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Most Rememberable BoomBox Moment

cman750 - 2011-04-22 07:12

I kicked the beats of my BoomBox on numerous occasions , on the local street corners with friends , basketball courts during the 80's ..One moment that stands out was the Summer of 1983 , myself and my friend had our JVC RC M 90's out in front of the local arcade one Friday evening, we link them together with RCA Jacks, we had the street bumping hard to Pumpkin & The Profile Allstars - Here Comes The Beat ..... Great Memories....!     

radio.raheem - 2011-04-30 14:05

Im sure there are hundreds of these for all of us...one of my best memories is walking around school With my jvc dc33l..with about 1000 kids folowing me...


also I remember being in class with the boombox sitting on the teachers desk....he was repeatedly opning and closing the record deck just amazed at it gliding in and out.........


While he wasn't there I remember us playing motorhead's IRON fist flat out...ohh what fun

brutus442 - 2011-04-30 14:35

Wow....I think the best memory I have is finding the Candle boombox I asked for Christmas when I was 10 (I think?). My Mother hid it very well but I came across it in the basement,hidden but not enough for a curious kid.


For and hour or two I would open it, play some of my tapes and return it back to the box with surgeon-like skill, before she came home from work. This was about a month before Xmas. I still remember that new plastic smell!


Sure enough on Christmas day I opened "the" present and put on my Oscar winning act of utter surprise   after tearing open the wrapping....My mother never knew


I'll never forget those hour long sound sessions in the basement......


I still have that boombox at my mother's house and promise to post a picture soon. It has none of the features my 550 has, and has crappy sound to boot... but it's still my first.





radio.raheem - 2011-04-30 15:22

Nice one brutus...I always used to do that every xmas lol I kinda wish I haddn't now but man I just couldnt help myself...Let's keep this thread going guys would be great to read all those memories....btw brutus lookforward to seing your first boombox...mine was the akai pj33 I remember we all went to a place called swansea my sister bought her first vcr...i think it cost nearly £900 and I was bought my pj33 I remember insisting on going back to the carpark where I played the album flashdance while waiting for everybody to come back...I was 13 wich made the year 1983...

40ozmaniac - 2011-05-01 19:50

You're speaking my language cman750.  I DJ'd through two M90's in the mid-eighties at a high school graduation party.  Had the turntables, mixer, and a couple of crates of records out in my car from the night before and just showed up a the party with my radio and some mix tapes.  Another guy there had his M90 too, and after a few "Olde E's" we came up with the brilliant impromptu idea of setting up the decks and running the whole shebang through the M90's.  Magical!   

cman750 - 2011-05-09 12:51

Thank you very much to all that have   replied in my humble opinion these will be treasured memories in my life (youth) ...makes it extra special to talk and share with others ..much respect ..

brutus442 - 2011-05-09 14:16

Thank you cman for starting this thread:


Just responding to it, brought every memory back from the past!


Radio Raheem; I'm dropping by my mothers place tonight and should be able to snag a photo or two of the "Candle" ...or I like to call it THE CHRISTMAS PRESENT!

litfan - 2011-05-09 14:35

Seeing my first real box in 1979, the aiwa tpr990. My best friends dad was rich, and, bought him one for his 16th birthday. Boy was i jealous.

3.db - 2011-05-09 17:53

The first thing I thought of was late nights on the beach with my girlfriend.

litfan - 2011-05-10 11:07

Unfortunately, there aren`t any any beaches in barnsley, only son`s of .

radio.raheem - 2011-05-10 11:15

Hey lit isn't the 990 the one with that over complicated deck???btw did the 990 sound better than the 880..

litfan - 2011-05-10 14:31

That`s the one lad. Sound, depends on the listener. I prefer the 990. Lot`s here would rather have a bassier 880.

radio.raheem - 2011-05-10 19:51

Thanks Lit...hey Rich know what was a VERY memorable moment for me...you fixing my FIRST sk909...remember that lad...ohh the MEMORIES...I could cry...I don't even have an sk anymore DAMN just thinking about it....ahh

andyboombox - 2011-05-11 03:02

well everybody knows mine......going with two fine blokes down to wales to meet anotrher fine bloke to collect my m90 and gf9000........fricking hell i miss those two boxes now!

litfan - 2011-05-11 12:20

Originally Posted by Radio Raheem:

Thanks Lit...hey Rich know what was a VERY memorable moment for me...you fixing my FIRST sk909...remember that lad...ohh the MEMORIES...I could cry...I don't even have an sk anymore DAMN just thinking about it....ahh

Yeah. I remember the river of wd40 coming out, when i took the back off. Flooded the kitchen.

radio.raheem - 2011-05-11 15:59

Originally Posted by Litfan:
Originally Posted by Radio Raheem:

Thanks Lit...hey Rich know what was a VERY memorable moment for me...you fixing my FIRST sk909...remember that lad...ohh the MEMORIES...I could cry...I don't even have an sk anymore DAMN just thinking about it....ahh

Yeah. I remember the river of wd40 coming out, when i took the back off. Flooded the kitchen.

haha...hell yea rich lol...i remember the photos you took lad it was only the second 909 you did..i think you must have shat yrself....yr a legend in my book lad...always will be...where the fook is ghettoman...havnt spoke to him in about 3 months...

drew - 2011-05-12 05:24

Memerable.....yes, good....no. Nice Aiwa bbx, model # ? was knocked out of a 10th story window at UConn back in 1980. It missed hitting a car by 5 feet ! Absolutely smashed to pieces. If it had hit someone, it would have killed them. University security went room to room looking for where it fell from.....we all stayed silent.

brutus442 - 2011-05-12 05:59

As promised in an earlier post...Pictures of the Candle Xmas present...and a few stragglers dwelling in my mothers basement.


