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Only Fools And Horses

badbboy - 2011-06-16 14:41

Just finished watching Only Fools And Horses and noticed that they had a ghettoblaster as well.Can anyone name it .

metad - 2011-06-16 15:28

Hitachi TRK-8290

ghettoman - 2011-06-16 16:33

yep it is an 8290,i sold mine on the bay a while ago,i like them,they look good and nice and loud, but they'r a bit bass shy for me..thats the only reason i sold it..

andyboombox - 2011-06-17 02:06

yeah its an 8290 hitachi-they also used a hitachi 3 piece in the 'grandad era' episodes-normally sat on the mantel piece at the back of the room nearest the bedroom door-think it was one of those military looking ones-i forget the model number-then in the episode 'to hull and back,denzil uses a hitachi trk 9100e on a shoulder strap when he gets in his lorry,plus the same box appears in several scenes in similar age episodes-im also an only fools fan you see-so what episode is this,when rodney has the 8290?thought i had all the old ones on video,and if not ive certainly seen all of them,but i dont for the life of me remember this one?????

badbboy - 2011-06-17 03:50

Originally Posted by andyboombox:

yeah its an 8290 hitachi-they also used a hitachi 3 piece in the 'grandad era' episodes-normally sat on the mantel piece at the back of the room nearest the bedroom door-think it was one of those military looking ones-i forget the model number-then in the episode 'to hull and back,denzil uses a hitachi trk 9100e on a shoulder strap when he gets in his lorry,plus the same box appears in several scenes in similar age episodes-im also an only fools fan you see-so what episode is this,when rodney has the 8290?thought i had all the old ones on video,and if not ive certainly seen all of them,but i dont for the life of me remember this one?????

The episode is called "Long Legs Of The Law".Rodney dates a police woman .

subbo - 2011-06-17 05:34

denzil also has 1 on a shoulder strap when hes roller skating in the park, not sure what the episode is called, but it's the 1 where del lends his redundancy money.

denzil skates past del and slaps his hand with a rare butterfly on them

ghettoman - 2011-06-18 03:23

I watched an episode of spaced last night from 2001 with simon pegg and Nick Frost,and simon pegg had a Sanyo M9998,he held it up in the air and it shown it quite close up..

andyboombox - 2011-10-19 02:45

its awesome to see boxes used as they were intended.....in original tv and film clips.just brilliant.the bbc must have had a contract with hitachi at some point because its always hitachi products that turn up.....even in later 80s episodes you see boxed smaller hitachi boomboxes high up on the shelf above the door in dels flat-but they never make it out of the box to make a personal appearance by then.it would be interesting to know who made the suggestion of hitachi to the producers of only fools originally!either way they got plenty of coverage-the 8290 in the long legs of the law looks absolutely stunning-shining away in the cameralight in all its brand-newness!!!!ive just got the 8190 yesterday-and heres hoping i can have her looking so good eventually!!!!!

bendycat - 2011-10-19 03:36

GARY - that's a nice name

ghettoman - 2011-10-19 19:43

i dont know if anyone feels like trenching through hours and hours of French and saunders from years ago,but there was an episode where french n saunders was dressed in track suits, and (i think) they were dancing and rapping,and on a side table was a box,not sure what it was,but it was shaped like a discolite type of thing,i'm not 100% but i'm sure it had 4 gold bass speakers along the bottom,i only ever saw it for a minute or so,and it was years ago..but i'de love to see that box again !!

brigadier.vytas - 2011-10-21 05:23

I'm keepin' it only becouse of the good look.

pioneer - 2011-10-22 10:20

He hold's that box like it's his baby...the same way i feel bout my boomer's not willing to ever part....very nice Ghettoblaster there.

ao - 2011-10-24 07:36

Call yourselves experts?  This is not in fact a TRK-8290, look again, this one is something much rarer.

metad - 2011-10-24 07:46

what's your version, Agentorange?

bison - 2011-10-24 08:58

it looks smaller than  a trk 8290..

- 2011-10-24 09:40

Originally Posted by agentorange:

Call yourselves experts?  This is not in fact a TRK-8290, look again, this one is something much rarer.


as only his http://www.radiohier.com/blaster.php place has a picture of this with the Exact Cassette door Sticker???

isolator42 - 2011-10-25 02:42

yeh, c'mon Cris, what's the jackanory?

litfan - 2011-10-25 12:11

That is a rare one. I don`t know what it is. It has soft-touch controls like the 8800, but, it isn`t an 8800. C`mon cris lad, gives us the full SP.

metad - 2011-10-26 04:08

exactly TRK-8290.

those are not soft-touch buttons, Litfan, they are shadows of the flat mechanical keys, like on the attached picture: shadows more narrow, than flat keys.


