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Unexpected scores!

fuzzyduck - 2008-08-11 12:40

A mate of mine asked me if I fancied going to some bootsales on Sunday so I agreed as I'd given up due to finding almost nothing in the past year and it would be good to get into it again. All the BBXs I had found since came from the dump or an exporter I know.

I never really expected to find anything again so I was blown away when I came across a fully working but dirty Sharp GF-525 at the first sale we went to, the owner has had it from new.
Very similar to the lovely 555/666 models but with better bass and a gorgeous grey colour scheme. I have been hoping to find one of these for a long time! Big Grin Big Grin

I then picked up a Sharp GF-9090 from the next sale we visited, it works fine apart from poor FFW/RW and needs a good cleanup. The front is scratched unfortunately.
The guy I got it from said he has more radios in his shed and will bring them to the next sale, he'll keep them aside until I've seen them. Cool

beatbox - 2008-08-11 12:59

Great, just great!!

I bet they'll look great after you give em some of your special treatment. What a great surprise!!!

skippy1969 - 2008-08-11 13:04

OOOHHH WOW,great finds Fuzzy. Very nice indeed. Eek Wink

masterblaster84 - 2008-08-11 13:05

Awesome Fuzzy Duck! Proof that the wild isn't dead yet. Nod Yes

jaredscottfla - 2008-08-11 13:08

Eek totally awesome Fuzzy! Cool

masterblaster - 2008-08-11 13:20

nice scores Fuzzy. I'm out the door right now to check a couple of places. Wish me luck!

jaredscottfla - 2008-08-11 13:22

good luck! Big Grin

walkgirl - 2008-08-11 13:52

That is fantastic! Cool

oldskool69 - 2008-08-11 14:41

You were greatly rewarded after your long absence from boot sales. Very nice! Big Grin

geoffhartwell - 2008-08-11 14:44

nice one FD, great scores

redbenjoe - 2008-08-11 14:56

nice going -- that 525 is very cool and unique looking Smile

gluecifer - 2008-08-11 19:44

Great stuff, congratulations Fuzzy Duck, top scores.

These recent pick ups in the wild are very inspiring.

Rock On.

bredgeo - 2008-08-11 23:13

So nice!!!!

Luck was good with the 525!!!

gusg - 2008-08-12 01:58

Wow..its funny how you can hunt for months and even yers without finding anything, than, one day it just happends! Great finds!"

r.o.y.a.l - 2008-08-12 04:34

nice finds fuzzy ! congrats

isolator42 - 2008-08-12 04:53

Nicely done again Fuzzy - soon you're going to have one of the best collections of Sharp b-boxes in England.

On that GF525, isn't it wierd how the speaker trim puts the speakers further apart than they are behind the grilles... Smile

fuzzyduck - 2008-08-12 11:24

Thanks everyone and good luck BBX hunting Masterblaster! Big Grin

When I first looked at the speakers I actually thought one of them had come loose and moved to one side until I noticed the other one was the same. I had to look closely as they're so dirty lol! They do look rather odd.

ford93 - 2008-08-12 19:06

You're so lucky FD not only to pick up these gems in the wild but also to take great pleasure on restoring them.

aza - 2008-08-13 07:11

Great finds Fuzzyduck ! I have the Sharp GF-515 similar to yours and i remember thinking the speakers had come loose too. When i opened it up everything was where it should be. Unusual design.
Hope these finds give you the boost we sometimes need to keep looking in the wild Smile

fuzzyduck - 2008-08-13 11:20

Did a cleanup today which took me all afternoon.
It was almost spotless inside but had cooking fat splashes on the front so must have been used in someones kitchen.
The speaker surrounds are so weird, the square silver bit in the middle is a fake tweeter complete with a little chrome dustcap stuck in the centre. The real tweeters are under the vertical grills at the sides. Big Grin

AZA, I will definitely keep looking! Nod Yes

Unusual speaker design...

All cleaned up!

bredgeo - 2008-08-13 14:45

the square silver bit in the middle is a fake tweeter complete with a little chrome dustcap stuck in the centre. The real tweeters are under the vertical grills at the sides. Big Grin

DAMN!!!!! Good job Sharp...... Now the only people that would be savvy to this are Fuzzyduck(s) and others who own or have owned 525 and have taken them apart!!!!!!!!! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Wink