I apologize for the lack of cleanliness in advance. Mom's basement + quick in/out photo = no clean time


Ladies and Gents...the Candle and a Prosonic PQR 9850 and some poor Yorx/Sears unit



cman750 - 2011-05-12 07:27

Wow ...that was my first box ..saved all summer for it , $197.00 bought it at consumers , it sounded great ...huge memories ...where it all began for me....I have a picture of myself with it, when I was 14-15 yrs old way back ....Thank you so much ...

litfan - 2011-05-12 08:06

Originally Posted by Radio Raheem:
Originally Posted by Litfan:
Originally Posted by Radio Raheem:

Thanks Lit...hey Rich know what was a VERY memorable moment for me...you fixing my FIRST sk909...remember that lad...ohh the MEMORIES...I could cry...I don't even have an sk anymore DAMN just thinking about it....ahh

Yeah. I remember the river of wd40 coming out, when i took the back off. Flooded the kitchen.

haha...hell yea rich lol...i remember the photos you took lad it was only the second 909 you did..i think you must have shat yrself....yr a legend in my book lad...always will be...where the fook is ghettoman...havnt spoke to him in about 3 months...

I remember that 909. A piece had come out of it`s socket. I should have really glued it back, but, i just shoved it back in. It came out again, didn`t it?

litfan - 2011-05-12 08:07

Where`s gman, and, ben (royal). Hope they are both ok.

brutus442 - 2011-05-12 14:37

cman750, You're bang on. "Santa" indeed purchased this Candle at Consumers Distributing. She's in rough shape but at some point I'll give her a little TLC and bring her back to form.


It now has many features that are not available the best boomboxes back in the 80's



-It mangles tapes with Rolls Royce precision

-The antenna will stay up if there's no seismic activity on earth

-FM radio stations can be heard only when the planets line up in perfect harmony

-There are "dead zones" between On/Off, AM/FM, Normal/Chrome, switches that I swear can still receive signals from distant galaxies.


But it's still my favourite...

radio.raheem - 2011-05-12 21:46

Originally Posted by Litfan:
Originally Posted by Radio Raheem:
Originally Posted by Litfan:
Originally Posted by Radio Raheem:

Thanks Lit...hey Rich know what was a VERY memorable moment for me...you fixing my FIRST sk909...remember that lad...ohh the MEMORIES...I could cry...I don't even have an sk anymore DAMN just thinking about it....ahh

Yeah. I remember the river of wd40 coming out, when i took the back off. Flooded the kitchen.

haha...hell yea rich lol...i remember the photos you took lad it was only the second 909 you did..i think you must have shat yrself....yr a legend in my book lad...always will be...where the fook is ghettoman...havnt spoke to him in about 3 months...

I remember that 909. A piece had come out of it`s socket. I should have really glued it back, but, i just shoved it back in. It came out again, didn`t it?

That's the nature of the 909 rich...i later found that out when  i stripped one down some years later...gman basically dosen't like the style of this new forum...and some members aint been nice to him..to say the least...god knows why he don't like the new layout lad, I diddn't but tell ya I much prefure the layout now..altho i do miss the old one,,thing that peevs me of Rich i spent hundreds on the blower to paul...we used to get on realy well lad...but now he is blankin me out aswell...It's up to him now I juat can't be bothered...although he means the world to me...perhaps he just neads a break like when you used to bugger off bro...

erniejade - 2011-05-24 14:57

walking around school With my jvc dc33l..

Must have been strong back in school!!  Heavy unit!  LOL

retro - 2011-05-24 15:09

Originally Posted by cman750:

Wow ...that was my first box ..saved all summer for it , $197.00 bought it at consumers , it sounded great ...huge memories ...where it all began for me....I have a picture of myself with it, when I was 14-15 yrs old way back ....Thank you so much ...

Similar story, I walked miles as a foot messenger to finally get that GF-800Z I always wanted when I was 15, and it was well worth it.

ghettoman - 2011-05-24 15:41

i got a GF9500 in 1983,but it used to kill batteries for fun,so i got a 12v motorbike battery,fixed it to it,cant recall how,then used to take it every where with me,even to school,the teachers did'nt like it,but everyone else did.one thing good about it,i could blast it for days and the battery never went flat..

dragonhead00 - 2011-06-03 02:35

I got my M70 while I was in Jr. High. I was know as the guy with the box that always played ''Superfreak''. Good times. I used to let some girls borrow it during school. I was such a nerd.