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I see the BOX.....ehh

devoltoni - 2008-10-03 06:30

Hi, comarades.
Hardly morning for me. Here is what is happen.
Early today I was in flea market in mission to find some "new" boxes, its raining day, the lot of stuff it was covered with plastic sheet
for protection and is very difficult to see what has down under. I've been looking for a time and there is not much to see, specialty
for boomboxes (very strangely, usually there is dozen of boomboxes). Obviously this day is not my lucky I thought, so I decide to
leaving the flea market and just been turn to go off, and ................. !BOOOOM! Eek

In the corner under bike trailer that was in function like shelter.
First time in my life I seen in live that outrageous monster box,... UH..... in that moment my legs and hands is begun to shake
and I get the heartbeat. I've been flown there in second (maybe that is the big mistake). Then I looking first what is missing. Tape door is missing (no bother to me), there is some scratches (not big), two antennas is in the place, all knobs is there in first view, I asking the guy did all work properly and when the guy say yes, in that moment I've been endlessly happy and I've been all shake much more.
So, after couple a moment I ask him for the price, and...BOOOOM..........again,

- 300 euros Eek

OK I say lets go to check that is all work in administration office of the flea market were is electric power, then....
Nothing, totally death.....!!? My endlessly happiness it ended in smoke, nothing is happen, just noting.
After couple moments of noiseless and comeback of the shock, I ask the guy for cutting the price (maybe for right price is worth to
get the box and check what is wrong in the service shop).
No, he say.
I say what? Nor even 50 euros? Confused
After nearly half hour of discus about a cutting the price.....
No and No. The end.

I'm in my office now, and i thinking about all this thing...... I didn't buying the box. Maybe I should.?

For that boombox is all about:

r.o.y.a.l - 2008-10-03 06:32

not for 300 euro ! its missing the bottom tape deck door too . .

r.o.y.a.l - 2008-10-03 06:34

you can have my mint one for 200 euro if you want one ! ! for real

kid.sensation - 2008-10-03 07:34

right on.

You can easily get a mint on for 200€ or less, like royal offered his.

So, better take a mint one, add reasonable shipping and you would end up with a way better result than buying this!

By the way..The crown is not hi-quality so it's possible that the door is completely wrecked out and no replacements would fit.

I'd say go for a minter, with shipping your at the same price or maybe beneath it.

r.o.y.a.l - 2008-10-03 07:54

I have seen them as cheap as 60 euro on german ebay

beatbox - 2008-10-03 08:09

Yes, as the other guys say, its not hard to find some on eBay, and for less money and much much better condition.

Check ebay.de right now, and you'll see!!

devoltoni - 2008-10-03 08:58

Thanks guys for the advise.
I expect that will cut the price for least of 50 %. Iven in dis case price is still very high and is obviously what is my dilemma.
Ordinary the prices range is 5 to 30 euros for box on flea market in Macedonia, depending of model and condition of the box.

viennasound - 2008-10-03 09:20

Sorry, for this wreck i would pay maximal 30euros!
My Lasonic from the dump was in an better condition!
These boxes are not very rare, this one (and other labels) are very often at ebay.
Go for an better one! Wink