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Off brands or Cheap boombox that looks good & sounds good.

l.lopez - 2008-11-23 17:34

I think this could be an interesting thread, We all like brand name boomboxes like Sharp-JVC-Hitachi-FisherG.E.-Telefunken-Sanyo-Yamha-Technics-Panasonic-Toshiba-Sansui-Sony-Pioneer, And a few others, But how about off brands or cheap boomboxes. I like a few in my collection how about ya. Which one and what do u like about yours?
This the Ambasador boombox, I like to looks of it the silver classic colr with plenty of chrome, And the sound is really good coming from a cheap boombox. One of my favorite boomers.

jaredscottfla - 2008-11-23 17:59

SmileHey LL,I started a Similar Thread awhile Back weird Box Brands,
Not Necessarily Looks For Me Although That is Obvious ,if it's Just Down Right Ugly! Razz
Just The Fact It May be Rare or unusual is The kicker For Me,As For Sound My Recor is Pretty Darn Good as well as my Sampo,My Aiko,and My Aimor To Name a few.

l.lopez - 2008-11-23 18:03

Cool Jaredscottfla, Now how about some pics of hthis beauty Big Grin?

jaredscottfla - 2008-11-23 18:29

Smilei'll try to take some new ones my cam sucks and i can't use photo bucket my aiko is the RTR 5012,Jens has a pic of that box in his Aiko thread.
Sampo Cs 407 i think there is my old pic in an old thread on here i'll ck,also i think Baby Boomer has the same box,he might have posted a pic as well.

l.lopez - 2008-11-23 19:43

Here try this one timy pics, And is free Smile.

viennasound - 2008-11-24 00:58

My 2 favourites


The strange PHILIPS compo:

baby.boomer - 2008-11-24 01:21

Got one of these from a Chinese seller on eBay. Bought it it just for its uniqueness, but I was/am stunned by the depth and clarity of its sound! Fuller and richer (it almost feels like you're inside the box when you listen!) than many larger boxes. A very nice surprise indeed! Big Grin

Contec 8913-2S

jaredscottfla - 2008-11-24 16:54

SmileNice Stuff Hey BB Was it You That had The sampo Cs 407? I think it was,Pls Clarify. Smile

baby.boomer - 2008-11-24 18:11

You're right. I have a Sampo CS-407. Here's the thread. It's been a long time since I've had it up and running, so I can't say about how it sounds. It's pretty small, so it couldn't blow me away like this Contec did/does.

jaredscottfla - 2008-11-24 18:16

Cool i thought so! mine died and i did a surgary brought her back but now the tape player eats tapes,still i love it,the radio plays exc!

billpc55 - 2008-12-02 18:54

i have a small asahi three piece boombox in one of the smaller rooms here.
i have some pretty nice boomboxes now from bigger better companys.
i tell you what tho this small three piece asahi is a real sleeper. the tuner is very excellent able to pull in stations alot of bigger name boxes cannot. the tape deck is very good to dolby with soft touch controls.
i was really amazed also with how loud this small boomer is. i mean i also have a small red jvc three piece boomer and i think this asahi i have decimates it. both of them are in excellent shape to boot.
it really truly impressed me. still does so much so its not been banished to the closet of lesser boomboxes.