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conion c-100f

rochmike - 2011-07-21 10:40

why is the conion c-100f so difficult to find..searched every where..

redbenjoe - 2011-07-21 14:05

what country are you in ?

on USA ebay --there are usually a dozen or more per year

rochmike - 2011-07-21 23:48

in the USA..thanks for getting back.....i'll keep on checking on ebay...

bendycat - 2011-07-24 05:32

people tend to keep them - if you got a nice box back in the day, then you loved it well and know what it is worth and tend not to want to let it go

- 2011-07-24 17:57

We thought that we would chime in with:


if you go to Google then - Google video, then paste into there ( Conion C-100F ) we have made a few video comparison's there in the first page...


We have one (1) Huge Conion C-100F that we are keeping until there are no more comparison's thought of to play against the Conion C-100F in requested video's. 


This is the "only reason" why we have one, Because;  after we bought one back in the day amid much hoopla about this unit - we Discovered that we dont like it as we believe that it is too large to lug around and then play it outside as that is where we play all of "our" Battery-operated portable boombox's!!


Yes this is can be a very Loud unit but the sound is not as precise as we like it to be for the music we play...boomy an schrill.


Then and only then We will sell the Conion C-100F. p.s. Plus also after we use the belts in the envelope to fix the bottom deck - sent to us by a fellow collector. but we dont believe that the bottom deck will improve the sound by much. 


It just depends upon on how long it will take to sell all of the large box's we have, to finally put this Conion C-100F out for sale. we get request's all the time to sell it but we politely turn the offer's down utill we are satisfied that we have done enough video comparisions.

boehm145 - 2011-07-25 08:44

Ebay has just listed a conion CRC-H84FC.looks to be in very good shape..

- 2011-07-25 08:48

Originally Posted by boehm145:

Ebay has just listed a conion CRC-H84FC.looks to be in very good shape..

As we seen that last night on ebay we were thinking of putting up our's for much less & somewhat less than is stated in the text of the only Video in the world of that model...