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Hitachi TRK-8610 Melted Box Corner Restoration

gluecifer - 2008-08-09 05:48

Thought you guys might like to see my latest work on getting this radio back to her glory days.

It was done with Knead-It, an epoxy polymer repair dealy that sets in about 10 minutes. This gives you scant time to get it right, but once it's cured it's like concrete and pretty easy to sand and shape. Lots of sanding and paint combinations to get close to the right colour on the box and voila.

Will probably end up doing some more sanding/repainting to get her closer to a 100% match in the daylight. But that's enough for this evening on her. The tape deck still refuses to cooperate, but she runs great off the mains power now for line-in and radio.

Hope you guys think it's an improvement.

Rock On.

oldskool69 - 2008-08-09 05:56

Fantastic work! Those molded polymers and bonding agents like JB Weld certainly help out to rebuild cracked cases and all kind of stuff on these boomers. Nod Yes