile

transamguy1977 - 2008-03-15 18:59

Nice vid Bro!!!
loved it and gave it all the stars I could give it.
I still enjoy the jams you gave me a while back on my I-pod.
good luck and all the best I have faith you will win.
Keep us up to speed on how it goes.