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driptip - 2011-02-12 16:49

Hey gang, the porpuse of this topic is to let the rest of the gang know what you are doing right now where ever you are as long as you have a blaster with you, so to start it up let me tell you i  just cleaned up my porch, brought out a blaster CLAIRTONE 7987, AKA CONION, HELIX,   and took this pic, i have my psp on the floor with hundreds of songs to choose from in sunny cal, so go ahead and show us what you are doing with your blaster

radio.raheem - 2011-02-12 17:02

sitting here surrounded by 5 radios... they are unicef 2 aiwa 880 and i have dug out my pride and joy my gf10000...but i must say im mesmurized by your pick drip of yourself....i was just looking at that old pick of you and your friend with radio...then this it's like being in a time warp...i will say this no picks from me but im using my newly built by myself pc as a table...it's that damn big...

driptip - 2011-02-12 17:26

hahahah pretty good Radio Raheem,  i am so happy with this new look of the site i cant stop talking about hehehe,
by the way, oh how i crave a gf-1000 or a gf999, but some day man, some day,  happy times man.

radio.raheem - 2011-02-12 17:35

Originally Posted by driptip:
hahahah pretty good Radio Raheem,  i am so happy with this new look of the site i cant stop talking about hehehe,
by the way, oh how i crave a gf-1000 or a gf999, but some day man, some day,  happy times man.
The 1000 is my most sentimental box bro along with the hemiguy m90....I had 2 gf1000 my friend but 1 was so bad..all the chrome had gone decks diddnt work and the tuner string had snapped...I gave it away to a friend basically for ornimental purposes....my other is Nearly mint.. i wish i could show a pick...the speakers are witer than white..but yup god speed driptip...may there be happy times ahead for all of us...ohh yea im liking this sight now...the other was so outdated like us lol just a few things i cant work out but i like a chalange..

lav.loo - 2011-02-13 07:37

first off great pic DT, i gotta say you look a very healthy chap i can't sit on my porch because i don't have one, anyway the weather here in Manchester is lousy (as usual).
i have'nt tried uploading yet so there's no pics from me at the mo sorry, great thread though, hope this gets the replies it deserves

stereo2go - 2011-02-14 09:10

Right now I'm listening to a local R&B station, deciding if I want to walk downstairs and make a sandwich. (Godzilla is saying I should)

ao - 2011-02-14 09:33

Can't your Parabolic reflector go downstairs and do it?

ao - 2011-02-14 09:52

Well, it's 7.30pm and I'm just about to finish working while the trusty PC-5 takes care of iPod duties in the background.  Sadly it's on random and for some reason Def Leapard or Poison are playing (not a fan, at all).  I's from a party tape I did for the neigbours I recall.

The eagle-eyed amongst you will notice that this is the rare French model of the PC-5 with all features in reverse (tape door on right etc).

driptip - 2011-02-14 12:30

pretty good guys some how this makes me feel connected with all of you, while Lav waits for his not so good weather to clear up, so he can take a pic, Paul  probably already ate his sandwich, and Agent O, showing off his i got to say rather NICE pc5, specially the FRENCH model super RARE hehehe,
thats what i am talking about guys, hope this help others to show off their boomboxes, and learn a bit more about each other,
by the way Pauls 7700 looks great, one of the greatest boomboxes out there,
i got 2 of them and got to say this radio even has memory!  WOW!,
and Agents pc 5 well, one in my wish list for quite a while now,
just waiting on a mint of close to mint to show up on ebay i guess.
and well , Radio Raheems 1000 or the 999 not an  easy pray either, there are just a few lucky ones that owns one, also in my wish list.

metad - 2011-02-14 13:32

Originally Posted by agentorange:

The eagle-eyed amongst you will notice that this is the rare French model of the PC-5 with all features in reverse (tape door on right etc).

Yeah, it seems like you're wearing rare French hoody, and watch is French model  also

retro - 2011-02-16 10:29

Right now, I'm trying to get acquainted with my new camera.

driptip - 2011-02-16 16:06

Retro your new camera make boomboxes look shorter and wider hehehe.

retro - 2011-02-16 16:36

lol, it's kind of complicated. I'll sort it out..

stereo2go - 2011-02-16 19:14

Which one did you get, retro?  I just got one myself.  I can't believe how far they've come over the last few years.  Amazing capability in such a tiny package.

ao - 2011-02-16 22:56

I trust you went DSLR?

retro - 2011-02-17 04:58

Yes AO, I went DSLR, I purchased a Nikon D-90 Paul.

ao - 2011-02-17 06:48

Oh, good man.  Welcome to the money-pit that is DSLR photography.

andyboombox - 2011-04-06 03:50

well ive just ruined my sanyo mx 315because the deck went wrong,so i got it apart,tried to fix it,and the bloody case wouldnt go back together-so ive forced it shut and the things busted......my my m9990 is always on,playing rhianna or capital fm/real radio or ridings fm or something like that.....now ive got it i wouldnt be without my sanyo m9990!