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Mystery Box

04down - 2008-10-11 23:31

Hey Stereo2goers Got the opportunity to pick one of these up cheap about $15 US, do any of you have one, if so whats it like? Do the speakers detatch?
Thanks in advance.

viennasound - 2008-10-11 23:58

It looks like, the speakers are not detachable!

jaredscottfla - 2008-10-12 00:02

I Agree

04down - 2008-10-12 00:36

Thanks Not detachable speakers is a good thing in my books. Im not a big 3 piece fan.

asdexander - 2008-10-12 02:09

I'd go for it. That box is certainly a looker!

enskanker - 2008-10-12 06:18

You could detach the speakers if you wanted to though.

petey.awol - 2008-10-12 06:24

Looks as if his favorite radio stations are marked witha couple markers.

$15 bucks? Shoot, you cant go wrong. Unless it's filled with cockroach eggs and it ultimatly leads to an home invasion. (But im sure it isnt)

thafuzz - 2008-10-12 07:25

A respectable box. Go for it. Great price too. I hope the cassette motors work for you too.

asdexander - 2008-10-12 08:38

Originally posted by enskanker:
You could detach the speakers if you wanted to though.

You sure could.

masterblaster84 - 2008-10-12 08:59

I don't have one but I agree with everyone, it's worth $15. Nod Yes

fatdog - 2008-10-12 09:29

At first I thought it was a Sankei, but the tweeters are just too different than any box I've seen from them. Maybe a Sears box?

Either way, it's definitely worth $15!! Nod Yes

04down - 2008-10-12 16:15

Thanks for the advice. I think I will.