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Divorcing, my collection has to go....

jamescyberjoe - 2011-07-09 12:30

Ok everyone, here's your chance of a lifetime to score a HUGE collection of boomboxes.

JVC's, Rising, Sony's, Panasonics,Famous ones, no name ones, huge ones, little ones, etc etc. I have at least 30 or so and I'm only asking $200 for the whole nine yards.

They all work but may need work from sitting, but all are clean and presentable.

I assure you, you will be surprised even awed at what I have packed in my basement.

All for only $200.

Now here's the catch:

You MUST be able to come pick them up. I do not ship. I do not have the time.

Please do not email me asking if I have the Conion this or the JVC that.

This is a take it all or leave it deal. I will not part it out or piece it out.

This is "as is where is". No warranties are implied. This stuff is old for the most part.


If I get any serious inquiries I will email that person some actual pictures of what I have.

I live in the New York city area.


I also have a huge amount home audio gear and video equipment. Plus CB's and ham radio gear. If the right person wants it and gives me $300 they can take it all.


I am offering this stuff to the community first before it goes to a local electronics recycler.


Please, I am going thru a rough time in my life now and I need to sell my home. But before I do I need to get rid of the piles of electronics I have accumulated over the years.

I'm doing a serious downsizing and I need your help.


Thanks. My name is James and my email is jamescyberjoe@hotmail.com




driptip - 2011-07-09 16:50

this is so sad man, good luck on everything you do,

and for the radios someone is going to score big here.

redbenjoe - 2011-07-09 21:36

sorry to hear all that --divorce matters suck--always--


i sent a PM to member lopez in nyc-

he will prolly buy them

l.lopez - 2011-07-11 03:30

I'm in Manhattan New York. PM your address and let me know when I can pass by and pick them up, I'm off tues-wed-thurs.

jamescyberjoe - 2011-07-12 15:06

I have videos up on youtube to watch, here's a link and you'll see the other videos there as well....thanks!


jamescyberjoe - 2011-07-12 15:08

and here.....



ghettoman - 2011-07-12 15:42

ohh sh*t,i really do feel so sorry for you man #

All that gear is worth alot more than $300,if i was in usa i would be there in a shot..

i've been through all the seperation n stuff,seperated after 20 years,it was hard at first but it gets easier,i'm kind of glad i'm on my own now,so its turned out good for me..hope you can be happy again one day..as we say in uk,chin up mate,just got to pick yourself up and carry on,good luck joe,and i hope someone buys all that from you,and who ever does,they will be getting a true bargain !!

i reckon you have about 300 items there,if you sold each item for $10 each,you would get $3000

plop - 2011-07-12 15:49

It is sad to read that you are divorcing. All the best wishes in your future plans.


That is truly an impressive collection. May whoever that takes it all away give each item in your collection the time and care they deserve. It would be a shame to have that big a collection broken up and sold off piecemeal. Here's hoping that you are able to give these to a real collector and not someone looking to turn a profit out of your terrible circumstance.

ghettoman - 2011-07-12 16:06

jamescyberJoe.. is there no way of storing all of that at a friend or reletives house until you have sorted everything out ? or have you thought of doing a garage sale ? surely you would get way way more than you are asking,just for the kaboom and a i931 and a couple others..you are not asking enough,you are losing out bigtime !!!

jamescyberjoe - 2011-07-12 16:40

let me put this in perspective......so you know what I'm up against and you'll see what I'm really losing and to let this serve as a warning to any guy who wants to get married.


My house is being foreclosed on and we have to vacate by next month.

I'm living on my mother's couch....

Half my pay is going for child support and utilities for now.

I'm defending myself against claims of legal fees and temporary spousal support.

Her lawyer is claiming this stuff is community property unless I give it away.

So I'd rather give it away for a song than split the true value of it with her.

I can't afford a storage unit and if I could they could take this stuff to settle the legal issues that would arise.

I do not have the time or the resources to sell.

So with that sad song being said.....my loss will be somebody's gain.

If it's any consolation I'd rather see this stuff go to someone who appreciates it for a song than let these damn lawyers take it or order me to give it to her.

When your a man in this country and you married...without a prenup...you have no rights....I'm learning this lesson the hard way...The odds are against you when your a man in the court system.

That's my story and thats why my collection has to go so cheaply otherwise I know the true value of this stuff.

ghettoman - 2011-07-12 17:19

man that bad..cant you just put the whole lot on ebay,3 day sale,cash on collection ? start the bids low ? you will definately get a good price.alot more than $300

radio.raheem - 2011-07-12 17:38

Surley there must be sombody on here or boomboxery that can store it for you....I know i would If i were over there and able.....what a pita...i feel your pain

jamescyberjoe - 2011-07-13 05:49

The problem with E-bay is that it's expensive to sell stuff on there.Then Paypal wants their cut and the whole thing is traceable and whatnot. I have to go outside the system so to say so funds cannot be traced. PLUS the amount of work getting this stuff out is mind boggling. So by letting someone else do the work of clearing it out and getting a few bucks on the side and denying it to my ex....is worth it to me plus we have to be out soon so time is of the essence. I have several members here taking stuff and their helping me out financially so I'm happy under the circumstances. 

stereo2go - 2011-07-13 19:01



This is awful, I'm really sorry to hear about this.  If I were closer, I'd swing by.  Thanks for trying to find a good home for this stuff.


