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Philips D8304

badbboy - 2011-05-29 14:38

I am thinking of buying one of these .I have seen one quite cheap.But I would like to know if they are any good or should I steer clear of it.What sort of power and performance do thay produce.Any info please.

ghettoman - 2011-05-29 15:51

if its the one i'm thinking about,its the one with the 3 speakers on the front,its kind of a remake of a D8444,if it is,i remember a friend of mine having one in his workshop,they aint top of the range looking,they look a bit plasticky and a bit cheapo,but it sounded quite good,talking of a D8444,i saw one on the car boot this morning,the guy wanted £8 for it and would'nt budge any lower,but it was in a right old state so i walked away..

lav.loo - 2011-05-30 01:53

not sure on that particular box BB, if your going to go for a philips go for a d8614 sound machine, they look very nice and sound fab,  you can pick them up quiet cheap too

badbboy - 2011-05-30 02:55

Originally Posted by LAV LOO:

not sure on that particular box BB, if your going to go for a philips go for a d8614 sound machine, they look very nice and sound fab,  you can pick them up quiet cheap too

This is the unit lads .

davebush - 2011-05-30 03:09

iv got one of these BB....£20 plus shipping and its yours