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German post Q

ned.209 - 2008-07-10 05:19

hi guys, im a bad man, Pan move this to the off topic if you wish. i won a kick ass pioneer sub for 1 euro


i told him i only wanted the sub, but the guy is quoting me 60 euro postage for just the sub...
theres always a catch... ive had big ghettos sent to me from Germany for 20 euro, so by that token the sub must weigh like 90kg... which it doesnt. id say 10 kg max.

does anyone know a decent priced service i can suggest to this guy?

beatbox - 2008-07-10 06:00

Hey there. Long time no direct speak.

Anyway, I always use Hermes Paket service which is stupidly cheap. They charge by size rather than weight, as long as the packet aint over 25 kilos.

Thing is, if there is no Hermes near him it may be hard.

Hang on.

Ok, just did a search and it seems that there are a few in the city, 10 HERMES PAKET SHOPs in fact, so he should be able to get to one of them.

He's using DHL, which goes by weight, so it must be pretty heavy.

With Hermes it should cost between 19,90 and 29,90 Euros judging by the size.

Anyway, hope this helps!

ned.209 - 2008-07-10 06:53

Heya Beatbox, many thanks, sound. yeah i been a bit off lately, my life is taking ups and downs and many twists so that my head and my perspective are skewed. i meant to write a post to y'all but didnt really know how to go about it. so if ye'll forgive me, ill bow out for a bit, but ill be back.

beatbox - 2008-07-10 06:58

No worries man. I'm going through some heavy s**t myself right now.

This is definitely my worst year ever.

Hope you're well anyway, and good luck with the postage!