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How to find a G939/940/WF 939

tobi - 2009-03-14 09:36

Does anyone know something about that unit? How is the sound compared to the JVC RC M 70 or the GF777?

Where can I find such a thing?

Cheers, Tobi

oldskool69 - 2009-03-14 20:12

I have a Sharp WF-939z and it will pound an M70 or 777 into the dust soundwise. Looks wise it's, you have to appreciate the flat square woofs, etc. But like anything else it's a matter of taste and I love mine. Smile

As far as where to find them? Well they don't show up often so check eBay, or with some of our Russian members. Just remember the Russian ones are st up for polar frequencies on the radio sections.

tobi - 2009-03-15 02:12

I once had the chance to buy such a russian one but it doesn't make sense in germany, i want to use the radio section and those frequencies are empty, maybe you can hear the police or something... And there were some russian letters on it, i can't read that ;-)

I think I fell in love with this blaster, it needed time but at the last few days - i don't know why - I can't stop thinking of it, maybe I need a change in my life :-P

Thanks for your answer, yes looks as if i have to buy one on ebay, no one likes to sell this one, i think i maybe would give my GF777 and my FH7 for it.

CU Tobi

oldskool69 - 2009-03-15 05:50

Keep your GF-777 and keep the FH-7. Patience my freind, reaps the greatest rewards. Big Grin