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badbboy - 2011-05-27 14:28

I wanna buy a Lasonic i931 in the next few weeks and would like to know what you all think about them .I have read reviews that say they are flimsily built and some say not very bassey but others say great sound and performance .Please help.

teamstress - 2011-05-27 17:44

The sound is hard to explain. There isn't a lot of bass. It has an almost hollow sound, well not really, it's a shallow sound. I don't know if it was tuned like that intentionally for today's music, or to use the i-pod's built in eq. 

Even turning the bass up doesn't seem to help. I don't have an i-pod but I do use the usb mp-3 feature which is nice.

I don't feel that it's that flimsy but the all plastic handle makes seem so. 

More negatives: the fake tuner graphics and the radio id feature that scrolls too much to get all the info right.

I still like mine, can't beat that "new boombox smell"!

ghettoman - 2011-05-28 01:42

If it was me,i would buy one,because Lasonic are the only company left thats keeping the classic boombox looks going,its about as classic you are going to get,plus it does soo much more than an old skool box,with ipod dock,usb,not sure if it has card slot,but its a classic looking box with the modern tweek..well worth having,easy to find,and its usually a buy it now so you wont get tangled in a bidding war,and i'm guessing with 8" woofers,surely it should give quite good sound..

i'de say if you are thinking of getting one,Just go for it man !

blaster - 2011-05-28 23:36

i had one....its a nifty box...with cool features including a remote....with eye candy....it thumps and goes loud...but true it could of used a bit more punch at the bass dept....still a nice box anyone could enjoy...