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NYC boombox meetup?

fatboyrafe - 2009-04-27 20:41

Hey all,
this recent npr story has me remembering that while i'm based out of NYC i should be taking advantage of it. it seems NYC was the center of the box scene and definitely had the baddest boxes. so now that things are getting warm, i'm wondering if there's going to be any meet-ups soon? how do these things even get coordinated?

ahardb0dy - 2009-04-27 20:56

First step: you need to ask if anyone would be interested in having a meet in your area, depending on the response you would than ask about a date and try to figure out a location.

If a meet is proposed and a date and location is agreed upon, than you need to figure out a time, (all day, a few hours, etc), the location will play a big part as to what you can do, EX. outside in a park for example would not allow people to plug in their radios as easily as if meet was held in a building, house, etc. you also need to figure in bathrooms and weather if meet is held outside.
In our 2 Florida meets, My wife cooked dinner for everyone, we also provided accommodations for members from out of state this past meet.

All things to consider, but the interest of the members in your area would be first to inquire about. The 2 meets we had down here took a lot of work to organize and prepare for, our meet this past march really put me to work as some of our friends that helped in the 2008 meet were not available. Plenty of help would also be good to have in setting up, shopping, breaking down, cleaning up, etc.

We also had a donation box which our meet attendee's contributed to very well, as we ( my wife and I being the hosts) layed out quite a bit of money towards the meet, and everyone who attended contributed, not only with money but in other ways too, every little bit helps and is greatly appreciated.

wonderlust - 2009-05-01 18:57

I'm in NYC -- should any other New York area collectors want to get together (eg: Washington Sq, Union Sq etc..) I'm down to meet.

ford93 - 2009-05-01 23:58

There you go Fatboyrafe you already have one New Yorker interested.

If you do have a meet plz. hook us up with some pics.

There are quite a few members here that resides in New York City so good luck with that, I would love to participate but I now live in Tampa.