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GF-777 From China - Arrived Today!!

tburick - 2008-12-24 18:03

Here's how it went:

(sound of phone ringing)

Me: Hello

USPS: Hello, this is the USPS Warehouse in Youngwood. We have a large package from China down at our main dock. It can't be delivered today, but if you want you can drive down and...

Me: (Rudely cutting the USPS lady short) I WILL BE RIGHT THERE! (CLICK). Grabbing my jacket, the car keys go flying across the floor, try to grab the keys and my cell phone goes flying. I get my arms all twisted up trying to get my jacket on and practically trip and fall running out the door. Breaking several traffic laws and hydro-planing most of the way, I arrive at the USPS warehouse.
I run in, sign for the 777, stuff it in the back seat of my car, and speed back home. Drag it into the house, loose my balance as the box is teetering on my shoulder and almost drop it on the floor. I scrambled for a box cutter, making a huge mess as I was tearing the kitchen junk drawer apart. I find the cutter and start tearing away at the packing. DAMN that guy packs stuff tight. The 777 was encased in TWO full layers of thick styro-foam cut with jigsaw-like precision and I swear he blew two rolls of packing tape on the outside.(this must be the same guy that packs all the hair dryers,lcd monitors, and other consumer goods headed for the US Smile
OK, so - I finally get it out of the box:



Cosmetically the 777 is in very good condition

Speaker grills are straight and tight

only minor marks - no scrapes, cracks, or gouges

Antennas nice and chromey - both straight

It's early, but all functions appear to work

Over all very nice!


Both tape decks sound extremely muffled on play. Sounds way worse than dirty tape heads - tried cleaning the heads anyway - did not solve the problem. Anyone know this problem? Any fix?

VERY bad static on the volume control. Speakers cut out as you adjust volume. Worst dirty controls I've heard in a while. Hopefully a good cleaning will restore the pots.

Clear plastic tuner cover and clear plastic on the tape decks seem cloudy. Looks as if someone scrubbed them with a fine abrasive. It's not bad, but I have many other radios with better clear plastics.

That's a quick once-over. More to come in the next few days.

After examining the 777, would I purchase it again? Yes. Although I hope I can get the tape decks straightened out.

One small problem with the seller is that all of his 777's have the same cut and paste description. It should have been mentioned in the description that the tape decks sound very muffled. Severe static on the knobs and slightly cloudy plastics probably should have been mentioned too. I would have mentioned those if I were selling the radio on ebay.
Also, I have a theory as to why he has many price levels on the 777's. Mine was the cheapest one of his current lot. Some were as much as $200 more. Maybe he is aware of the issues and prices each radio accordingly. (?)

Overall I am very happy with the radio. I just hope I can get the tape decks fixed.


oldskool69 - 2008-12-24 18:08

Well Merry Christams to you tburick! Glad it shook out for you!!! Big Grin Nod Yes

driptip - 2008-12-24 18:37

great story man, enjoy.

fatdog - 2008-12-24 18:57

Congratulations, tburick! The write-up I did on changing the belts on the GF-777 also included instructions (originally posted by beatbox) for adjusting the play heads for better sound.

As for the static, get yourself some DeOxit D5S and it'll take care of it. Be sure to remove the knob before spraying though. Wink

jaredscottfla - 2008-12-24 20:21

Smile congrats,enjoy it u've earned it! Wink

tburick - 2008-12-24 20:32

I've been listening to it all evening...don't even care right now about the flat sound and static.

Been picking it up and walking in front of the mirror seeing how cool I look with this monster. I know ALL of you have done this at one time or another so no snide comments Smile

johnnygto - 2008-12-24 20:41

Originally posted by tburick:Been picking it up and walking in front of the mirror seeing how cool I look with this monster. I know ALL of you have done this at one time or another so no snide comments Smile

No comments here Wink

Done that with almost every box!

