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It got me thinking...

thafuzz - 2008-07-18 23:38

I attended a friend's funeral today with full military honors (Honor guard, 21 gun salute, Taps, etc). It was a very sad, formal and beautiful thing. Prior to the burial service, I attended the ceremony/celebration at the funeral home. I fought my tears off by thinking of how I'd be remembered after listening to this grieving family share all the funny memories of their loved one. I studied the entire set up, portraits, flower display behind the flag draped casket, etc. and the slide show and carefully selected songs for it. I came to the conclusion I'd like a "wall" of my boxes stacked behind my coffin. Maybe even daisey-chained together for sound - all playing the same song through them. After all, it is who I am. My hobby, lifestyle, my sense of humor, etc. All my friends and loved ones know my "hobby" anyway Big Grin Besides, who said it has to be all sad anyway. Y'all remember Ramone's celebration on the movie "BeatStreet"? My (logical) wife Kathy called me crazy when I shared this with her. Without missing a beat, she chimed in with "Well, what about your '69 Camaro(Lucy)? I paused for a moment.....................................................................................................................(long moment)..... then replied, "Lucy can pull my coffin to the grave site on a flatbed trailer (one last spin) driven by our son". Of course, I'd have to be strapped down firmly for taking the corners, so my a$$ doesn't slide off Laugh Out Loud "It got me thinking" LOL

thafuzz - 2008-07-18 23:42

Maybe I can rent RadioHeir's wall for shock & Awe at the funeral parlor? Not that I'm expecting anything to happen Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

weylandyutani - 2008-07-19 00:10

Ok I think someone needs a big hug.... Nod Yes

chancenellie - 2008-07-19 00:22

Hey Adam,hope your well,you got a point here,we all got our friends and buddies,but what do they really think of us,i know my mates love me but do we have anything that really does there head in.I've had a similar conversation with my wife ,what music,theme etc for my last hour etc,not that she agrees with what i want No No and i want my closest friends to stand up and say all the nice things,but i also want them to add a "but ,he used to ????" I think that would be a hoot.By the way did you ever get the photos i sent you of Robert Peel land ?

jaredscottfla - 2008-07-19 00:35

Best Wishes Adam on The Loss of Your Freind,And G-d Bless Him For His Service. As To Your Wish,Nothing Wrong With it. U Made Your Wishes Known NOW BEFORE it happens. I think That's cool. Some People Think It's Morbid To Talk Or Plan Our Inevitable Flight From This Mortal Coil,To Be Honest I use To Feel That way But Since Losing All My Grandpaarents,My Brother,My Father,and several very close freinds and My Mom's Major Heart Surgary in March,My whole perspective on death has chgd. Take Care!

thafuzz - 2008-07-19 00:36

Hi there Andy. Good to hear from you my friend. No, I never got them on my yahoo Frown It sounded very interesting too. Email it again when you can, and I'll keep a sharp eye out for it again. Knowing MY relatives, they'll break out my old break dancing photos from the 80's when I had that crazy Adam Sandler hairstyle (The Wedding Singer movie) Laugh Out Loud You can't control what they'll say about us at these things I guess. /// Wow Jared, you've endured alot. I can understand your change in perspective.

beatbox - 2008-07-19 03:17

Why not have what you want? It is afterall your last goodbye and you should be able to do what you like.

My mum hadn't planned her funeral as it was so sudden when she died. However, having seen her at Christmas and heard the music she had played while I was there, I knew exactly what to play at the funeral. This included a Manu Chao song with references to marijuana and alchohol (from which she died), and though maybe not to everyones taste, was one of HER favourites.

I always wanted to have my friends congregate in a forest by a lake and feast. Then cremate me on a huge bonfire just like Anakin in Star Wars, and then party on in Medieval style till they all fall over.

Funnily, if I ever get married, thats exactly how I want it to go aswell!! Apart from being burnt on a bonfire of course.

walkgirl - 2008-07-19 03:23

hug to everybody!

When I pinch my bottom shut ( Big Grin ), I will
ask for a extra big box to put me in so i can
bring some walkmans Eek

But to be honest I think, when in 50 years the funeral
costs are soo high i have to postpone my funeral
by a week or two so I could sell all I have on
ebay to pay for the whole thing Confused

oldskool69 - 2008-07-19 03:36


I understand and pray for your comfort and definitely for the family. A big salute to you all.

I have been to these type of funerals. (Being ex-military.) I truly beilieve that they did best by clebrating his life even in mourning. That's what I would want. I told my wife that I'd want everyone to have water pistols and have a ten minute water gun fight right there in the church at my funeral. I am a big kid. I take life as serious as I have to and make it no more and believe that keeps me young. Having the radios as part of it is a nifty idea because it's part of our make up. Smile

thafuzz - 2008-07-19 13:48

Having the radios as part of it is a nifty idea because it's part of our make up.

WORD! So, should I play some SugarHill Gang? Or AC/DC's "HighWay to Hell"? Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

weylandyutani - 2008-07-19 16:53

Well when my big brother died 20yrs ago we had a large turnout for his funeral in our local catholic church {our parish] and being that he was a huge Beetles fan we had JOHN LENNONS "IMAGINE" Blasting through the church soundsystem as his coffin was brought in.We know this is exactly what he would have wanted. So i can see whats goin to happen at mine now that i have this new obsession!!!

jovie - 2008-07-19 22:10

There's not a doubt in my mind that I wouldn't have been strong enough to hold back the tears.I have so much respect for people who serve for the sake of others in locals communities or in far off lands.A wall of boomboxes would uniquely signify strength and victory and would be the perfect symbol for a life well spent.That is a really fantastic idea-so long as it's not any time soon!!!

As for myself I already have a wall of boomboxes right behind me as I am typing this.I'm thinking I need to buy some more of those square big ones to strengthen it a bit.If they fell on me it might be months before they find my body.