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recycling centre....2 big finds!!!!!

andyboombox - 2011-04-23 02:34

well chaps the local library have finished faffing around with the computers so i am finally able to get back on for a bit.....

anyway,on to the story.....so it was wednesday afternoon and a good friend of mine who buys electrics from a big recycling centre decided that it was once again time to get some more.....now,i always enjoy a good session there with him because theres always stuff to find.....old tranny radios,tellies,gadgets,old handhelds (got a 1981 epoch grandstand astro wars the other week),and so on,lurking amongst the other general crappy electrics like modern hair products,toasters,vcrs and yes youve guessed it,eggs.

but wednesday was different.....id said to my mate before we set off i thought todays visit was going to be a good one.....and boy was i right!so i gets out of the van to guide my mate in to where the old electrics are stored up,in big white bags.we helped a guy there unload some stuff first (mainly old tellies,and a bit of hifi gear).i was making a trip with an old telly to dump it when something silver caught my eye,sitting on its back,on a table full of junk.....get this.....it was a beautiful little sanyo m7900L!!!!! well regulars on here will know im mad on sanyos so i scooped it up and into the cab of the van!!!!2 minutes later my mate scooped up something else.......a sharp gf9500!!!!! which he promptly let me have!so i got both these for.....yes-FREE!!!!!

well,got them both home and as you would expect,both have issues-the sanyo has been bodged on the bottom slightly as someone has stuck foam feet to the bottom of it,and it looks like the bottoms been glued at some point and a little red wire is protruding out,but the radio works still even if the deck doesnt anymore.....for the most part this little baby is in stunning order........just the odd little mark here and there.....but it looks and sounds fabulous,for such a small one!i just love it!the gf9500 is also very good condition,radio works but the deck has a problem.....the spindles turn for all the different actions,but heres the problem......a tape is put in the slot but the door woulnt close with it in ?????nothing looks out of place or broken,so i just dont know what is up with it!

anyway thats it,long i know,sorry-but ive never had the chance to spot two decent boxes like this at the recycling centre,just cheapo ones normally.........going again next wednesday so who knows what will be there!sorry guys still no pics.....so how about this-why dont you shame me by putting on pics of your best recycling centre finds?away you go..........

davebush - 2011-04-23 06:39

Pics or it never happened.............

lav.loo - 2011-04-23 09:54

come on ANDY lad, we are patiently waiting

docs - 2011-04-23 10:02

gz on your finds.

billy.the.binman - 2011-04-23 11:32

yeah, sounds like tall tales, especially since theres no proof.


on a side note, i was at ASDA today, and this guy rolls up to my car and started talking about cars - quite usual - but then he saw i liked cars and offered me his car which was this awesome talking car made in the 80's by TVR and converted in Switzerland to make it talk.  i have no pics etc

retro - 2011-04-24 19:39

Originally Posted by davebush:
Pics or it never happened.............

 Funny, a friend of mine recently sent me that same text.

driptip - 2011-04-24 20:44

i am with the guys, pics are in order Andy.

billy.the.binman - 2011-04-25 03:32

andyboombox - 2011-04-26 03:12

wish i could,guys,but its pointless having a digital camera-i cant afford a laptop for home and youre banned from uploading anything on the library pcs so what can i do?but trust me on this,theyre real-and were very free indeed!i think ive finally hit a good source for boxes.....thats if last weeks little bit of luck wasnt just a one off.....we'll have to see tomorrow.....and by the way,when i got all those grails you all doubted me (bar lav loo,thanks az)and with his help you all saw the evidence!so im up the creek with no facility to upload pics.....and it will be a hell of a time before a pc and a digital camera come in at the recycling centre-and i cant afford them any other way!sorry

billy.the.binman - 2011-04-26 03:24

whats stopping you from going on google, putting the model names on there, finding a pic and putting the pics up on here?


and dont say you can do it, as thats not in the spirit of the community.  its your thread so you should be making it interesting, its not coincidence that everyone replied with "why no pics?" sort of responses.


make more effort, perhaps if you did that to start with no one would get on your back.


www.google.com - try it out

radio.raheem - 2011-04-26 05:23

Originally Posted by andyboombox:

wish i could,guys,but its pointless having a digital camera-i cant afford a laptop for home and youre banned from uploading anything on the library pcs so what can i do?but trust me on this,theyre real-and were very free indeed!i think ive finally hit a good source for boxes.....thats if last weeks little bit of luck wasnt just a one off.....we'll have to see tomorrow.....and by the way,when i got all those grails you all doubted me (bar lav loo,thanks az)and with his help you all saw the evidence!so im up the creek with no facility to upload pics.....and it will be a hell of a time before a pc and a digital camera come in at the recycling centre-and i cant afford them any other way!sorry

Hey andy...I don't doubt you one moment my friend...there not the sort of boxes one would lie about.....but you can buy a camera for £20 these days...everybody has that...good luck anyway bro..

radio.raheem - 2011-04-26 05:35

Btw i may be able to sell you a cheap laptop...just had one in andy..dual core bla bla..i need to check it out first tho...lets forget the cp7 ang get you something you actually need lad....send me a pm when your online next lad...

radio.raheem - 2011-04-28 12:37

Originally Posted by LAV LOO:

that's a very good offer off R RAHEEM their ANDY, go for it, i know i would

Thanks lav...hows it going fella? much better I hope

venturesforth2 - 2011-05-01 13:13

We heard today that no further electricals will leave UK recycling centres unless the buyer has a 'WEE' (waste electrical) licence at a cost of £800 for three years.

andyboombox - 2011-05-03 02:45

well mate me and my mate get em no problem.........but he has an agreement with the owner,and its a private recycling centre anyways........looking forward to my next visit tomorrow..........gf9500 and sanyo m7900 last time,who knows what this time!