Congrats on the box it sounds really nice.


blaster - 2008-12-24 20:44

oh yeah you know it... Big Grin congrats TB and enjoy!!

redbenjoe - 2008-12-24 20:56

nice timing --great story -
and yup - you look extreme cool with it Smile Big Grin

ghettoblaster4life - 2008-12-24 21:17

my girlfreind caught me looking in the mirror with my blasters one 2 mant times,lol.

gluecifer - 2008-12-24 21:32

A true christmas miracle! Congratulations Tburick!

If the tuner window is clouded on the outside surface some brasso and elbow grease should do the job to get her nice and clear.

Rock On.

nelsongf9696 - 2008-12-25 04:26

Congrats.I hope you get everything working.Yeah you should look KOOL with it. Big Grin

success - 2008-12-25 06:12

Congrats man !!!

Probably you need to adjust the azimuth of both heads. It's very easy, you need a little screwdriver and a tape. I use two or three prerecorded tapes to find an averrage for the screw adjust.
Some BBX let you adjust that with the BBX assembled. They most have a little hole that is aligned with the rigth-most screw of the head while the head is enganged in play. If no hole, you will need to take the front appart to acces the whole mecha. You will notice that head has two screws. The one which has an spring allows you to adjust the azimuth.
You will need to adjust until the head is parallel to the tape line. That's to put the azimuth close to the adjust position in a fast way. Then use the tapes and try with turning clockwise and counterclockwise the screw until the high are maximun.

Help you with the treble control at max position and set the tape selector to the type that it's being played.

Of course there's a laboratory set-up ...
but like speed adjust ... I perform it using several different and well known tapes instead of the 3Khz tape, because I don't have it, and neither the universal counter Frown.

success - 2008-12-25 06:22

For the clear plastic, I use a trick that in some case solve the problem.
Try using tooth-paste (not much) and a cotton piece. Polish in circles until the toothpaste disappears (the plastic becames a little warm when you reach this point).
With two of three time you will note the improve.

tburick - 2008-12-25 06:40

Success, I'll try the tape head alignment and let you know how it works. Thanks!

jvc.floyd - 2008-12-25 06:58

glad you got your box in one piece man ,i think the azmuth adjustment screws are just below the cassette doors on the front of the box just open the cassette doors and you should see the holes where the adjustments can be made.

fatdog - 2008-12-25 07:34

I finally found that old post from beatbox:


Hope this helps! Smile

- 2008-12-25 08:08

I'm so glad that the GF-777 arrived safely to you from China...that's great Big Grin

I wouldn't worry much about the other issues with it as they can be repaired.


l.lopez - 2008-12-25 09:08

The boombox mirror walk is the best walk Big Grin.

- 2008-12-25 09:12

Originally posted by L LOPEZ:
The boombox mirror walk is the best walk Big Grin.

Laugh Out Loud

That's soooooo true!


thafuzz - 2008-12-25 10:23

The boombox mirror walk is the best walk .

Your're darn right about that amigo Nod Yes Hey Tom, as stated earlier "just in time". glad your got her. Complete & working as well. Just a lil' lipstick and rouge and she'll be all gussied up for the BBX ball Cool Some before vs after pics would be cool. Congrats man!

ash25 - 2008-12-25 11:09

Great news tburick. Glad that you got it in one piece and no damage. I live in Speers,Pa. and am familiar with that Youngwood facility. I also got a gf777 4 days ago and I am loving it it. Got mine off ebay and from Massachusetts. Good luck with the tape adjustment. Maybe we can hook up one day.

tburick - 2008-12-25 16:52

Turns out that the dirty volume control was at least partially to blame for the flat sound. I sprayed deoxit in the pot and spun it a bunch of times. Almost all of the static is gone and the left deck is stronger, cleaner sounding, and noticably brighter - although a head alignment is still necessary. Right deck sounds a little better but flat overall.

