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Lets see those Batterys!

jerryjg - 2009-03-04 21:54

Scored a little unit Monday and found these old batterys in nice shape inside . Guess they hadn't leaked out after all these years cause they were kept in a cool dry place spomewhere. Cool old batteries!;
] [/URL]

ghettoboom777 - 2009-03-04 22:09

Absolutely Killer!!
I have some old ones but mine are mostly aa's.
Those are beautiful.
You know-the scary thing is with a few of mine there is still some voltage!
I have Ray-O-Vac Energy Cell's (Alkaline) Some Cat's and ast.Even a Mallory(The old original Duracell)
I'll have to show sometime.
Thanks for showing us those!
-GB. Nod Yes

riddler - 2009-03-05 01:08

I wish I could find some of the old Purple Rechargables from Radio Shack...I had those things in all my RC Cars.

hlr - 2009-03-05 07:01

Originally posted by Riddler:
I wish I could find some of the old Purple Rechargables from Radio Shack...I had those things in all my RC Cars.

I had a few pairs of those, beginning in 1987 or so. A couple are still floating around in my misc-stuff box but have long-since gotten leaky and don't work anymore. But I got FAR more use out of them than any NiMH's I've had since beginning to use those several years ago; some a good five years or more. The NiMHs lose enough of their vitality (they usually start coming apart anyway) to be ready for the recycling box in little more than a year, and get relegated from high-demand (digicams) to low-demand (CD player, etc) in half a year tops.

riddler - 2009-03-05 22:27

Yeah I pretty much just wanted them for display purposes only Smile

analogboi - 2009-03-09 09:17

Purple Rechargables from Radio Shack

Those were da bomb!! I powered the very first portable amplifier I ever built with those. That amp, combined with a Walkman, was my first "boombox." It used eight of them and ran for a few hours, then back to the charger...

Just strollin' down memory lane--sorry!

hlr - 2009-03-10 04:34

That's cool. Smile I did something very similar: based on two LM386's running off a (standard) 9-volt. The purple rechargeables went in the walkman of course. This a few years before getting a proper boombox too.

batterymaker - 2009-03-10 05:06

batterymaker - 2009-03-10 05:11

Reproduction Zenith AA battery covers for use in a 1950's Royal 500 transistor radio....

mister.x - 2009-03-10 20:57

I'll step out on a limb and say that batteries used to be really cool looking. Does anybody remember the Radio Shack Battery Club? You could go to any store and get a free battery.

Seems like I also remember they would also replace their own brand for free when they were run down, that didn't seem to last long when boomboxes came out and people would bring in piles of batteries...

billpc55 - 2009-03-10 23:19

vintage commercial graphic art is so much cooler than modern stuff.

master.z - 2009-03-11 07:01

Radio Shack battery club! I was an official card holder. Roll Eyes It was one of the only things I had in my wallet at the time. I dont think the NiCad rechargables were one of the batteries you could get with that offer because of the price difference, but I don't remember.
My aunt got me a set with multi charger one year for my birthday, along with one of those electronic circuit board learning toys. and they were used to power my rc car, walkman and those sweet hand held LED video games! Good times.

Paul Z.

riddler - 2009-03-11 20:38

If anyone happens upon any of the Purple ones please let me know and I'll take them off your hands.....Don't have to work, just want to stick them on the shelf next to the boxes Smile

aza - 2009-03-15 17:50

I have these ones but not for sale im afraid
I keep them with my original Metro Jet Hopper

If i do happen accross anymore i will keep you in mind though

hlr - 2009-03-16 03:17

I went through a couple boxes of old techie things and it turns out I still had most of my old ones.

They're badly degraded though. There's two variations here: one set was from 1987 and the other from a few years later, but I'm not sure which is which. Right two are "assembled" in Mexico; left four are made in USA. I remember you could also get these in C, D and "9-volt applications" (9-volt size w/somewhat rounded off bottom), and probably AAA too.

riddler - 2009-03-16 22:14

Yup, those are the ones Smile I guess it would make more sense just to repro the labels and mock up some dummy batteries huh??

riddler - 2009-03-22 18:29

Originally posted by AZA:
I have these ones but not for sale im afraid
I keep them with my original Metro Jet Hopper

If i do happen accross anymore i will keep you in mind though

Thank you, please do keep me in mind because those are exactly what I'm looking for Smile