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Top Ten Trend Setter's

drew - 2009-07-19 13:09

Boombox's that were quickly followed in technical, or design features and today considered very nice for their time.

My vote is going to an early unit - the Sony CF-580 from 1976. These are conservatively styled, yet look pretty darn sleek and are very high quality with state of the art features for a 1976 box...playing three types of tape normal, chomium dioxide and ferric oxide. It's little brother, the CF-550 goes back to 1971 and many feel set the blueprint for the AM/FM tape player recorder package. (there were a few offerings between 1965 -70, but most are quirky and never sold well.

my CF-580 sounds better then any pre 1978 unit I've heard.

Other trend setters ?

obtuse - 2009-07-19 14:56

I'm going with a relative newcomer, the JVC Kaboom.

The unique basic design spawned a host of imitators, from cheapo mini radios to the look-but-not-sound-alike Coby (nicknamed "Co-boom").

The same basic design remained available (on and off) for 9 years, and is still a highly sought after item. An outstanding performer as well.

It filled a niche for a powerful, portable, durable box that could double as a PA or even a guitar amp.

x9moto - 2009-07-19 16:48

i agree the kaboom is great i have a mint one in the box for special occasions, and i can remember the cobra when i was 11 at school there was a camping trip and our teacher bought one to take with us so we could party on the beach it was brilliant Smile