Before letting it all go to recycling, don't forget about craigslist.


I'm sure you'll get some decent money to get a few bills paid.


I'm glad some friends are helping you!

jamescyberjoe - 2011-07-14 05:35

I sold a lot of stuff on craigslist already but the longer you stay on there the sooner the scammers crawl out of the woodwork. It's a good medium for sure but I have someone coming today who will be offering me a good price on the whole lot so I should do OK...thanks!

l.lopez - 2011-07-14 20:57

Well I went today to see James and pick everything and WOW and I mean WOW there was a lot to pick up, Goodthing I rented a truck. There was a lot of everything I mean home speakers, DJ equipment, Boomboxes, Amplifiers, Tape decks. Well evrything electronic you can possible imagine. This man James is a humble and a fantastic person to deal with. If he ever sell some items up on ebay please check out his stuff is clean very cared for and in working condition not trash. Really good stuff. James thank you so much and things will get better for you and the rest of the good people. Life is hard but stay strong and you and all of us should over come and suceed. You are a great person and you will find love again and a special someone, You have a great kid there and I can tell he really loves you and will miss you., So spend a lot of time with him. He knows your a great dad. I also got separated from my wife and to me is a wonderful thing I met this chineese girl is of the hook. SHe is very energetic and there is plenty of boom boom . My son met her and even he even thinks shes hot. I have to hook him up with a chineese chick. Goodnight James.  

stereo2go - 2011-07-14 21:22

Originally Posted by L LOPEZ:

plenty of boom boom


ghettoman - 2011-07-15 01:43

Hey L.L thats a great post man..i do feel sorry for him..i have been through it myself,its the most awfull thing,but i reckon he's found a good friend with you man.. 


subbo - 2011-07-15 04:41

thats unbelievable, someone is gonna get some fantastic deal there.

i wish i lived in nyc, really feel for you man ive never seen so much equipment in 1 place

jamescyberjoe - 2011-07-15 14:52

Thanks Mike! You're a nice man and I appreciate you helping me out. It did my heart good to see you appreciate what I had, it really did! At least I know it will be cared for and loved just like I did. My son was fascinated by it. I gave him a few things too and I love my children I'd jump in front of a truck for them. I spend as much time with my kids as possible because they need me and they need their father in their life.I only see them twice a week but it makes the special times special. This weekend I'm taking them everywhere! It's gonna be a great weekend!

Anyway Mike Thanks again, you're the best!!!!!!!1

docs - 2011-07-15 15:29

Amen bro.

jamescyberjoe - 2011-07-15 17:37

LOL plenty of boom boom LOL

radio.raheem - 2011-07-15 18:56

Im glad everything has worked out here with you guys,,,,nowt wrong with boom boom hehe...It makes the world go round and get bigger

40ozmaniac - 2011-07-21 20:24

I was on line for some James stuff I saw in the video but couldn't possibly take it all - it was an extrordinary collection and I had no where to put it!  James you're a great guy,  I wish you all the best.  Best, V

boehm145 - 2011-07-23 08:52

hey james,what kind of jvc,s do you have?? i would buy some of em but it aint cheap getting to ny from NJ. turnpike will cost me about 5.00 and the G.W.B is 8.00...do you think you can cut that from the price ??

redbenjoe - 2011-07-23 13:47

take the holland tunnel and save $$

brutus442 - 2011-07-23 14:04

Hey James,


Sorry about the situation but you're a hell of an inspiration to all...especially to your kids.


Keep your head up my friend, clearer skies are ahead...

jamescyberjoe - 2011-07-23 17:25

Thanks everyone for the words of inspirations...but the most thanks go to Mike boombox....he really helped me out by finding a home for my collection.


boehm145 your tolls are YOUR problem. Your travel costs are to be paid by YOU. You sound like a pain in the ass. Go to Englishtown flea market and bargain there. Besides it's gone now...thanks to Mike L.

boehm145 - 2011-07-23 17:43

hey james,payin those tolls is not a problem..that was just a joke man...,good 4 you that you sold your stuff...thanks for the englishtown tip though..i just might pay them a visit..

mitchelljames - 2011-07-24 01:45

Just read this thread through from the start, wow that was a lot of tech, really sorry to hear your story James but glad you managed to work out a deal with a member on here.

Good luck with the future bud.

fraser.dow - 2011-07-24 15:52

I'll agree with MitchellJames your story is sad but your passion hasn't waned and at least you are certain that everything has gone to a good owner. You could hear in the videos the emotion of what was happening to you and that really made it hit home. I wish you all the best mate, and along with the earlier British post do keep your chin up!

jamescyberjoe - 2011-07-24 17:50

Thanks again everyone....it painned me to part with that collection.....but I had to.....kept a few just for posterity's sake....thanks Boehm145 for clearing the air there