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Pye RC-401A

dxer22000 - 2008-07-22 20:35

Hi bbx'ers Smile

Happy news!! My Pye RC-401A arrived safely. Sure is in pretty good nick Smile Needs head/belts replaced.

I'd like to clean on the inside of the perspex where the radio dial is. Trouble is, I'd have to pull apart the entire guts of the bbx to do so, which I'm afraid to do. Any tips on cleaning such an inaccessible area? What amazes me is how dirt can even get in there in the 1st place!

Funny how with many bbx's how inaccessible behind the perspex is eh?

(may your) bbx live long & prosper.....


gluecifer - 2008-07-23 03:47

I had this with my 777, lots of crud in behind the dial. Then I found when turned to the side you could shake/tap it out through the little hole going to the tape counter reset button.

You can also use a can of compressed air along the edge of the glass to blast it out through any holes that may not be initially visible.

Good luck!

Rock On.