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Got me a M-70jw!

teamstress - 2009-07-17 16:55

Did the "buy it now" on e-bay for it. Description said radio dead but tape reels moved, so I went for it. Arrived on the 14th,scary packing!, in a box inside another box with NO packing material! I'm amazed it made it in one piece coming UPS. First off the handle was just about falling off, loose screws, pretty good shape otherwise. So I tested her out, power light was very dim,tried the tape it worked but no sound, no radio at all,now I'm thinking power supply issues d'oh. I take it apart start looking for burnt or loose stuff, nothing, did find parts and screws for the handle though. Long story short, it was the on-off switch. The tiny springy piece was in the wrong position! Popped it back and OH MY GOD it came to life! WOO HOO! What an awesome radio. I think it's the best in my collection. Amazing the condition it's in considering it's 28 years old. That's it, needed to tell someone the story.


gagaeyes - 2009-07-17 17:23

how about some pics Confused

alvinm - 2009-07-17 17:27

Waiting on one myself..Lets see some pics!!!

teamstress - 2009-07-18 15:35

Everyone knows what one looks like.

jameswp67 - 2009-07-18 18:23

just your chance to share your radio rescue before and after usually--its fun!

alvinm - 2009-07-18 19:00

They all don't look alike..Some are cleaner then others... Nod Yes

And work on an avatar pic while your at it... Cool