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sharp HK-9000 what other brand/model number

ahardb0dy - 2009-04-26 18:36

I believe I read on here somewhere that the Sharp HK-9000 was sold under a different brand name, if so what is it and the model number, thanks.

im.out.of.hear - 2009-04-27 01:51

i had a Supra 9000 in the late 80s,It was exactly the same as a sharp but i beleve the HK9000 has a kind of small strap for a handle,my Supra had a proppa handle,all i remember about it...
it was a huge monster,the 10 band graphic,and the pitch/speed control for deck B because i used to mess with it all the time..

if you want to know about this box,i think jens is the man that will know..

tpr - 2009-04-27 03:30


with modifications like 3way ,other decals...
blaunkton-tc988(without lcd clock)
international-unkn1(without lcd clock)
supersonic-hw9290(without lcd clock)
ultrasonic-606(without lcd clock)


im.out.of.hear - 2009-04-27 03:50

Haha jens,i think you should go on mastermind,
Chosen specialised subject -
Ghetto Blaster Brands 1975-2009..

ahardb0dy - 2009-04-27 08:37

I'll take boomboxes for $1000 please, LOL, Thanks for the info all, now to just find one!

blaster - 2009-05-05 17:03

here's the hk-9000 i had back around 2001 but sold it shortly after.... Frown

ahardb0dy - 2009-05-05 17:28

A friend of mine and myself each had one of those way back, I can't recall what I did with mine, and lost contact with my friend so have no idea if he has his still or not. Really bothers me that I can't remember what I did with it. At least I kept my Aiwa 880

blaster - 2009-05-05 18:05

yeah a i knew a few friends that had them in the 80s...we use to call it the rambo-box.. Wink