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Okay... Check this out, check it out... a little story of a boomer

bredgeo - 2008-08-28 07:15

THIS IS AN UP DATE... 05 Sept. For yall who want to see the pics go to this link:



So, I went into Shannon today to get a list of flats/apartment that are let/rented... I went to the town council office.... I walk in and there was a lady ahead of me..... I moved back turned around and had a simple look around... raised my head and HO MY FrUCKING GOoD a SHARP GF7500!!!!!!!!!!!! My jaw dropped, I moved closer and looked at it as if it were an unknown object....... and all of it's beauty was looking back at me as I started to drift into a daze.... Then, in a far distance, I hear a voice asking if I needed any help..... "Why, Yes. Would you happen to have a list of proprietors letting flats?"

The lady asked me to stay right there as she went and got the list..... while the GF was calling out to me.... I could not resist and went straight back to it, jaw dropping again........

When the lady finally came back and ME having gathered my senses... I asked who's radio it was.... They both kinda answered that it was here when they started working in the office (they were both in their mid to late 50s... and the way they said it, they have been there a while!), and that they ONLY USED IT WHEN PEOPLE ARE IN THE NEXT ROOM TALKING ABOUT PRIVATE STUFF.... THAT IS WHEN THEY TURN THE RADIO ON!!!!!!!!!! Only then....

Yap, that is it...... They only use it to muffle out the sound of a conversation...... So, I asked, "What if I bring you a newer radio and I give it to you as a trade for that one?" By then I had told them I collected.... They said not a problem as long as it has a radio!!!!!!!!!!!

VOILA! My first Irish bought/found/traded (not done yet) Boombox!!!!!!!!! Oh, and it is not the Three piece but a single unit... Any one has pics of both the single unit and the three piece?

Show us!!!!!!!

asdexander - 2008-08-28 07:23

Now that, my friend, is a great story!
Wish i had that kind of luck!

fatdog - 2008-08-28 07:38

Wow! That's an awesome story, Brian! Cool We can't wait to see pictures. You ought to get a couple of shots of it in the office with the ladies too. Big Grin

devoltoni - 2008-08-28 07:48

WOW, what a story.
Cm on Bredgeo, go get it and youpost the pics here.
I cant wait, I'm restless.

redbenjoe - 2008-08-28 08:03

spectacular story !!!!

we will NEED a shot of you with that big silly smile (and the box) Laugh Out Loud

gluecifer - 2008-08-28 08:38

Congratulations Bredgeo! Excellent story, gives hope for all of us finding more in the wild.

Rock On.

daiwa - 2008-08-28 08:38

... don't forget a shot of the ladies with their new "egg"... Big Grin Great story Bredgeo! Stories like that make it hard not to believe in fate...

enskanker - 2008-08-28 09:50

Fine story. Need a photo of the ladies for sure....don't post em here...just send them to Daiwa Laugh Out Loud

ford93 - 2008-08-28 10:00

Thats better then hitting the lottery!

jt - 2008-08-28 10:30

WOW! Congrats! Yes, there is hope to finding them in the wild!

Nothing but crap here.

I went to the Goodwill store recently to see about radios, walked out with an $18 portable/collapsible Black & Decker work bench that normally sells for around $80. (no, it doesn't play tapes Big Grin)

bredgeo - 2008-08-29 01:36

Okay guys, ,pics will be taken of the GF 7500 on its shelf and I will ask the ladies if they are willing to pose with their future new egg..... And yes, I guess it is still possible to find Bboxes in the wild........ It is actually only the second time for me!!!

Let me add a little anecdote... When I got home I had to tell the wife!!!!! So, I told the hole story (with big gobledy eyes)!!!!! What she said, after my story, made me happy (I know that she does not really care for any Bboxes and or the stories behind them.... but she is good audience, and listens without interruption!)

What she said, in a very calm and nice voice, was, "You know, your radio are starting to be too much."

This is grand, this is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, she said, "STARTING to be too much"!!!!!!

So, I still got a little lee-way until I reach "TOO MUCH" I Agree .......

I thanked her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Smile Smile Smile Smile Wink Big Grin

redbenjoe - 2008-08-29 06:38

2 awesome stories in one great thread Smile

---"listens without interruption" ....
you have an 'above grail wife'


geoffhartwell - 2008-08-29 06:51

great story brian, nice one

bredgeo - 2008-08-29 06:55

---"listens without interruption" ....
you have an 'above grail wife'

Eek Eek Eek...... So true...... I have never paid attention..... I have always taken her listening for granted!!!!!!!!! Roll Eyes...... It is time for me to thank her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nod Yes

redbenjoe - 2008-08-29 06:58

" LEE -WAY " !!!!!!!!!!!!

she has granted you the rarest of all kindness ..
use it wisely Smile

jovie - 2008-08-29 07:14

What an INCREDIBLE story!These are the kinds of posts I most like to read.They must assume you just want the radio for personal reasons.If they actually thought it could be worth some money,I doubt they would have agreed to accept your offer.I suppose its possible they really don't think it could be worth enough money to bother selling it.Do you think they got the idea it could be collectible to anyone but yourself?

retro.addict - 2008-08-29 08:38

Great story, Bredgeo! Cool

Nothing beats finding one that way! Big Grin Nice find! Smile

erniejade - 2008-08-29 11:51

Bri that rocks!!! Let us know when it is home safe and sound!!

appleknocker - 2008-08-29 19:30

Cool Smile

isolator42 - 2008-09-02 07:58

Must be fun to happen across a b-box like that.
Until the star of the show arrives, here's a pic of a GF7500 from the 'base:

retro.addict - 2008-09-02 08:05

^ Oooh, it looks nicer than I thought. Cool I thought it was one of the GF-7400 (vertical tuner) variants. Nod Yes

bredgeo - 2008-09-02 09:02

Yap.... that be the one! Nice looking, is it not!!!!!!!!!!!!

retro.addict - 2008-09-03 07:50

I love this style of box, Bredgeo. I mean the one-piece, three-piece look-a-like boxes. The most recent addition to my collection is of this type of design. In fact, mine is rather similar to yours. Here's mine, it's a very rare model...

Tatung TSC-5101

bredgeo - 2008-09-03 08:18

Yeah... They are nice, they are "Swift" designed like that! It is true that I will stay away from the 3 pieces, but is it is a 1 piece (designed like your 3 piece, or the GF 7500) that I will be interested by..... WELL, like I am with this 7500!!!!! Big Grin

retro.addict - 2008-09-03 08:24

Originally posted by bredgeo:
designed like your 3 piece
Mine is a 1 piece too. Cool

bredgeo - 2008-09-03 10:40

Ahhhhh.... Slight shadows, looked like a three-some.... Big Grin Big Grin

bredgeo - 2008-09-05 06:47

Pics to be seen here:


I also put the link at the beginning of this post Wink

driptip - 2008-09-05 23:01

Originally posted by ford93:
Thats better then hitting the lottery!

i dont know about that ford but sure is a nice radio.

retro.addict - 2008-09-09 05:08

I Agree with driptip! Big Grin