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8989 - 99p

bison - 2011-07-13 08:19

hi folks won this on ebay just picked it up,thought it was going to be a mission collecting,but it only took me an hour round trip.

felt guilty just giving him a pound,the belts are ok and overall condition is ok.

i was gonna go all out on ebay this week aswell untill the exhaust fell off my car on monday.




ghettoman - 2011-07-13 09:54

thats a mint deal man,i love my 8989,its beautifull to look at,and for its size its full of sound and bass..you should have bunged him a 10 spot,i always do if i win something very cheap,i won some seperates last week sold to me as spares or repair,but i needed them to fix mine,i won them for 99p + £7 postage,so i rounded it up to £20 to make it worth their while,i did'nt have to but its the kinda guy i am..i always do it...

bison - 2011-07-13 10:11

yeah i definately felt bad not dropping him a note,i only had change,think he thought i was a dealer the way he quizzed me about ebay,i told him that id recently started collecting

retro - 2011-07-13 10:56

That's a great deal bison, I always liked the looks of the 8989. Congrats

metad - 2011-07-13 11:57

Originally Posted by bison:


felt guilty just giving him a pound, 




yeah, send him a number of ££, just to thank him

that will make you happy, you'll see  

money is nothing.



radio.raheem - 2011-07-13 13:17

Congrats bison if only we could see more bargins like this...every box we buy these days you tend to need a mortgage for.....nice one...well done...

bison - 2011-07-14 04:04

thanks guys,99p and probably my best box,got a c3 the other week that is in really good nick but i paid 40 quid for it,i would have spent it on this.

kennedy - 2011-07-14 04:38

Dude, I was watching this too. I'm in the Midlands so was real tempted, couldn't believe it only went for 99p! - you did good though man, very classic looking box the 8989. I have 2 of them already so probably best I didn't get involved . . . Nice one.



andyboombox - 2011-07-14 07:38

mine was a fiver-and in a lot worse a condition lol so well done-i still love mine tho!

bison - 2011-07-14 10:34

yo kennedy the ad said stoke but it was more like congleton so it was north of stoke which was helpfull,i was expecting a long drive,i prefer to pick em up.

sent the guy a postal order today...it was bad karma not to,felt like earl crossing one off his list.

ghettoman - 2011-07-14 15:14

that was a kool think to do bison man,makes you feel alot better..yes i beleve in karma..dont know why,but i do like to cover myself,make sure i've done my good deed for the day..