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Crazy scrappy new Discolite :-P

viennasound - 2009-03-15 09:13

We just talked about new oldscool boxes made in China here.
If they would be avaiable, worth to get or not.
Now you can make your own picture of it... Wink

A few month ago i found a nice INTERNATIONAL stereo discolite at flea. An old unit, very cheap made, but fully working:

In the 80´s there were many of those tiny chinese discolites sold. Like my first mono, this SANWA (without lites):

Never seen any of this boxes again.

But today at the flea was some amazing.
A dealer was selling many electronics from a closed chinese shop. Toasters, microwaves, lamps,.... and boxes.
My look fell at a mono.
The original packing box was missing (from standing in the shops window), but NEW!!!
After a short discussion i got it for lousy 5euros. With being sure to take some scrap home...

And that´s it:

One look at the top was enough.
Buääääh, what kind of scrap.
And this at a new box!!!
I´ve thrown away better old ones:

Short compare with the stereo:

Both are labeled as INTERNATIONAL.
But the stereo is worlds better than the mono.
Unbelieveable,but true

I just bought this unit to see the quality of new chinese boxes. The first look is´nt soooo bad..

The LEDs in the speaker are not fitting really.
And not good working too. A bad contact inside makes troubles.

Look at the ugly plastic at the back.
The batterydoor, so scratchy
You must pull strong to get it off


After opening a total horror.
What´s this?!? Red Face
They must have had problems with the fitting.
So they cutted a part of the batteryequipment out to make space for the speaker. And the speaker collides with the + pole of the battery!!! Eek

More than dangerous!

Look at the bad mounting of the aerial:

What´s that. Dirt in the new tapedeck?
No, just any production mistake.
And the tapedeck makes such horrible noise when working, like an old lorry. The tapedoor is spoiling too. You must push a few times to stay closed

But the buttons are the hammer.
Shaking around, nothing fits, the switches tastes like gum and does´nt work sometimes Mad

So what you think about chinese retroboxes?
I hope not all are made like this sh*t!

Anywhere, this bastard goes in the storage as flagship of worse quality. Big Grin
If the other discomonos of the 80´s owned this quality, it´s no wonder they died all.

Next days i will take a look inside, will be funny for sure. Roll Eyes

ysnow - 2009-03-15 10:22

Originally posted by ysnow:
it looks like a fake telephone Laugh Out Loud

viennasound - 2009-03-15 10:48

Jens just told me, the INTERNATIONAL label is a fake! Typical chinese.
Funny 2nd version of it: Laugh Out Loud

Also the powercord is horrible.
Never seen such dangerous cable.
Looks like a real fusekiller... Big Grin

devoltoni - 2009-03-15 13:00

[QUOTE]are made like this sh*t! QUOTE]

I Agree

chilinvilin - 2009-03-16 09:45

Thanks for the post. Very interesting!!

viennasound - 2009-03-17 11:46

And the chinese trash-show goes on... Big Grin

4 screws for opening the box, you must not pull off a button (better so). This is the only good thing at it.

After opening a few parts fell out:

Don´t use this box at batteries! No No
The + pole and the speaker will result a big bang. Eek
And the trafo near to the speaker makes a wonderful humming... Leaving

This tapedrive owns no belt! Everything goes over a gear drive and moving parts. Red Face

The mainboard is not horizontal mounted. And looking like out of the 80´s. One screw is missing. And some mounting points - what for?!? Confused

Tiny scale and horrible shaking switches behind:

What´s that? They have used glued paper to mount a few (not all) of the buttons! Eek
If you remove one of it, the button will fall off

Also the tapedrive is missing screws...

The speaker is mounted with only 2 of 4 possibilities. The "discolites" are connected with the speaker. How should this poor powerless speaker makes them glow? Frown
And the cables are pressed with the speaker - very good for them.

The yellow cables are going through a sharp hole. The corners of the mainboard must been biten out from a mouse. Mad
One capacitor is looking very smashed.
And all over the mainboard is some dirt, looking like glue.

Finally i can say i have never seen an old european box that worse like this new chinese.
They have much to learn.
And the low price is no measure to this trash quality. Simply forget them.
Go for good keeped oldskool ones! Wink

I think this boxes will be sold in austria only a few ones. And they will die soon. Like the scrappy ones of the 80´s...

Maybe only mine will survive. Laugh Out Loud
(unused in the storage)

borny - 2009-03-17 12:07

Nice review , nice detailed pictures Smile.

Yes this looks like totaly scrap , big scrap Laugh Out Loud.

masterblaster84 - 2009-03-17 12:31

ViennaSound that's a nice thorough drubbing of this crap, thanks for sharing and saving some of us from the sorrow of buying one. I have to admit I'm not surprised by the quality or should I say complete lack of quality. Roll Eyes

viennasound - 2009-03-21 13:05

Just found in the base a SILVA, looking very similar to this one. I think the chinese is the copy from IBBN 7-06828 !
Sorry, no idea how to copy the image to here.
Except the discospeaker and the door is looking other.

success - 2009-03-21 15:24

What piece of crap !!!!!!

I think that chinesse have a spread spectrum of qualitys. You buy what you want.
They have high quality, for example, tons of no-names producing electronics for well-known brands.
They can produce with the most marginal quality too, because some markets needs that.
I can't stand cutting plastic at a production line. But I guess that once you had made a mistake in the tooling that's used to make the plastics, you are done.

Are you sure that this mecha don't use belts.
Looks like a Yannion Tapedeck, wich takes two belts. Motor is too far from capstan at the photo.
This kind of mecha won't work more than a year.
I changed mecha like this several times in cheap recorders. They were easy to find at the electronic spare stores. They come with heads and motor. So you get a new recorder each time.
I'm sure I have one somewhere ....

viennasound - 2009-03-22 00:07

Are you sure that this mecha don't use belts.
Looks like a Yannion Tapedeck, wich takes two belts. Motor is too far from capstan at the photo.

I´ve not seen any belt.
But you can be right, maybe is any at the backside. I don´t want to take it out, maybe it would break. Just looking very strange..

About the quality:
Friday i got at the flea a 80´s chinese monster.
But the quality is worlds better at the NAN HO!

Loaded with a lot of features it´s not worse than a similar european product.
But from the back?!?
Never seen a boombox-body made of wood and paper! Eek

And yes, the chinese pruducers have much to learn....

viennasound - 2009-03-22 10:50

OK, here is the pic of the SILVA: Smile