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When The Wife Or Girlfriend...(CAREFUL HERE!!!)

oldskool69 - 2008-08-09 16:47

Now you single guys don't have this problem but for us with wifes, girlfriends, etc...get asked questions like:

1. You know, I'd really like to redecorate and paint in here, we could use the space...

2. Why do yo need all these? How about selling some? We could use the cash. For example I think we can...

3. As much as gas costs nowadays, how can you justify paying that much for an old radio? Don't argue with me, I use my Prada bag, not sit it on a shelf and admire it...

4. Why did you pay that much? I saw one like that at the thrift store and it only cost ten bucks? (Keep in mind they don't know what they see. It's all the same to them.Laugh Out Loud)

5. So this is why we can't go on vacation! You needed that stupid a** Conion C-Whatever and that JVC M-Mighty Expensive 90!!! You better find a way to convince me that it's worth more than my needs!!!

Or one straight fom my personal archives but my be very similar for some out there...

6. Well, I see you got your Sansui. All I know is that I'd better get some Sansu-BLING!

How do you handle these situations? My sweet little 9yr old daughter reminded my wife that I lied and went way over twelve boxes. Laugh Out Loud My daughter has been kindly rewarded with a day out with Daddy. With her wishes granted for the day. Mom's reward (Mine too really, I love my kids. Big Grin) for her sweet Mya working in cahoots to build the guilt for my hobby versus moms wants. Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud (Now I owe Mya a wired microphone! Laugh Out Loud)

Now the point of being careful here is that our lovlies my sneak up with the ol' "Watcha doin honey?" So if you wanna man up with "She does what I tell her to do!", please put me in your will and direct your most precious grails my way. Laugh Out Loud This may be especially true in the long term relationships. Laugh Out Loud

Let's hear 'em! Big Grin

jaredscottfla - 2008-08-09 16:49

Big Grin i'm D.I.V.O.R.C.E.
No worries Laugh Out Loud

redbenjoe - 2008-08-09 17:28

oldy --there are some solutions --for instance - in your own unique case --

if you want your wife to see that you are TRYING to reduce your load from a whopping 48 to a mere 45 Smile

well - i can help you out of a few of your fruity sansuis and that obnoxios C9 pitbull --which is
so NOISEY !! Laugh Out Loud

ash25 - 2008-08-09 17:59

I keep telling my girlfriend that they are an investment!!!! So she says when do you plan on selling them so we can cash in on THIS investment. I keep saying we have to wait for the right time to CASH in,, which that time will never come. lol!!!!!!!!!!! Its all good.

moncheeto - 2008-08-09 18:06

well my wife wanted me to sell some for the same reason she looked at my m90 well honey they used to cost a lot of money but right now i think they are worth 75.00 dollars so selling them will not make any money,i guess i took care of that for now (feehew that was a close one Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud)

transamguy1977 - 2008-08-09 18:08

Im staying faaaaaaar away from this topic Leaving

redbenjoe - 2008-08-09 19:03

agree with ash --all the way :

here is the plan --
you must convince your women that these are all precious, hand-selected works of art --
like having a pile of Rembrants !!

and - there are all appreciating - by the HOUR --at 34 times the rate of inflation --

so - you are creating a most valuable estate for your families Smile

(didnt work for me , though)

transamguy1977 - 2008-08-09 19:11

What are you doing???? Tap Toes
Just looking Big Grin

baby.boomer - 2008-08-09 19:23

For a while it worked to tell my wife what a valuable investment my collection was. Then she caught on. Now she tells me, "It's only valuable if you sell it. As long as it's just taking up space here, it's worth nothing."

Of course, she's right. But if I sell it, I won't have a collection anymore.

Score: Wife 1, Me 0.

pumpaction - 2008-08-09 23:58

Also...i think it gets worse with the amount of boxes you have and the Space they take up...i mean im finding it hard to hide over a 100 boxes....they take up most of my garage...and also especially when they see that you have 15 boxes all the same...like my Telefunkens...they go Mad..!! Wink

chancenellie - 2008-08-10 00:56

My wife hates them,she dont see the point,shes come out with some gems
Just because its got a handle dont make it portable,i cant lift it (1 of my vz2500's).

If they are so valuable why am i waiting for my new kitchen ?

