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Any info on the aiwa ca100 thanks...

radio.raheem - 2011-05-04 12:20

Just bought one cheap off the bay and wondering if there is any info on this model....I already own the ca70 wich to me sounds as good as the aiwa 880 just not as loud....Im hoping there isn't much wrong with the ca100 as I have bought it as untested but im up for a chalange as I have always wanted a ca100 but diddn't think they were sold over here and I diddn't expect to get her so cheap..any info apriciated thanks...

retro - 2011-05-04 15:12

Here's what I have RR.





radio.raheem - 2011-05-04 16:37

WOW thanks RETRO reading through all this reminds me of the old days...Im wondering what this unit would be like compaired to say the sharp gx300...I won't be able to find out as my gx300 is long gone....but one thing  is for shure the ca70 is one of my favorite units...if the ca100 needs little work wich im hoping...this will be one of my best buys in a long time...

andyboombox - 2011-05-05 03:08

i can only reiterate what tim says RETRO,thanks a million for those catalogue scans......those ca's really are gorgeous-never had any of them (only aiwas ive had are tpr990/935/968 and a 180 mono i have right now).......i have got to get me one of these!!!!!

radio.raheem - 2011-05-07 15:49

Retro my friend can you read the scans (or the book for me and let me know how many d size cells this aiwa takes??thanks man..the reason I ask is the ca70 takes 9 but my only cratique of the ca70 is that it isn't awfully loud...otherwize I would probbly prefure it to the 880...

chiplayer - 2011-05-07 18:50

I have a ca100 and I like it.  The speakers were blown so I cannot comment on the amount of bass it has but when the DSL is on, I'm guessing it would be great.  You'll like this one, it's heavy and built well.  I'm sure you'll like it!

retro - 2011-05-07 19:15

Just curious, how does the passive radiator function on the CA-70 with woofers mounted in separate cabinets? I  always thought they benefit mostly from the woofer's direct back wave.

radio.raheem - 2011-05-07 19:28

first of thanks again Retro...kind dissapointing that the 100 only takes 9 cells....for the price I have paid im not realy expecting much mate...


regarding the radiator on the ca70... there are or is a small hole in the side of each speaker that is when linked to the main unit powers the radiator...sadly my radiator is long gon but for the size of the radiator I highly doubt it being there would have much affect on the sound....It's much smaller than say the 880 passive radiator..

retro - 2011-05-07 19:31

Ok cool, thanks for clearing that up for me.

radio.raheem - 2011-05-07 19:32

Originally Posted by Chiplayer:

I have a ca100 and I like it.  The speakers were blown so I cannot comment on the amount of bass it has but when the DSL is on, I'm guessing it would be great.  You'll like this one, it's heavy and built well.  I'm sure you'll like it!

Hey dude thanks man im thinking I am going to like this one..hey do you have your origional speakers???if so there may be a chance they just need reafoaming..I'ts quite easy to do...don't let other peoples discription of foaming speakers put you pff...because It is pretty streight forward..


hang on guys Ill post a link to the auction, not sure why I diddn't in the first place...

radio.raheem - 2011-05-07 19:37



Ther's my ca 100...Retro check the pm im about to send you... thanks mate

radio.raheem - 2011-05-07 19:54

Originally Posted by retro:

Got it, thanks 

 Get it or i will lol

radio.raheem - 2011-05-12 03:48

Well it's here hann't opened it yet...to buisy but my god it ways a geometric ton...impressions later...if it works...

radio.raheem - 2011-05-12 18:49

Well half of it works guys..decks dead...cant here no motor..not sure what to do..


Important....Does anybody actually know the size of the actual bass cones...i need to order some foam surrounds...i don't have a tape measure eather...thanks...one thing is for sure she is a battered girl but i Totally already love this thing....and would love to see her brought back to life...i just totally love them  led meters...so if sombody knows the size of the bass cones that would be sweet...i would like to order the surrounds asap..cheerz guys..

radio.raheem - 2011-05-12 22:05

Well it's in bits...I can't get her back togeather grrrrr