Anyone know how to get deoxit off a speaker cone? Apparently I sprayed too much inside and it ran down inside the box and leaked on the speaker. I think this stuff has oil in it. I tried dabbing it with an alcohol soaked q-tip but it didn't work. If all else fails, I think I am going to keep that other 777 as a parts machine. It appears to have good speakers. I can do a swap when I tear it down for reconditioning.

ALSO, I tried connecting my iPhone through AUX. It sounded terrible - fluctuating volume, sound cut outs, terrible static. All appeared to be coming from the phono / aux switch on the back. I sprayed deoxit in the switch (much more careful this time) and flipped the switch back and forth several times - the damn switch broke!! it's completely jammed and won't move - will have to pull one of the parts machine.

Been playing with it all afternoon. Tapes never sounded so good Smile

blaster - 2008-12-25 17:03

yeah its best to keep the other box for parts... Smile

tburick - 2008-12-25 17:10

BTW - I got busted doing the BBX mirror walk today.

ME: (looking cool doing passes in the mirror while holding the BBX...trying to copy that cool swing like turn-around I saw on the final scene of the Dirty Vegas song "Days Go By" ...where the guy is finished break dancing, picks up the BBX and swings around into the sunset) Big Grin

SPOUSE: (turning the corner and watching me...and of course I have no idea I am being spied on) WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!

ME: (feeling a bit embarrassed and suddenly silly) Um...Um...I was UM seeing...seeing how I looked holding the radio. *hollow cough*

SPOUSE: Roll Eyes (walking away shaking head) You're so weird.

Don't you hate it when they don't get the whole BBX thing?

- 2008-12-25 17:26

Originally posted by tburick:
BTW - I got busted doing the BBX mirror walk today.

SPOUSE: Roll Eyes (walking away shaking head) You're so weird.

Don't you hate it when they don't get the whole BBX thing?

Laugh Out Loud

I did the same today only i went outside with my Conion since it wasn't "that" cold Big Grin . When i came inside my wife just looked at me and smiled, then shook her head Laugh Out Loud I told her STFU and take a pic of me with my Conion...then i told her to sit her @ss on the Conion so that i could take a pic of her Laugh Out Loud

***My new avatar was after my walk outside in the snow...my neighbors still haven't figured me out yet either Big Grin


thafuzz - 2008-12-25 20:22

All my neighbors smile when they me out in my garage or drive way stacking my boxes for pics. The wife just ignores me now- Or just sends me on an errand instead. Tap Toes

vladi123456 - 2008-12-25 20:54

Tburick and Gord - too funny about the *walk of shame* and the spouses!! Big Grin

And congrats on the 777 - that is an AWESOME b-box!! Smile

reli - 2008-12-26 20:11

Both tape decks sound extremely muffled on play. Sounds way worse than dirty tape heads - tried cleaning the heads anyway - did not solve the problem. Anyone know this problem? Any fix?

VERY bad static on the volume control. Speakers cut out as you adjust volume. Worst dirty controls I've heard in a while. Hopefully a good cleaning will restore the pots.

This is because the ocean and pollution in China coastal cities causes a lot of corrosion. Personally I think that guy is an idiot.... bad experience with him. But then I could say that about anyone who provides vague descriptions on Ebay. They are all trying to hide something.

reli - 2008-12-26 20:18


Also, I have a theory as to why he has many price levels on the 777's. Mine was the cheapest one of his current lot. Some were as much as $200 more. Maybe he is aware of the issues and prices each radio accordingly. (?)

Oh, he's aware........He just doesn't say **** Roll Eyes

johnnygto - 2008-12-26 21:07

Originally posted by Reli:
Oh, he's aware........He just doesn't say **** Roll Eyes

I Agree

Yeah I'd have to probably agree on those vague description auctions... they know!

I have asked similiar seller which auction was the best radio, because I will bid on that one to win.... they reply "there all the same good"!

yeah okay... Confused


fuzzyduck - 2008-12-27 13:50

Congrats on the safe arrival. Cool

Pics please! Big Grin