They're like you.old,big,heavy,dont sound as good as modern stuff and most people have forgotten about them Laugh Out Loud

r.o.y.a.l - 2008-08-10 01:02

my misses must be the best misses ever then ! ! !

she's awesome, doesn't mind me collecting ghetto blasters in the slightest , she likes em too , and we have pretty much everything in common ! !

she actively endorses my purchases and hunting and she's stunning ! yes ! !

I hit the jack pot !

thafuzz - 2008-08-10 02:01

Well, I'm trying to get my wife excited about the boxes. I just found & bought my wife a Sanyo BoomBox like her old high school radio (from a fellow S2ger). I hope it works.

geoffhartwell - 2008-08-10 02:38

my girlfriend is cool with it, she even tells me to bid on some cause she likes it. she also encouraged to to bid on a lot of ten cause they were cheap saying keep the one you like and sell the rest and then if you make your money back you get one for free. she also goes to are local chairty shops looking for them, cant ask any more than that, i guess im lucky

autoreverser - 2008-08-10 03:03

my wife just bought herselfe this for the kitchen:

and a while ago this one for our new one:

fully accepted IoI !!!!

themightyrepairer - 2008-08-10 04:35

yea my girl thinks i'm silly collecting these.. but she doesnt give me any grief.. i just bring up all the pairs of shoes she has.. and that pretty much silences her.. i used to have about 25 boxes.. now i'm down to around a more manageable 10.. kinda wish she was into them.. but at least i dont get any grief Smile

gooner - 2008-08-10 04:40

Get all your new blasters sent to another address, ie work or a friend bring them home when shes out then make out you have had this radio for years she will never know!(dont tell my wife I sent this message)cheers,paul.

eddy - 2008-08-10 04:53

From what i read here , i think i'm very lucky to be single.You got to have a hobby or not?
Hobbies always cost some money. A song comes to my mind here " What have you done for me lately?" Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

vladi123456 - 2008-08-10 08:38

Ya - I'm with Eddy - being single kicks butt. At least, in this case Big Grin

el.rojo.grande - 2008-08-11 21:34

Hold up fellas... This will work EVERY time!

"Doctor's orders dear, I've got a fever and the only prescription is more... boomboxes! Laugh Out Loud

Married, single, separated- try this one out and post your results. We want to know if it worked for you.

ford93 - 2008-08-11 22:03

No need I'm separated from wifey woo hoo!! Big Grin

analogboi - 2008-08-13 06:49

OldSkool I've always wanted to post this question, but you beat me to it!

Boomboxes are just one of my three interests. I also have a few analog synthesizers, and "vintage" car amplifiers (think Linear Power 5002). The synths take up waaaaay more space, the car amps fit nicely under a bed (most are in use however). I just refuse to live in the present! Razz No, I don't have any parachute pants...

The synths get the side-eye more than anything. You really can't incorporate a Prophet 10 nicely into an average sized room. It's like a coffee table with knobs...

The boomboxes get the green light so far. I really don't have too many, and some have VERY good radios. If we want to listen to a jazz or Latin station from far away, it's usually one of the boomboxes that get used. The "hyped" modern radios from Tivoli, Boston, C. Crane, Sangean, etc. really aren't any better than a good bbx from 1980! Nod Yes

We do a lot of stuff outside and one of the bbxs usually follows along. The M70 helped supply the tunes to a landscaping project a few weeks back. I would say my bbx interest is the best accepted of all my quirks. My neighbors think I'm weird, however for still listening to cassettes on those "D" cell powered monsters. The best they have is some crappy egg from Walmart Laugh Out Loud

Remember Walkgirl likes bbxs too. Smile

analogboi - 2008-08-13 06:51

Ford93--what did you do?? Drive her out with your M90? Laugh Out Loud

peter.griffin - 2008-08-13 07:15

haha, it's nice to know most people on this forum have the same issues I doSmile

My wife was born in the 80's so she can't relate at all to boomboxes. I've been holding off buying them to make her happy. She claims I can buy more, if I put them all in on a rack, not on floors etc.

I remember someone giving me good advice last year when I asked a similar question. For every boombox you buy, you got to buy your wifey something niceSmile

bredgeo - 2008-08-15 21:39

Yap....... the woman.....

asdexander - 2008-08-16 01:46

Originally posted by ford93:
No need I'm separated from wifey woo hoo!! Big Grin

"woo hoo!!" Laugh Out Loud