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Marantz headphones to match PMS/CRS series...

arkay - 2009-01-27 02:09

Haven't been posting much lately (even though I lurk sometimes), partly because of work pressures and partly because I've cut way back on boomboxing, and had less to report.

But today I found something I wanted to share, and also ask about...

It's Chinese New Year holiday here (HAPPY NEW YEAR of the OX, everybody! Big Grin ), and there is an unofficial flea market with all kinds of junk, that appears for just these couple of days, each year. I usually find one or two good things there, and this year was no exception.

I picked up a pair of Marantz Headphones that obviously and perfectly match the PMS/CRS 6000/7000/8000 case colors and materials (chocolate-brown and gold-ish plastic). They must have come out at the same time, to go with the Marantz gear of that era. The model number on them is HP-25, and they say, "Designed in USA Made in Japan", like many Marantz of that era.

I was pretty excited to find these, as I've never seen a pair before, and they are the "perfect" accessory for the boxes from that series. I had been hoping to find old microphones to match the early Sanyo boxes, but am more than satisfied to have found these 'phones, instead.

I guess these may be pretty rare --or else not considered important enough to post about-- since searching Google and some of the other boards, as well as here, yields no hits for this model, except a single auction on eBay Indonesia(!), here:

I saved the pics from that auction and tried to post them with this post, but the TinyPics site is telling me that my ISP has been banned from posting(!). That sucks, since Hong Kong is usually pretty good/clean about internet stuff; the trouble usually comes from points North of here. If anyone can post the pics, I'd appreciate it.

My pair does not have that piece of padding shown in the pic, that went along the metal strap over the head. I'll have to fabricate something similar. Mine does have the flat foam stuff over the grill areas, but lacks any ear-pads otherwise, just like the ones in that auction posting. I can find replacement earpads easily, but I suspect the originals would have been brown (or possibly gold), and I'm pretty sure I can only get black ones locally. Better than none, I guess, but I'll look for brown ones. Otherwise, the 'phones I found are in excellent shape. They sound a little better than I expected, and would be fine for portable use, but they won't make you rush to throw away the Sennheisers, Beyers, Grados.

Does anyone else here have these, or any information about them, perhaps from an old catalog?

skippy1969 - 2009-01-27 02:55

Welcome back Arkay! Big Grin
Those are very rare Arkay,I seen a set for sale on Ebay a while ago but they went for big $$$$.

arkay - 2009-01-27 03:24

Hey, thanks a lot for those catalog scans, skippy! Exactly the kind of info I was hoping to find.

Nice to hear that these went for big $$$, but I have absolutely no intention of selling 'em. The first and only pair I've ever found, and they fit too well with my other beloved Marantz stuff, esp. the boomboxes and other "rarities".

Funny, I pass up on those equalizers regularly, figuring them to be eighties-era "junk", along with most of the other gear from that era. The exceptions, besides the boomboxes, are the AT-6 digital timer (and its predecessor, the silver-fronted AT-5), and the works-in-a-drawer cassette deck (although I now pass up on those, too, since I have a couple) and the CD deck, which is very rare and pretty nice. Weird that some gear can seem so desireable, and other gear from the same make and time period, unattractive. I guess there is one more model of headphone to keep my eyes open for, too!

Not sure how to duplicate that orange-y headstrap padding, nor what color to use on the top of it. I'm guessing it was something like naugahyde/vinyl (?). Will take some thought and maybe a bit more research. Maybe one day I'll be lucky enough to find an original, at least for a pattern.

Nice to see that I was wrong about missing earpads; there never were any, and the flat foam on mine is all there was originally. Mine may have become a bit flatter from age, but at least they are original. I think I'll have to forego listening to these much, though, if I want that foam to last! "Museum decoration", for the most part. Oh, well...

Thanks again for the info! I knew someone here would know about these. Big Grin

skippy1969 - 2009-01-27 04:54

Sure Arkay Your welcome. Big Grin
Speaking of Marantz's lookie what I have.
1. PMS-7000.
2. CRS-8000.
3. PMS 3020.
Big Grin

arkay - 2009-01-27 06:26

Very cool!
Thanks for sharing that pic; it's nice to know there are others around who like these old Marantz boxes!

I think I'm up around eight or nine pieces of the 7000s and 8000s now, plus a few of the smaller ones, plus one (rebadged) 6000, and several of the ones that were re-boxed in wood cases as mini-component systems (CMS 300, I think they are called). That's not to mention perhaps twenty of the 70s-era receivers and separates (including four 300dcs, for a quad/HT system), the very rare TV tuner, the micro-mini components system... I guess you could say I like Marantz stuff!

...but alas, not a tube Marantz among them. They are available around here for purchase, but they've just escalated beyond my limited audio budget, as much as I'd love to have them!

Also still looking for a 2130 tuner. I have several of the 3650 preamps, which are even rarer elsewhere, but for some reason the tuners seem extra-rare in Hong Kong; I have yet to see a single one. :^( I think one day I'll sell off one of the 3650s and maybe a 3250B or some other stuff, and just buy the tuner off of eBay. I don't like taking the risks of fraud, a bad description, shipping damage, etc... but it may end up being the only way I'll get the 2130 to complete the separates stack. For now, I use a lowly 2050 tuner or else a receiver as a tuner, but I really want that 2130 eventually!

P.S. -- Just curious, why is the horse upside-down?

skippy1969 - 2009-01-27 10:49

Thanks Arkay. Yes the horse is upside down,LOL... Laugh Out Loud
That is a just a blanket I hang over the window so I can sleep during the day as I work 7pm to 7am. My wife works the same hours at night too. Wink