And box from screenshot has 6 mode keys, and TRK-880 only - 5.




radio.raheem - 2011-10-27 03:17

There is one on ebay now...there not rare,,,,,and as usual from hitatchi..not very good...


about the best boxes hitatch made were the 3d series

isolator42 - 2011-10-27 03:32

Originally Posted by radio raheem:

...the best boxes hitatch made were the 3d series

Now there's a guy who knows what he's talking about... 

radio.raheem - 2011-10-27 03:47

paul do you have any hitatch to sell...im looking for a working wierd one....it has cd twin tape..but most notibly a hyper bass type thing on the front

radio.raheem - 2011-10-27 03:50

I think it's the cx500 or something like that

isolator42 - 2011-10-27 04:24

OK Tim, my lad... Hitachi 3D, twin decks & CD...

The "twin drive" with 4 speakers across the front is the CX-W500.

The "acoustic super woofer" with the centre woofer not visible (like the JVC Hyper Bass system) is the CX-W900, or the CX-W950 which adds a digital tuner.


None for sale right now...

radio.raheem - 2011-10-27 04:28

Originally Posted by isolator42:

OK Tim, my lad... Hitachi 3D, twin decks & CD...

The "twin drive" with 4 speakers across the front is the CX-W500.

The "acoustic super woofer" with the centre woofer not visible (like the JVC Hyper Bass system) is the CX-W900, or the CX-W950 which adds a digital tuner.


None for sale right now...

Thanks lad...hey wanna sell your dsl aiwa 130 quid....christmas is coming you know

isolator42 - 2011-10-27 04:28





radio.raheem - 2011-10-27 04:51

Thats the one paul son....what a great read....that fella has mad mad skills....wonder if he is still on here...he diserves a medal

isolator42 - 2011-10-27 05:47

Originally Posted by radio raheem:
...hey wanna sell your dsl aiwa 130 quid...

Do you mean the HS-PX101 walkman?

If so, sorry mate, not a chance - way too much sentimental value. The fact that it's one of the best sounding walkmen ever made is a bonus... 

radio.raheem - 2011-10-27 05:51

That's what i was hoping you would say....i have one.....they are superb when they workwanna fix mine lad

isolator42 - 2011-10-27 06:41

beyond re-belting & anything simple & mechanical, I wouldn't know where to start...

plop - 2011-10-27 07:00

RR - Are you still looking to fix your PX101? Thought you lost interest when you mislaid the battery holder for it.

radio.raheem - 2011-10-27 10:50

im gunna get them boxed up plop....i forgot all about our conversation......i found the battry cover a few days ago


cheerz paul....ypur a gem as usual

deliverance - 2011-10-28 12:04

looks like the 8190 mine looks the same.

brigadier.vytas - 2011-10-28 23:39

Dear experts, what is the difference between 8190 and 8290?

- 2011-10-29 05:43

Originally Posted by Brigadier Vytas:

Dear experts, what is the difference between 8190 and 8290?

One Hundred ( 100 )     

deliverance - 2011-10-29 11:54

Originally Posted by James Craven Pierce:
Originally Posted by Brigadier Vytas:

Dear experts, what is the difference between 8190 and 8290?

One Hundred ( 100 )     

i am confused now just noticed 8190 has seven keys the one in pictures has 6 !

ao - 2011-11-07 02:54

Yeah, sorry ladies and gents.  OK, the Hitachi in pics 3 & 4 is the very common version with the mechanical transport keys howvere the one in pics 1 & 2 is the super rare touch logic one.  Ric, didn't you buy one a few years ago & we all laughed cos you paid 700 quid for it or something, though the figure of 225 quid sticks in my mind?


Hi all btw, sorry about the radio silence, in the middle of a house build that's spiraling out of control.

metad - 2011-11-07 05:26

Originally Posted by agentorange:

  howvere the one in pics 1 & 2 is the super rare touch logic one.  


Just name it, what is it in your opinion

badbboy - 2011-11-07 05:37

Originally Posted by BadBboy:

Just finished watching Only Fools And Horses and noticed that they had a ghettoblaster as well.Can anyone name it .

Just saw the old Childs Play film on tv last night and old bums and hobos in the alleyway had a great big ghettoblaster on a crate . I thought it was a Super Jumbo or Connion .Anyone know the real make .............

ao - 2011-11-07 08:24

Haha, OK, it's the 8800


ao - 2011-11-07 08:26

Actually, ignore me, I'm talking out my arse....  again

metad - 2011-11-07 10:52

Originally Posted by agentorange:

Haha, OK, it's the 8800

You are mistaken. 

it's a 8290.

just compare the details, (in the middle - box from screenshot), 

tweeters, tweeters area, mics, placement of the tape counter, 'Hitachi' logo, DPRS display, number of the tape mode keys, 'metal' logo on the tape door, etc, etc. 


every tiny detail on the front panel of the 8800 is different.



ao - 2011-11-07 11:53

Hahaha, yes, you're right

max.waterman - 2015-06-14 12:48

I'd like to know what Del Boy is holding....it doesn't have speakers, but it sure looks like a stereo system to me; perhaps a micro/mini rack system of some kind, right at the end :
<https://youtu.be/TKOIaeeLhI0> What do you think?