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lav.loo - 2011-06-02 10:25

hi guys, just havin a nosy through the boxes on ebay US an saw this kenwood box, i never even knew kenwood made any boxes, looks very high quality, here,s the link check it out  http://cgi.ebay.com/RARE-KENWOOD-DC-20X-TAPE-BOOMBOX-GHETTOBLASTER-JAPAN-/200607265233?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_2&hash=item2eb51ff1d1

redbenjoe - 2011-06-02 10:55

member hifitom from germany should know all

about this model

isolator42 - 2011-06-02 23:48

this post explains more:


"...Basically, Kenwood made this cool little portable unit called a DC-20X that has a built in tape player, tuner, speakers,removable rechargeable battery, and power supply units. When you're at home, pop the power supply unit in, stack it on top of the DC-20P and listen through a pair (or two) of speakers , and use the DC-20X as your phono preamp/tuner/cassette. When you're travelling, remove the Power supply unit, pop in the battery, and use the internal speakers to listen to the radio, play tapes, whatever. Very 80s, but very imaginative!"

hifitom - 2011-06-08 04:43

Yes, I got this unit (got 2 of them) - they normaly come in a aluminium carry box (take a look at my collection, there is a picture of this one). Nice unit, great sound stage, not to much bass but quality is great!



lav.loo - 2011-06-08 09:54

thanks for the input TOM