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I busted my Prosonic!

master.z - 2009-04-27 09:31

Well It's not as bad as it sounds but this weekend was my Prosonic 9962's turn for party duty for the weekend. I usually rotate them so they all can see some action.
Well I had it loaded up with fresh batteries and I used it fri and sat night with no hitch. On sunday I went to the Pistons vs. Cavs and we intended on doing a little tailgating so I left my box in the trunk. In the morning I went to get it and all the batteries fell out the back. I figured no biggie but then I saw 2 of the 3 bottom tabs busted off. Mad
Just my luck, My team, the Pistons were gonna get swept and We didnt have sounds to tailgate properly. it turned out to be a good time even though we got our asses handed to us I think the beer and SoCo had something to do with it.

So now I got to fix it.
Has any one sucessfully repaired busted tabs using an epoxy or JB plastic weld?
I was checking it out last night and those tabs are super thin and a bad choice design wise to hold in 10 D batteries.

Any tips, or does any one have a spare cover?
I appreciate any input.
Paul Z.

blah.blah.blah - 2009-04-27 11:21

bummer about the tabs. that is one problem i have run into frequently. It almost could be considered a design flaw when the plastic is so thin on something that NEEDS to flex. Red Face

I have had some success with a two part loctite super glue that has a marker looking pen that you swab both pieces with first and after 30 seconds you use the glue. seems to work better than just plain super glue. some have held, others not.

Be curious to know what others are using??
Hope you get er fixed....

jvc.floyd - 2009-04-27 11:26

testors model master liquid cement is great stuff and it holds very strong it has a metal needle tip pefect for repairing boomboxes/parts you can get it at wal mart or hobbie stored and even on ebay.

redbenjoe - 2009-04-27 15:52

for any parts/tabs that need some flexibity --
GOOP (plumbers or household) has a good formula -

sold at ace or lowes or home depot