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Anyone Collect old Portable R2R's?

jerryjg - 2009-03-05 18:00

"Good Morning Mr. Phelps... This tape will self destruct in 5 seconds."

These were the original style Boomboxes I think. No radio. My Favourite TV program as a child was "Mision Impossible". I wanted a little tape recorder like the one that self destructed on the opening of the show. Well, I got a little smaller portable "Juliet" japanese brand recorder for Christmas- brand spanking new in the box - when I was a little kid. That began my love affair with everything re;ated to tape( I have a nice collection of High end reel to reels and high end cassete decks.
I just found this old nicely preserved portable R2R deck deck> thought you guys may be interested. I'd like to find a smaller portable like my first Juliet I fell in love with.

sinister - 2009-03-05 18:03

i have one similar to yours. wanna buy it

jerryjg - 2009-03-05 18:06

^ No , not unless its one of the real smaller ones in very nice condition woorking one. ( Crap- I just realised this unoit is missing a Capstan.Thanks.

billpc55 - 2009-03-10 22:55

i have a couple kicking around here. i drag out when i am feeling delia derbyshires influence on me.
i just past up a absolutely pristine sony full size r2r to much for my blood.

they are pretty cool little things.
the worse they sound the better for me.

blaster - 2009-03-10 23:13

awesome show back in the days


baby.boomer - 2009-03-17 07:02

Here's one. A JVC (NVC)!

baby.boomer - 2009-03-17 08:11

Another one.

viennasound - 2009-03-17 09:52

Collecting not, but i saved this nice AIWA TP-30 from the dump. It´s in pretty working condition. Smile

Also an STUZZI (made in Austria), but this is an bigger unit. Roll Eyes