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Why can't we upload pictures directly to site ?

panasonickid - 2008-10-06 11:58

I would prefer to upload directly to site as opposed to using a hosting service.
why make things complicated ?

joe.cool - 2008-10-06 12:18

Hi panasonickid, and welcome.

We used to be able to upload directly, but ran into space problems. Take a look here. Using tinypic is very easy...and quick.

fatdog - 2008-10-06 12:22

Plus, it cuts down on bandwidth issues.

http://www.tinypic.com OR http://www.photobucket.com

kittmaster - 2008-10-06 12:24

bandwidth and storage capacity.......since we don't get charged to use this site and its by donations.......I surely have NO issue with the status quo

panasonic.fan - 2008-10-06 16:14

Hi there--

The answers have already been posted above. The site has a ton of content in it just from almost 5 years of posts. We started hitting up against the storage quota, and had to stop hosting binary files directly on the site.

Also, the owner of the site has mentioned in the past that we regularly used to run over on our monthly bandwidth quite frequently, which resulted in higher charges for the hosting. Not sure if that is also still occurring.

The link to the tutorial is pretty straight forward, and hopefully sufficient for your needs. If you have a problem using a file hosting service, just post about it here and I'm sure you'll get any help that you need to get it working for you.