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Logo help

fatdog - 2008-06-19 08:47

Does anybody have the following logo on some sort of owner's manual? A really high-resolution (like 300-600dpi) scan would be awesome!!!

beatbox - 2008-06-19 08:48

Wow, I never noticed the A has a star in it!!!

- 2008-06-19 08:59

Please help what brand does this go with ? I may have one, this sounds familiar, have so many ... somewhere over the rainbow ...
Originally posted by Fatdog:
Does anybody have the following logo on some sort of owner's manual? A really high-resolution (like 300-600dpi) scan would be awesome!!!

fatdog - 2008-06-19 09:10

I know it can be found on the Sharp GF-999s and GF-1000s. I'm sure there are other Sharp models.

- 2008-06-19 09:56

ok well all I can find is APLD for Sharps ... I know I have seen this somewhere ... maybe just on the web ... is all ...
Originally posted by Fatdog:
I know it can be found on the Sharp GF-999s and GF-1000s. I'm sure there are other Sharp models.

fatdog - 2008-06-19 12:52

Thanks for checking, James. Maybe Henry can help? Surely, someone has a manual or box with this logo... Tap Toes

ak74 - 2008-06-19 14:18

Sorry my friend...i cant help you

do you need a high-resolution pic from my GF1000 Searcher Logo...


fatdog - 2008-06-19 14:36

Originally posted by AK74:
Sorry my friend...i cant help you

do you need a high-resolution pic from my GF1000 Searcher Logo...
If there's one on the box itself, yes, a high-res pic might help. The logo on the speaker grilles doesn't provide enough detail.

ak74 - 2008-06-19 15:15

the problem is that is the only one logo on the gf1000

ak74 - 2008-06-19 15:35

some other pics but to small...

daiwa - 2008-06-19 22:20

Don't know if you can use this FDog, but here's the logo from my GF9000 manual. (about 3 " X 1" @ 300 dpi)

...my beat up, but original manual...

fatdog - 2008-06-19 22:48

Thanks for trying, Dave, but I've got that particular version done in vector. It's the "alternate" version (The Searcher W) that I'd like to have. It's not really necessary, but it would definitely be cool to add to my GF-1000 labels. Nod Yes

Seeing that eagle reminds me, if anybody has a way to get the eagle in high-res, that would be sweet too! I've always thought that'd make a great tattoo.

daiwa - 2008-06-20 07:48

Why not use your mad "pen tool" skills in Photoshop FDog to trace off the logo from one of your pics on a separate layer and fill with color?

fatdog - 2008-06-20 10:58

Originally posted by Daiwa:
...mad "pen tool" skills in Photoshop

I've been hesitant about doing that because I don't know if the letters have sharp points or are indeed slightly rounded like the grille logos. I'll wait a little longer and see if anybody will come through for me. If not, I'll use my "mad pen tool skills" and get it done.

fatdog - 2008-06-23 10:24

I decided to give the letters sharp edges except for the big "S", which didn't look right with straight edges, so I kept the general shape of it. Here's a low-res example of the final logo. I might put it on a T-shirt!

Big thanks to NelsonGF9696 and AK74 for the pics!!

ak74 - 2008-06-23 10:43

WOW...i like it...

and i want a shirt with this logo.

Nice Work Fatdog

el.rojo.grande - 2008-06-23 10:50

Do you or a graphics friend have access to Adobe Illustrator CS2? You can use live trace to vectorize it. Or go to your local sign shop and have them scan your photo and do their magic.

henrytai - 2008-06-23 10:53

i want one if you make tees with the searcher logo~~~!!fatdog

fatdog - 2008-06-23 11:20

El rojo grande, in addition to being a part-time web applications programmer, I also do graphics work (photo retouching, logos, composites, etc.). Wink

I do most everything in either Photoshop CS3 or Illustrator CS3. All of the boombox labels I replicate are created using vector shapes for ultimate quality. Nod Yes