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tom.d - 2011-05-01 15:53

So i got a small toshiba RT-120s to listen to music while i skate however on the back it has a left and right 3.5mm jacks (i think) so i got all the cables i need and plugged my ipod in but there was nothing. I just need some advice or some help being as i am new to boomboxs.
Thank you  

redbenjoe - 2011-05-01 16:07

hi tom --


does your toshiba have a switch for aux-in or line-in ?


if not --you might have to insert a cassette and press

record -

on some models --thats the only line-in procedure

tom.d - 2011-05-01 16:13

thank you sooo much
its playing now but its really quiet :/

brigadier.vytas - 2011-05-03 12:37

Unfortunately Toshiba rt-120s is only recording, but not playing at the same time..I've made a simple line in possibility on that model, but i can't  find pics now and i do not own that tosh anymore, couse i have sold it. With some help of my mate-technician, i've connected wires to volume potentiometer, but i don't remember which contacts are needed. Maybe u could ask for help at some local repair shop? Also, u can use a simple cassette adaptor for your iPod listening.

they are cheap, and they are available everywhere. Just press cassette's "play", and u will hear music from your iPod. The only bad thing is that cassette's motor will work (even if u press "pause"), and boombox will eat batteries much faster. U can simply cut one of the motor power cables off, if u are not listening to cassettes. If u are using them, u can add a secret button (on the bbx's back for example) for motor's "on" and "off". If u will decide to open that Toshiba and do something inside, don't forger to open cassettes door, there u will find the 5'th crew:].

Hope that helps and sorry for my english. Good luck!

tom.d - 2011-05-04 08:33

cheers dude
ill give it a try 

andyboombox - 2011-05-05 02:44

hey tom d ive had a number of boxes that had the same problem as your toshiba has-hook up the line in and then very low volume output.....try a few of these ideas....swap the line in connectors for another set if you have them,try fiddling with the volume on the toshiba or the volume on your source equipment (i pod,cd player etc)and see if that helps you out.i tried the line in for the first time on my gf9500 recently,but it was all muffled.....for me i was using an old walkman so it could have been the walkman at fault........but check your ipod/cd player or whatever your using too for faults......but brigadiers idea is sound........that kid does know what hes on about so one way or another you'll sort it

brigadier.vytas - 2011-05-05 08:26

thanks, mate..