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To be a blaster-freak

viennasound - 2008-10-02 10:17

I often asked me, why collecting boomboxes.
Whats the way to this?

I give you an short look at my story: Smile

I was born in Vienna anno 1975.
My parents had only one radio at home.
It was an HER Trixi, made in Salisbury/Austria.
Nice transistorradio, built in the 60´s.

One day on the way to school (i was about 7 years old) i found an little ITT Junior22 next the trashcontainer. I took it with me.
My father repaired the broken antenna and so it was my first own radio.

The problem was, batteries are very expensive this time.
Long radio listenig was not able this way.
So i must look for an 220V operated radio.
New buying was not able,my parents was not rich.
One day i found at an second hand store next to the school an old wooden tube-radio. PHILIPS Adagio - my first stereo! Big Grin

About 1985 it was time for the first boombox!
But not my own.
A friend lent it to my, he got an new stereo from his parents. So i used his old mono. An littlebit crazy looking PHILIPS 170:

But 1 year later he needed it for his sister.
I must give it back.
(Many years later i found the same at an fleamarket).

So it was time to buy a new one.
Spending the most of my pocket money i took this SANWA . It was the cheapest i could get in our district:

But i always looked for an stereo.
So the 20.10.1988 was an great day!
With the help from my parents i got it at "Löwa Wertkauf". An lovely SOUNDMASTER:

About 1991 i buyed my first doubledecker.
This SANKEI for 1000shillings (about 70euros).
But i got the money back.
I copied many cassettes for friends. Big Grin

At 1994 i must to the military for 8 month.
The first time i had my Soundmaster there, after a short time on an free weekend i found this PHILIPS Spatial Stereo at the fleamarket.
So we made an big sound in our room. Razz

Then was long nothing...
I buyed an home stereo, the blasters were stored and only used in my garden or holidays.

5 Years ago i found this, when i was on the dump.

I remembered this big blasters, standing with wet eyes at the windows of boombox-stores.
But the condition was quiet bad.
I shortcircuited the radiopart, for listening music at my garden partys.
But in the back of my head i thought:
If i could get the same in good condition, i will buy it!
And 1 year ago i got something!
Nearly the same for 7 euros at the fleamarket:
This great conditioned INTERNATIONAL:

Short time later i got the PHILIPS PowerPlayer, the FERGUSON, .....
And when i found this site, the blaster-fever has caught me. Big Grin
All other is history...

And what´s your story?
How long are you collecting?
How many blasters do you have?
Give us an short look! Wink

fatdog - 2008-10-02 10:25

Wow! I think that's the first time-line anyone has ever posted regarding their quest for boomboxes. Nod Yes Cool

viennasound - 2008-10-03 10:03

And you see, i own all my electronics till now.
Thrown away only a few pieces - after parting out.
Now i store about 100 and more radios.
Blasters from small to big, transistorradios, walkmans, clockradios, tuberadios, carradios,.... Leaving

An short ad of my first SHARP television.

Nobody want´s to tell a short story?
What´s your begin of blastering? Roll Eyes

monolithic - 2008-10-03 15:31

Sorry, I don't have a story to tell 'cause my memories of the very few boxes I had as a kid is extremely foggy! Frown

However, as Fatdog pointed out, the way you time-lined your boombox history is very impressive! Nod Yes Cool What's even more impressive is the fact that you still have all the boxes you grew up with! Eek The boxes I had are prolly still slowly decomposing in a landfill somewhere. Laugh Out Loud

jlf - 2008-10-03 19:38


Thats a lot of boxes! Nice!

devoltoni - 2008-10-04 04:06

Yes, fantastic. Nod Yes
For that 100 you need a lot of space. Where you kept Roman all that boxes?

viennasound - 2008-10-04 07:16

For that 100 you need a lot of space. Where you kept Roman all that boxes?

I will show it to all soon.
Also my clockradio collection.
There are a few nice analog´s, with falling plates, lighttubes and certainly with LED´s.
Coming soon, stay tuned.... Big Grin