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Claiming ignorance - JVC RC-M70JW

tburick - 2009-01-08 05:46

I just bought a JVC RC-M70JW off of ebay for $195


I focus my collecting on Realistic, GE, and Panasonic -- so -- I never really paid attention to the JVC's (always out of my price range)

I need to ask (stupidly) if this is the model that everyone raves about? If so, don't these things sell for $500 - $700+ on ebay?

Either I just bought the wrong one or got one heck of a deal (hopefully not an ebay pooper).

The unit is missing the battery cover and antenna. Seller that it works great.

Anyone got a battery cover?? Antennas?? If not, any slim chance of getting these items from JVC?? (Doubtful, I know)

jvc.floyd - 2009-01-08 06:07

hell i would call that a deal ,the battery cover is about the only draw back on that one ,but you can't win em all .one thing tho it's a kick a$$ machine .

71spud - 2009-01-08 06:39

The M70 is the work-horse of the JVC line-up. It provides excellent value in my opinion. It is a great size... portable, yet you give up very little in performance. Personally I own 4 of them... I think.. counting the one on the way... $200 is about as cheap as it gets for an M70 unless it is totally thrashed. Very nice examples have gone for over $700... but usually the crowd around here snickers at such prices. $400-$500 is more realistic for a very nice M70. Great ones, complete, missing nothing and cosmetically very good... perhaps in need of a deck belt... will sometimes be had for $300. I have 4... two nice ones for my collection, one to use while working outside or in the garage and one for..... hell.... I don't know... I just needed it OK???

The un-sung hero of the JVC line up is the RC-656. They are common enough to keep prices low... everyone seems to have one so there is no competition when one comes up... They offer very, very good bang for the buck... If you only have one M70 and want to keep it nice buy a 656 for general use around the garage etc. I am not saying that they sound near as good as an M70, but for general use and abuse I recommend it highly.

jvc.floyd - 2009-01-08 06:43

actually i love the rc 656 it's a great box indeed ,no where near the m70 sound wise but it's the kind of box you can actually take somewhere and use without worrying about it getting messed up .and it does sound quite nice it's a very good outdoor box and tough as nails.

gluecifer - 2009-01-08 06:46

The M-70 is a classic ghettoblaster in absoloutely every respect. I never understood this till I got my own, but believe me, you will be super impressed with this unit when she arrives.

In fact I just reconnected mine to my PC and am blasting out Schoolly D's first album in celebration of your new purchase!

Rockin' On Through 500 Posts!

71spud - 2009-01-08 07:00

Oh, and when I call the M70 "portable" I mean in comparison to an M90 or one of the heavy 3-piece JVCs... (PC 5,11,55,550) It is not a "small" radio... the 656 probably deserves to be called "portable" more. I have 4 of those too... I probably will be getting rid of one of them sometime... just one... Laugh Out Loud

jt - 2009-01-08 07:42

If its fully working and in pretty good shape otherwise then you got a great deal. These units have wonderful tape drives and an excellent tuner. They are well-built and sound very good (IMHO).

The small Radio Shack red-tip antennas work great as replacements. That's what I have on mine.

As for the battery cover, maybe you'll get lucky here and find someone who has a parts unit. I recommend posting in the "wanted" section.

Let us know how she works and what you think after you had a chance to test...

erniejade - 2009-01-08 10:52

It is a good unit actually it is better then good!!! It rocks!

masterblaster84 - 2009-01-08 13:09

In the current market that's a good price. I agree with the sentiment that the M70 is a great box, you'll be pleased. Big Grin

redbenjoe - 2009-01-08 14:36

agreeing with everybody --you got a very good deal--
dont see your want ad for the battery cover YET !! Tap Toes Smile

tburick - 2009-01-08 15:47

LOL...battery cover want ad - POSTED Big Grin

redbenjoe - 2009-01-08 15:53

you already got your first reply.

ford93 - 2009-01-08 21:09

The M-70 is the one that got me started back in 81'.

I still remember to this day hanging out in a park of Queens, New York a guy was jamming James Brown (Turn it up, turn it loose) the rest is history.

success - 2009-01-09 18:17

Excellent BBX, power, sound and building quality. Really exceeds the standards.

But you are rigth in collecting Panasonics Big Grin

moncheeto - 2009-01-09 19:26

congrats on you m70 very good deal Big Grin